Features diets that give quick results - what is the secret? Description of effective mono-diets that give quick results without effort


The goal of the diet is to reduce weight, and the sooner the result is achieved, the better.

To do this, apply special diets that give quick results, but it is important to remember that to save the result is sometimes more difficult than to come to it.

Quick results diets

Diets help to see results in a week:

1. Buckwheat

2. Egg

3. Kefir

4. Diet physicians

Buckwheat diet: general principles

In the list of diets that give quick results, in the first place is buckwheat dietand it is no coincidence.

Buckwheat diet for a week takes up to ten kilograms. Weight loss on the buckwheat diet is not accompanied by a feeling of hunger, because the high-fiber cereal fully nourishes the body.

Cooking buckwheat porridge does not require culinary skill, and the taste properties of the product are preserved even in a cold form.

Please note that the method of cooking buckwheat is different from the usual: instead of cooking, it is steamed with boiling water. A glass of buckwheat requires two or three glasses of boiling water, but the consistency varies depending on individual preferences. Pouring less hot water, we get a grainy porridge, and we get a soft mass with an increase in the volume of liquid.

Before cooking, the buckwheat is washed with cold water and sifted. For steaming, the grits are poured into a suitable saucepan, filled with boiling water, covered with a lid and wrapped with a towel. It is strictly forbidden to add butter to the porridge; salt is allowed, but not recommended.

Buckwheat steamed in the evening, in the morning porridge is ready. There are no restrictions on the volume and quantity of porridge, but it is recommended to divide meals into six portions per day.

Buckwheat diet gives quick results if properly supplemented with suitable products.

Buckwheat complements low-fat kefir, honey and dried fruits, so the buckwheat diet has three varieties:

1. Diet on buckwheat with honey

2. Kefir-buckwheat diet

3. Diet on buckwheat and dried fruits

An example of the daily diet of buckwheat diets that give quick results:

Classical buckwheat diet

1. On an empty stomach in the morning - a glass of warm water (lemon juice is added to the water).

2. In half an hour - the first portion of buckwheat with tea without sugar or juice from vegetables.

3. An hour after the first meal - a glass of non-carbonated mineral water or herbal tea.

4. One and a half hours after herbal tea - the second portion of buckwheat.

5. Divide your daily ration into six meals, between which you should drink vegetable juice, water, or unsweetened tea.

Kefir-buckwheat diet

In addition to the classic version of the diet, one liter of nonfat kefir is drunk daily. Buckwheat porridge is poured with kefir, and one glass is drunk three hours before bedtime. In case of severe discomfort, you can eat one vegetable or fruit (except bananas) per day.

Buckwheat diet with dried fruit

The basis of the classic nutrition buckwheat diet, only the diet is enriched with dried fruit. Prunes, dried apricots, dried dates are added to porridge or eaten between meals.

The main condition - the weight of dried fruit does not exceed 100 g daily.

Please note that the buckwheat diet with dried fruit lasts a week longer than usual.

Buckwheat diet with honey

This option buckwheat diet is suitable for people who love sweets. In order not to experience strong craving for forbidden sugars during the diet, two glasses of pure water with the addition of a teaspoon of honey are drunk daily.

On such a diet in the morning on an empty stomach a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey is drunk, but breakfast can only be given after four hours.

Diet is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Important points

1. For proper functioning of the digestive system during a diet, one must drink plenty of fluids.

2. Brew cereal, observing the general rules so that it does not lose useful properties.

3. Buckwheat diet is not carried out more than once a month.

4. During the diet, take a multivitamin complex.

5. Coming out of the diet, it is not recommended to dramatically change the diet to a more calorie.

Egg Diet: Gives Very Fast Results

Egg diet has many varieties, differing in diet and duration, but the version of the diet, which gives quick results, is designed for a week.

With it, without restrictions in food for a week, weight is reduced by five to seven kilograms.

General principles

The main component of the egg diet successfully combines low calorie and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Eggs are easily digested, without leaving behind slags.

You can use:

1. Chicken Eggs

2. All types of vegetables, except potatoes, boiled or raw, without oil.

3. Condiments, onions and garlic.

4. Cheeses with less than 17% fat

5. Low-fat cottage cheese.

5. Herbal tea, green tea.

You can not use:

1. Sour cream, fatty sauces, mayonnaise, sausages.

2. Bananas, dates, grapes and figs.

3. Potatoes.

4. Sweet and flour.

5. Coffee, black tea.

Egg Diet Menu

Please note that meals take place before six in the evening.


Breakfast - eggs, two fresh carrots, a glass of green tea.

Lunch - eggs, cucumber-tomato salad, a glass of vegetable juice.

Dinner - low-fat cheese, vinaigrette with greens without dressing, mineral water.


Breakfast - eggs, grapefruit juice.

Lunch - eggs, braised spinach, cucumbers, green tea with lemon.

Dinner - 170 g boiled fish, cucumber and radish salad, mineral water.


Breakfast - eggs, a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Lunch - eggs, 100 g of chicken baked with vegetables, vegetable juice.

Dinner - low-fat cottage cheese with fruit, herbal tea.


Breakfast - eggs, carrot juice.

Lunch - fruit salad with orange juice.

Dinner - boiled fish, spinach, cabbage and cucumber salad, green tea.


Breakfast - eggs, carrot and beet salad, green tea.

Lunch - eggs, carrot salad, greens and cabbage, herbal tea.

Dinner - salad without dressing, low-fat cheese, mineral water.


Breakfast - eggs, orange juice.

Lunch - eggs, stewed spinach, tomatoes, herbal tea with lemon.

Dinner - 150 g of boiled veal, vegetable salad, mineral water.


Breakfast - eggs, grapefruit juice.

Lunch - eggs, 100 g chicken, greens, herbal tea.

Dinner - fish stewed with vegetables, green tea.

Important points

1. During the egg diet, vitamins are not taken.

2. Vegetables are boiled only in water, not in broth.

3. Do not add milk or sugar to tea.

4. A sugar substitute is used instead of sugar.

5. Between the main meals it is permissible to eat carrots or cucumbers.

6. Egg diet gives maximum results when combined with sports.

7. Breakfast does not change with dinner.

Kefir diet: fast results guaranteed

Kefir diet gives a quick result by accelerating the mode of the body and burning fat reserves. Kefir diets vary in duration and are complemented by appropriate products.

The classic version of the kefir diet lasts five days, during which the body loses up to six kilograms, eating exclusively kefir.

Kefir diet guarantees quick weight loss while respecting the basic principles:

1. Kefir only 1%

2. The daily rate of kefir is evenly distributed into six receptions.

3. Meals are divided in time in equal intervals.

Types of kefir diets

1. Diet on kefir and buckwheat

Used with a long course - seven to ten days. Buckwheat satisfies hunger and does not interfere with the functions of kefir.

2. Diet on kefir and cucumbers

In addition to the main product, it is allowed to eat up to one kilogram of cucumbers daily. Harmoniously combined with kefir, cucumbers enhance the effect and cleanse the body.

3. A short kefir diet involves a three-day course. This is a hungry version of the diet, as it is allowed to drink only one and a half liters of kefir without sugar daily.

4. Kefir diet for five days allows the consumption of fruits and vegetables up to 700 grams daily. The full effect is achieved by the use of watermelons and cucumbers.

Basic kefir diets include the use of kefir six times a day at equal intervals. Kefir is supplemented with buckwheat, vegetables or fruit according to the diet program.

Simplified kefir diets include complementary foods.

Sample menu:

Breakfast: a glass of kefir with bran.

Dinner: lettuce from cabbage and cucumber without dressing, a glass of kefir.

Dinner: apple and low-fat yogurt.

Meals are separated by a glass of unsweetened kefir.

Important points

1. To get rid of hunger, kefir is not drunk, but eaten with a spoon, like soup.

2. Kefir diet is contraindicated in lactating women, people with congenital heart defects and heart failure, children under 18 years.

3. If it is difficult for you to drink empty kefir, add cinnamon to the drink.

4. With a long diet other than kefir, the body needs another liquid: tea or water. It is important to note that you should not mix kefir with other drinks; make an hourly interval between a glass of kefir and a glass of water.

5. When the program of kefir diet is over, you should gradually move to the usual diet. In order not to have problems with digestion, in the first days use only grated products. Last of all, proceed to the flour and meat products.

Diet of doctors: the result is fast, but the state of health suffers

Diet gives quick results and is a fasting fasting, which in a week will reduce weight by 10 kilograms. The first days of dizziness, weakness and problems with sleep are possible due to a sharp change in diet and limited diet.

The basis of this diet lay calorie minimization system: Both food volume and liquid volume is limited.

The overall picture of the diet is the alternation of protein days and semi-dry starvation.

The diet of physicians goes against all the components of a complete diet.

Fluid volume is shrinking up to 1.5 liters per day or up to 500 ml for control days. During the diet, there is no solid food in the diet.

Diet for a week


A liter of mineral water is drunk throughout the day.


A liter of milk is drunk throughout the day. It is permissible to eat one apple in the evening.


A liter of mineral water, as on the first day.


500 ml of mineral water or two cups of green tea and vegetable salad.

Salad: two carrots, 500 g of cabbage and greens with a teaspoon dressing of olive oil.


A liter of milk, as on the second day.


Breakfast - one boiled hard-boiled egg without salt and a glass of clear water;

Lunch - a glass of vegetable broth and 100 g of boiled meat;

Dinner - an apple or 150 grams of green peas.


Two glasses of milk, 150 g of fat-free cottage cheese, one apple.

Important points

1. During the diet mineral water is taken only non-carbonated.

2. To reduce stress for the body, you should gradually exit the diet.

3. Do not combine diet with strong emotional stress.

4. Diet is carried out no more than once a month, and before starting it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

5. Anemia, kidney problems, pregnancy and heart problems are contraindications for dieting.

Fast results diets are based on strict nutritional program implementation.

If there is a failure in the diet, the diet starts from the first day after 2-3 weeks.


Watch the video: WHAT EATING ONLY CUCUMBERS DID TO ME. detox series (July 2024).