Bolognese sauce - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty prepare Bolognese sauce.


Bolognese sauce - general principles and methods of preparation

The word "Bologna" evokes several associations. This is not only a fabric for sewing raincoats and raincoats. Do you remember? Bologna raincoats were incredibly popular in the middle of the last century. The north Italian city of Bologna has given us another celebrity. The city is not for nothing called the culinary capital of Italy, it was there that most of the recipes of the famous Italian pasta were born. Another “native” is Bolognese meat sauce, traditionally served with wide and long noodles, green lasagna, vegetables.

A classic sauce must include two types of minced meat (preferably pork and beef), onions, carrots, tomato paste or tomatoes, dry red wine. Beef and pork complement each other perfectly. The first will give the dish aroma and satiety, the second will make it melting and saturated. Subtle differences in the preparation of sauce with different types of tomatoes, wine and spices, plus the skill of the cook, give different variations in taste.

Bolognese sauce - product preparation

To prepare the sauce, you need to cook and peel the vegetables, cut them as small as possible.
During extinction, they must completely dissolve. Minced meat is fried over high heat to get a golden color. Beef and pork are kneaded so that there are no lumps, even before adding fluid. At this stage, professionals do not advise rushing, and fry the minced meat as much as necessary.

In general, bolognese is a rather time-consuming dish. Real chefs cook it from 2 to 4 hours. A modern working woman is unlikely to allow herself such pleasure often - but the recipe can be perfectly used for procuring food for the future. It is more convenient to store sauce in packaged form in the freezer. They took out a glass, thawed it, boiled pasta - and in a matter of minutes, a gorgeous lunch or dinner is ready.

Bolognese sauce - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Classic Bolognese Sauce with Canned Tomatoes and Cheese

According to this recipe, you are unlikely to prepare sauce for the future - it is designed for 4 servings. Grow products as much as you need. Cheese - of course, Parmesan, but if not, choose any hard variety, this is if the sauce is prepared for pasta or noodles. To prepare the dish you will need a large deep pan.

Ingredients: garlic (2 cloves), olive oil (1 tablespoon), butter (25 grams), onions, carrots, celery, pancetta (85 grams), minced pork (250 grams), minced beef (250 grams), milk (300 ml), dry white or red wine (300 m), canned tomatoes (800 grams, 2 jars).

Cooking method

Peel the garlic and pass it through the garlic. Pour olive oil into the pan, add the butter, stir until melted. Add chopped vegetables with garlic, pancetta (pork belly) and fry for about 10 minutes. Vegetables should become soft and golden, but not brown.

Add the minced meat, stir well so that it is sold in a saucepan without lumps. When it is browned and covered with a brown crust. Pour the milk, increase the heat and let it boil so that it is absorbed into the meat. If the pieces of milk are curled up - do not worry, they will disappear during the cooking process. Pour the wine and boil again over high heat.

Next is tomato paste and finely chopped or crushed tomatoes. We fall asleep spices: herbs, pepper, salt. Increase the heat to a boil. All is well interfere. Cook now on low heat under a lid tightly covered. Cook for 2 hours, stirring several times per hour. During this time, the sauce will become shiny and thick. Insist without fire for about half an hour. You can serve it with pasta, mashed potatoes or vegetables, sprinkled with grated parmesan.

Recipe 2: Quick Bolognese sauce with fresh tomatoes (40 minutes)

According to this recipe, the sauce can be prepared in just 40 minutes, and for some time you will just wait. You can cook noodles or vegetables at this time. About one and a half liters of sauce is obtained from the above ingredients. It can be stored in the refrigerator by packing in plastic cups.

Ingredients: minced pork and beef (400 grams), onion (2 pcs), garlic (half a small head), green bell pepper (1 pc), tomatoes (5 pcs), or tomato paste (3 tbsp. tablespoons). Olive oil (50 grams), dry wine (50 grams), salt, dried or fresh herbs (basil), mint.

Cooking method

Peel the tomatoes from the skin - pour over boiling water and cut. Fry the minced meat in vegetable oil, chopped onion and garlic finely, add to the minced meat and continue to fry. Add green pepper, then tomatoes. Simmer for 10-15 minutes under the lid. Pour the wine and roll in spices, herbs. Remove the sauce from the heat and let it brew. If you are going to freeze the sauce, cool it and place it in plastic molds or glasses.
There is no guarantee that this option is prepared according to all the canons of Italian cuisine. However, the fact that it is delicious is a 100% guarantee!

Examples of dishes with Bolognese sauce

Recipe 1: Lasagne with Chicken Bolognese Sauce

For lasagna, we prepare two sauces - this is classic bechamel, which is the basis of the dish, and our bolognese.

Ingredients: butter (50 grams), lasagna (semi-finished sheets, 15 pcs.), dry wine (100 grams), Adyghe cheese (300 grams, better smoked), dried basil and oregano, wheat flour (50 grams), grated nutmeg (a third of a teaspoon). Onion (2 pcs. Medium size), garlic, mushrooms (300 grams), salt, spices, milk (600 ml), tomatoes in their own juice (600 grams), Parmesan cheese., Sea salt to taste.

Cooking method

Cook the bolognese sauce according to the quick recipe above. If the sauce is ready, thaw it and mix. Cooking the mushroom filling. Finely chop and fry the mushrooms, salt, pepper, put spices to taste. We cut cheese into small cubes. Cook the Bechamel sauce (butter, fry the flour for 2 minutes, then pour the boiled milk, nutmeg and salt) for 5 minutes.

Dilute with the remaining milk so that it is not thick. We boil the water in the pan and lower the sheets for lasagna there for 2 minutes. We spread with Bechamel sauce, sheets, alternate with Bechamel sauce, mushroom filling, chicken Bolognese. Finish a few layers with a plate of lasagna, cover with foil and put in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes. Bake at 200 degrees, then remove, sprinkle with grated cheese and leave in the oven again for 10-15 minutes until browning.

Recipe 2: Pasta Bolognese

The most wonderful dish you can think of with sauce. Take the finished sauce or cook it according to the classic recipe.

Ingredients: Bolognese sauce (500 grams), pasta long, (350 grams), grated cheese.

Cooking method

Boil the pasta a little firm. Leave them with a little broth so that they absorb it and become soft. Put the finished sauce directly into the pasta plates, sprinkle with grated cheese. Done - it's not just boiled pasta, but gourmet Italian pasta with Bolognese sauce. That sounds!

Bolognese sauce - useful tips from experienced chefs

When preparing the sauce, it is better to add wine and milk separately. First, fry the meat in milk to get a delicate taste that contradicts the acidity of tomatoes and wine. Then the wine is poured and a cream sauce filled with aroma is obtained.


ja 02/26/2016
and where is the sea moth sold?: = DDDDDD


Watch the video: Easy Bolognese Recipe. Jamie Oliver (June 2024).