Birch sap for the benefit to the body is called an elixir of health. The use of birch sap: is it harmful or beneficial?


In the early spring, with the first thaws and swelling of the buds, the internal circulation of sap begins in trees - the so-called spring sap flow.

The period of peak circulation in birch is easily determined: it is enough to make an injection on its white trunk, and if droplets of juice protrude, it can be collected.

On a note: many signs are associated with the release of juice. For example, if there is a lot of it, it will be in rainy summer and vice versa.

In the daytime, the most intense sap flow is observed, at night the tree “rests”, “sleeps”. The amount of juice depends on the age of the tree and the diameter of the trunk.

The first to begin to “bear fruit” are birches located on the sunny side. One tree can produce about 2-3 liters of valuable fluid per day.

The roots of the tree go deep into the ground and due to this, it does not have time to absorb all harmful substances from the surface layers of the soil. Yet you need to collect juice away from highways and industrial facilities. Young trees are best left untouched. So that the tree does not decay and recovers faster, after collecting the juice, the incision is closed with moss, wax or plasticine.

Each year, the juice collection period begins and lasts differently, depending on weather conditions. It ends with the blooming of leaves - approximately in the second half of April.

On a note: several decades ago, the extraction of juice was distributed on the territory of Belarus and the northern territory of Ukraine. Its production decreased significantly after the Chernobyl disaster. Today, several plants are mined and processed on the territory of Russia.

The composition of birch sap

Birch sap does not contain any fats or proteins, all carbohydrate nutritional value.

Beneficial features Birch sap is attributed to a complex of vitamins and minerals in its composition: mainly it is ascorbic acid - about 5 mg / 100 ml and vitamins of group B - B6 and B12. The presence of iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, fluorine and phosphorus in the composition determine its therapeutic and therapeutic effect. In small quantities, it contains copper, manganese, titanium, silicon, barium.

Sugar, glucose and fructose give a pleasant sweet taste to birch sap, while citric and malic acids add a pleasant sourness.

Essential oils, saponins, volatile, tannins, contained in small quantities, give it antiseptic properties.

Due to low calorie content - according to various sources, it ranges from 8 to 22 kcal / 100 ml - it can be safely included in any diet menu.

The benefits of birch sap for the body

From the point of view of herbal medicine, the beneficial properties of birch sap are best used for:

• improving metabolism;

• strengthening immunity;

• normalization of blood pressure;

• removal of puffiness;

• fight against spring vitamin deficiency;

• relieve fatigue;

• getting rid of depression;

• removal of menopausal manifestations in women.

Due to the high content of magnesium and potassium in the composition of birch sap, it is used for adjuvant therapy with diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Birch sap has a regenerating and hematopoietic effect on the human body, it is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of cancer.

With its regular use, decomposition products are removed, blood and kidneys are cleaned, therefore it is used in the treatment of intoxications, acute and chronic infections, as well as during periods of viral and colds. After severe intoxication, it helps the rapid recovery of the body. Its diuretic effect is used for the treatment of diseases with the formation of edema.

In the period of exacerbation or remission diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - This is one of the best tools that stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and contributes to the normal digestion of food. Saponins in its composition prevent the deposition of cholesterol and strengthen bone tissue.

Glucose and fructose stimulate brain activity, therefore, the use of juice has a beneficial effect on the body during periods of mental stress and fatigue. Biological stimulants and enzymes strengthen the body's immune system.

Antiseptic properties birch sap is attributed to the content of tannins in it. It has been proven by medicine that it relieves inflammation in the oral cavity and helps fight the first manifestations of caries.

Outwardly, birch sap is used for the following problems:

• neurodermatitis;

• boils;

• eels;

• eczema;

• for quick healing of wounds.

In cosmetology, its effectiveness is noted for:

• treatment of dandruff;

• hair loss;

• oily skin and acne

• seborrhea.

Traditional medicine uses juice and mixtures with it for therapeutic and therapeutic purposes:

• for removing stones from the kidneys;

• quick and effective wound healing;

• with arthritis;

• radiculitis;

• in the treatment of scurvy.

In recipes of traditional medicine, most often the benefit of birch sap is enhanced by a combination with other means:

• a healing drink from birch sap with mint has a beneficial effect on digestion and relieves nausea and heartburn;

• tincture of birch sap with tree leaves normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, acting very gently;

• tincture of mountain ash and birch sap is used as a laxative and diuretic used for kidney stones and urinary bladder, as well as for rheumatic syndrome;

• A drink made from birch and cranberry juice has an invigorating effect, increasing working capacity, both mental and physical.

For quick hair growth and healthy shine, you can try the following recipe: a few drops of alcohol are added to the mixture of birch sap and broth of burdock root. Rubbed into the scalp, then washed off.

A good tonic for the face can serve as a mask recipe with birch sap. For its preparation, juice, sour cream, honey are taken in equal proportions.

On a note: Birch sap is known not only in medicine, but also in cooking - it makes wines, kvass, syrups. Birch syrup is popular in Canada and America along with maple syrup. To prepare it, immediately after collection, the juice is evaporated to a hundredfold decrease in volume.

Harm from birch sap

The birch sap benefits for the body are undeniable, however, and it has restrictions and contraindications.

People prone to to allergies on birch pollen, it is advised to consume juice with great care.

In canned form, sugar, citric acid, citrus fruits are added to its composition. Due to this, the number of restrictions on the use of birch juice is increasing: it should not be taken for people with allergies to these products.

Due to the glucose content, it cannot be taken people with diabetes.

Birch sap is successfully used in the treatment of kidney disease and kidney stone disease, but its intake should be regulated by the attending physician in order to exclude exacerbation of the disease and renal colic.

Juice collected near highways and industrial facilities may contain hazardous heavy metals and compounds. In this case, the harm of birch sap is not comparable with its benefits.

Birch sap for children - rules for admission

The general strengthening and immunostimulating effect of birch sap on the body is especially appropriate during the period of spring vitamin deficiency, viral and colds.

Since the child’s body is more prone to such conditions, deficiency of vitamins and minerals can be made up by consuming birch sap. Children need to take it in small quantities, and the body needs to be accustomed to it gradually.

For the smallest, juice is mixed with water. Begin to give it about 50 ml from the age of 1 - 1.5 years. It is better to start drinking juice in the spring and summer.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating birch sap?

Its use by women in an interesting position causes a lot of controversy, since there is an opinion that birch sap is contraindicated during pregnancy. According to doctors, this is just a myth. Judge for yourself:

• its use during pregnancy helps to cope with severe toxicosis, for this it needs to be taken more than 3 glasses a day for a month;

• the instability of blood pressure associated with pregnancy is normalized both in hypertensive patients and in hypotensive patients: juice should be taken in a glass an hour before meals;

• it helps in the fight against edema - the use of 3 glasses a day improves the condition and reduces their manifestations;

• in the fight against rapid weight gain, birch sap improves metabolism and promotes weight loss;

• in the last trimester of pregnancy, it stimulates lactation.

During breastfeeding with it you can increase lactation, the main thing is its proper use. In order to avoid allergic reactions in the mother and baby, you need to start taking the juice with a small amount: about half a glass a day. When using it, you need to monitor the reaction of the baby's body and lactating.

After childbirth and during lactation, the use of birch sap contributes to weight loss. It is contraindicated only in the following cases:

• allergic reaction in the baby;

• urolithiasis disease;

• allergic to birch tree products.

When lactating, it is important to consume fresh juice, since during canning, the amount of nutrients decreases.

In the old days they said that heroic strength is hidden in the tears of birch. Freshly picked juice is especially useful for 3-4 hours after collection. For its long-term storage add raisins, currant leaves, cloves.

Birch sap will bring health benefits not only in its pure form, but also in combination with other natural juices.

By mixing them in different combinations and proportions, you can get a variety of vitamin drinks.

Connoisseurs of birch sap at home prepare from it birch kvass, wine, fruit smoothies.


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