What girlfriend are you? Take the test and find out.


Interesting, developed by psychologists test on the topic of female friendship.

Is there a female friendship? On this account, everyone has their own opinion based on personal experience and beliefs. In any case, everyone dreams of a good and reliable friend. But not everyone can be one for others. Can you be friends? Can close people rely on you? This simple psychological test will tell you about the nature of your friendship.

For each answer: a) - 3 points, c) - 2 points and c) - 1 point.

1. Call. A friend sprained her leg, asks urgently to take her to the clinic, and you - an entry to the hairdresser. Your answer:
a) What hairstyle ?! I'm on my way.
c) Glad to help, but now absolutely no time. I'll come as soon as I free myself.
c) Sorry, but I can not. Keep me updated.

2. Do you often come to the rescue of people? For example, you give up a place in the transport, lend outfit or water the flowers from the neighbors when they are on vacation.
a) Quite often. And this is not a burden for me.
c) Sometimes. I am ready to help if I see that people will be able to help me out on occasion.
c) Almost never. I do not want to stumble upon ingratitude.

3. Your feelings when you find yourself in the spotlight?
a) It becomes somehow uncomfortable.
c) Quite a common situation - I'm used to it.
c) And it may not like it?

4. A friend in colors tells about her vacation in the Maldives, and you have nothing to surprise her with. Your actions:
a) Vividly interested in all the details. She so long dreamed of this trip!
c) I listen, I nod - she needs to share her impressions with someone.
c) I am changing the subject - it is very selfish to talk about rest, when others spent the whole summer in the office.

5. Which flower symbolizes friendship for you?
a) Blue.
c) Green.
c) Red.

6. What do you think, for what reason are your colleagues considered?
a) I do my job well and try to help others.
c) I can build relationships with people.
c) I am a professional.

7. Can you come to visit your friends without warning?
a) Yes, but only if necessary.
c) Of course, I am sure I will always be welcome.
c) Excluded, this is not the case with us.

8. A friend has lost your disc with the movie that you “hunted” for several months. Your reaction?
a) Not scary, I already looked at it.
b) Forget it, but I advise you to be more careful.
c) No offense - she should buy me a new one.

9. Do you know that your friend needs money, how will your proposal sound?
a) You will please me if you take this money.
b) Take it, you rescued me too often.
c) This is all I can help.

10. In the store a girlfriend looked for a dress, but it obviously makes her look fat. Will you pay her attention to this detail?
a) I will try to gently convince her not to make a purchase.
c) I keep silent - this is her choice.
c) If she really liked the outfit, then I would say that she looks great.

11. Which pair of qualities characterizes you most?
a) kind and responsive.
c) Fun and soulful.
c) Emotional and active.

12. In your opinion, which geometric shape is more reflective of your character?
a) Triangle.
c) Square.
c) Circle.

13. What is the most accurate quote to you?
a) The only way to find a friend is to become one.
c) Old friend, better than new two.
c) Only one thing is harder than finding friends is losing them.

14. In just a couple of months, a friend has acquired an amazing form, and now all her friends do not get tired of giving her compliments. Your actions.
a) And I am among those who donate compliments! She is great.
c) Great! I will adopt her method and we will go to the gym together.
c) It is unlikely that such a stir around her appearance would be pleasant to me.

15. Can only friendship connect you with a member of the opposite sex?
a) Why not, it even seems to me that friendship is safer than love.
c) Of course! Guys can make friends for real.
c) There is no such friendship.

32-45 points
You are a real friend

Your friends are lucky and this is a fact. You know how to get along with people and are serious about such relationships. That is why you have true friends with whom you have warm and sincere feelings. Friendship in your list of vital matters has a special place. Familiar respect you. How different? After all, you consider their problems to be yours and in case of what you are ready to come to the rescue. You are not afraid to speak openly about your feelings, you know how to smooth corners and do not hide a grudge. Friendship is holy for you. And that is why you will not allow such relations to be violated and it is very hard to bear the betrayal of a friend. You are wise enough to refuse a clearly stupid request and not indulge in whims, but when it comes to a serious situation, you can always rely on you. You have the ability to understand people. You will not allow yourself to be manipulated. But do not succumb to the dangerous temptation - to manipulate others. Do not be offended if one of your friends suddenly forgets to say the usual "thank you", in fact, they know that a girlfriend like you is a real treasure.

21-31 points
You are Demanding Friend

You are a fairly sociable person; you quickly get along with people, but not always such relationships develop into a real friendship. This can be hindered by both fear (fear of offending and losing a friend if you suddenly do something wrong) and desire to control others (to be the main one in a relationship). But it is important to remember that friendship is communication of equals. Perhaps the problem is that you are friends from a position of strength: one of you is trying to dominate, make decisions and set the tone for communication. And it is unlikely that such a situation will lead to a strong and sincere friendship. Psychologists give advice-strategy: to seek in relations with a friend of understanding and trust, and not a change of impressions and self-affirmation. Do you sometimes feel that something is missing in your communication? Perhaps warmth and trust? It may be worth being more attentive and condescending to others, trying to put yourself in their place - and you see there will be less room for empty insults and unnecessary disputes. However, such a friendship has great potential - one has only to put everything in its place. If you learn to be equal, friendship will bring more joy and understanding to both of you.

15-20 points
You are an Egoist

Do you think you have no real friends? Maybe. But the reason for this should be sought, first of all, in oneself. Maybe you are too focused on your person? Friendship involves some self-sacrifice and the ability to open up to another person.
Psychologists believe that you remember friendship only when you yourself need some kind of help. But to think about others you absolutely no time. Another difficult obstacle: you need to be first by all means. In everything and everywhere. Therefore, to rejoice in the successes of others most often is beyond your strength. But do not despair! Can still be fixed. Analyze several controversial situations that occurred with your girlfriend - what would you have been if she treated you the same way as you did to her. You may notice that sometimes you behave like a spoiled child. Change! For example, when your loved one has joy, smile and sincerely congratulate him. Scientists have experimentally proved that a simple smile causes an influx of endorphins, which give us a feeling of well-being and pleasure. Stop building impenetrable walls between yourself and potential friends. Sometimes smiles are enough to avoid a quarrel or to direct the conversation in a positive direction. A little effort and you all must succeed!


Watch the video: What Type of Girl Are You? Personality Test (June 2024).