Recipe of squash caviar with tomatoes for the winter.Spawn caviar with tomatoes for the winter: in the oven, aerogrill, multi-cooker


Zucchini caviar is a simple, very affordable and at the same time popular dish.

Suitable for any kind of side dishes, used for making sandwiches, as an independent product.

The recipe varies little, but the ingenuity of our hostesses allowed us to create technologies for the preparation of these canned goods in various kitchen appliances - from the classic Russian oven to air grill.

Squash caviar with tomatoes for the winter - the general principles of cooking

To get high-quality canned food from squash caviar with tomatoes, you should not only strictly observe the proportions of the ingredients indicated in the recipe, but also follow certain rules and guidelines for preserving the product.

Vegetable harvesting and caviar cooking:

• To prepare caviar from zucchini, freshly harvested, or non-durable vegetables are selected. Sluggish, with putrid damages fruits are not recommended, even if damaged areas can be removed.

• Zucchini is washed under a stream of cold water using a washcloth or brush. It is good to use a new clean dishwashing sponge for these purposes. Cut the ends and cut off the skin, cut along into pieces, and then perform the cutting specified in the recipe. The tender skin in young zucchini can not be removed, in more mature seeds should be selected.

• Carrots, onions are washed under running water, peeled and rinsed again.

• After washing, the stalks are removed from the peppers, the seed box is removed, and then the remaining seeds are washed off under the tap.

• Greens are picked, removing damaged, withered twigs, washed, brushed off excess water and dried, laid out on a towel.

• Salt and sugar are usually poured in a small amount, stirred, if necessary, add the desired component.

• Long stewing caviar, makes it tastier and thicker.

Preparation of cans, lids:

• For seaming, it is recommended to use glass jars of half-liter volume or liter. Capacities can be not only new, you can use cans from last year’s seals. The main thing is that the dishes should be without visible cracks and crevices on the neck. Cracked cans may burst when laying out and sterilizing the finished product. Shchebinki will not allow hermetically closing the jar and it will “explode”.

• The most suitable for conservation for the winter is considered to be metal lacquered lids, with a rubber seal. Twist-off lids are becoming popular today, but special lids with threads are needed for such lids.

• Cans and lids must be thoroughly washed and degreased before use. For washing, it is not recommended to use degreasing chemicals, it is enough to wash the containers and lids with baking soda or 72% household soap in hot water, and rinse well, removing the rest of the detergent.

• It is recommended to pack caviar in sterile jars, and filled containers should be pasteurized, while half liter warm up for about 20-25 minutes, forty forty minutes, without bringing the boiling point of water to 100 degrees. Optimum - 90 degrees.

• Lids are boiled for ten minutes before rolling, dried, and only then used.

• You can close cooked caviar with boiled nylon caps. The disadvantage of such a billet is that you have to store banks at a low temperature in the refrigerator, and the shelf life is much less.

Roasted squash caviar with tomatoes for the winter


• Fruits of zucchini of table variety or zucchini - 3 kg;

• Ripe tomatoes - 2 kg;

• Salad white onion - 1 kg;

• Sweet middle-sized carrots - 1 kg;

• Refined sunflower, or olive oil;

• At the discretion of sugar and salt, preferably large, cage;

• Black pepper hand grinding.

Cooking method:

1. Young, not having time to perezret zucchini cut into half rings, medium and small - into rings.

2. Chop the carrots into strips, cut the onion and tomatoes into cubes.

3. Slices of zucchini, lightly fry on both sides in refined oil.

4. Onions, carrots and fry separately to amber color.

5. Pass the tomatoes until softened and peeled.

6. Chop the fried vegetables in a meat grinder with a sparse mesh.

7. Move the resulting vegetable mixture into a wide dish with a thick bottom.

8. Salt, pepper and boil.

9. With a slight boil, evaporate the excess liquid. This procedure will take about forty minutes, depending on what density you want to get caviar.

10. Spread the cooked squash caviar in banks and immediately send to pasteurize.

11. Roll covers, set aside to cool bottom up.

Squash caviar with tomatoes for the winter "Assorted"


• Tomatoes: Ripe, fleshy varieties - 800 gr .; Brown or green - 800 gr .;

• Small ripe zucchini - two kilograms;

• A kilogram of carrots;

• Salad onion - 600 gr .;

• Apple cider vinegar - 45 g .;

• At discretion, sugar and salt;

• Any, odorless, vegetable oil - half a cut glass;

• Bitter pepper varieties "Chile" or "Spark";

• Hand-ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

1. Grind all prepared vegetables in a meat grinder.

2. Pour into a large bowl, salt to taste, add sugar.

3. Cook over low heat for about one and a half hours, with constant stirring.

4. Fifteen minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar, oil, add black pepper, you can season with ground red to taste.

5. Spread the caviar on the banks and roll up. Turning over the lids, cool.

Zucchini caviar with tomatoes for the winter in a slow cooker


• Young zucchini - 3 pieces, not very large;

• Sweet meaty pepper - 2 pepper;

• Carrot - 1;

• Onions - 3 onions;

• Pepper-peas, own freshly ground;

• Coarse salt and unrefined granulated sugar;

• Half a measuring cup of purified vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut as small as possible into cubes all prepared vegetables.

2. Pour vegetable oil into the slow cooker.

3. Exhibit mode "Baking", in time for forty minutes.

4. Pour into a bowl carrots, sweet peppers, onions, close the lid and cook for twenty minutes.

5. Add chopped ripe tomatoes.

6. Salt, add sugar, pepper and mix. Put everything in a separate dish.

7. Change the mode "Baking" to "Quenching" for two hours, cover the sliced ​​zucchini.

8. After the signal, put zucchini in a mass previously cooked in a slow cooker. Grind until smooth, and pour it back into the bowl.

9. Having set "Baking", cook until the moisture has completely evaporated, until the caviar acquires a thick consistency.

10. Turn off the slow cooker, transfer caviar to the jars.

11. Put the dishes with pasteurized caviar and roll the lids.

Winter caviar with zucchini and tomatoes in an air grill


• Squash - 800 grams;

• Ripe tomatoes, any grade - 0.5 kilograms;

• Carrot - 300 grams;

• A pair of onions white lettuce;

• Refined sunflower oil;

• On taste - salt and sugar;

• Seasonings, spices are not sharp, not too spicy.

• 9% table vinegar;

Cooking method:

1. Passion onions and carrots, cut into large pieces, until golden brown.

2. On the lower grill aerogril decompose zucchini. In the heating mode of 250 degrees, bake the vegetable for ten minutes.

3. Add tomatoes to the zucchini, bake for another ten minutes.

4. Take out the vegetables and cool slightly.

5. From the cooled tomato and zucchini, remove the peel that is easily detachable after processing, combine with the fried root crops, and grind it in mashed potatoes using any method.

6. Add spices, sugar, add salt and mix.

7. We lay in sterile jars, cover, without rolling up, with lids. We put in the air grill.

8. Set the temperature to about 180 degrees for a period of 20 minutes.

9. At the end of the work, immediately after the signal we take out the canned food, add a little less than a teaspoon of vinegar to each jar and roll up the lids.

Caviar from zucchini with tomatoes for the winter "Mother tongue"


• Zucchini, pulp - 2.5 kilograms;

• Bulgarian pepper - 4 perchins;

• Ripe tomatoes - 400 grams;

• Hot pepper - 1 peppercorn, if possible choose not very hot and increase the amount;

• Vinegar 6% - 50 ml .;

• Deodorized sunflower oil - 190 grams;

• salt;

• Garlic - cloves 1/2 faceted glass.

Cooking method:

1. Using a processor, grind tomatoes, pulp of zucchini, bell and hot peppers.

2. Pour into a container with a thick bottom, add butter and sugar, salt, mix.

3. Boil until thick. At the end of cooking, add crushed, or crushed garlic, vinegar. Stir boil a couple more minutes and remove from heating.

4. Pour into prepared containers and roll up.

Oven with zucchini caviar for the winter in the oven


1. Two medium-sized squash;

2. Four ripe tomatoes;

3. One pepper peppercorn;

4. One large carrot;

5. Three teeth of garlic;

6. Dried basil, manually ground black pepper, coarse salt and unrefined sugar;

7. 60 gr. olive or vegetable refined oil.

Cooking method:

1. Zucchini, carrots, peppers, onions, garlic, cut into small pieces.

2. Place all vegetables in a container prepared for the preparation of caviar.

3. Add granulated sugar, dried basil, pepper, taking a sample to salt.

4. Turn on the oven. When the oven temperature reaches 180 degrees, place the dishes with caviar in it.

5. Bake for about one hour.

6. With this method of preparation, the eggs during the cooking process should be periodically stirred so as not to burn from above.

7. Softened vegetables, grind the processor or grind through a sieve with small cells.

8. Put back into the oven for fifteen minutes.

9. In hot form, place in already prepared jars. Pour 9% vinegar on top, one teaspoon in a half-liter jar, one tablespoon in a liter.

10. Cover with dry lids, roll up.

Caviar from squash with tomatoes for the winter "Mushroom flavor"


• Young tender zucchini, any kind - 1 kg;

• Mushrooms, champignons - 0.5 kg;

• Maximum ripeness tomatoes - 500 gr.;

• Two onion heads;

• Two large garlic cloves;

• Medium-sized sweet carrot;

• pepper peppercorns;

• A tablespoon of tomato puree, or a thick mild ketchup;

• salt;

• Juice of half thin-skinned lemon;

• Sugar sand;

• A mixture of red and black ground peppers;

• Refined vegetable oil;

• Dill, greens - a pair of fluffy twigs.

Cooking method:

1. Sweet pepper, zucchini, grind carrots on a coarse grater.

2. Chop the onion in half rings.

3. Remove the skin from the blanched tomatoes.

4. Mushrooms cut into small pieces, and fry until the disappearing liquid in vegetable oil in the pan.

5. Put the mushrooms in a separate bowl.

6. Carrots, onions, peppers, tomatoes, zucchini put on the same pan and simmer for half an hour.

7. You can add vegetable oil during stewing, if necessary.

8. Fifteen minutes after the stew, add the deferred mushrooms, tomato puree, chopped garlic, spices and finely chopped dill, pour over lemon juice.

9. Cook for another twenty minutes and remove from heat.

10. In hot form, pack caviar in jars and seal with plastic lids.

11. Store in a basement or refrigerator.

Caviar from squash with tomatoes for the winter "Tsarskaya"


• Zucchini pulp - 4.5 kg;

• "Korean" or onions - 700 gr.;

• Tomatoes of maximum ripeness - 2 kg;

• Pod hot, better than red pepper, small in size;

• A couple of medium heads of garlic;

• Vegetable, necessarily refined, oil - 1/2 faceted glass;

• Sugar - 50 gr.;

• 70% vinegar - 10 g .;

• Manually ground pepper-peas - 4-5 pinches.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the peeled tomato from the blanched tomato and chop it in any way that allows you to separate the tomato juice from the seeds.

2. In a deep container place the onions, zucchini flesh, and hot pepper scrolled in a meat grinder.

3. Add evenly vegetable oil, crushed garlic and mayonnaise and place on the included plate.

4. When the vegetable mass boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and continue to simmer from one and a half to two hours, determining for itself the best density.

5. Pour sugar, salt, add half of vinegar, ground pepper and continue quenching for another hour.

6. Pour in the remaining vinegar, stir and warm for 7-8 minutes.

7. We shift the finished caviar into the prepared dishes and roll it with iron lids.

Zucchini caviar with tomatoes for the winter - tricks and tips

• Usually, canned food sealed with capron lids does not last too long. They may mold. To increase the shelf life of preservation prepared in this way, you can put a layer of clean gauze on the bottom of the lid, put "mustard dough" on top, then another layer of gauze. Seal and close the jar. To prepare the "mustard dough" you need to mix 3 tablespoons of fresh mustard powder with 2 tsp. slightly warm water, the "dough" should be dense. Caps, prepared in this way, were popularly called "mustard corks".

• In the process of cooking eggs should be periodically mixed so that it does not burn.

• Store the preservation in a dark place at a low temperature, otherwise it will lose color and change its taste.

• The cans rolled up under the covers are cooled with the bottoms upside down, covered with a warm blanket. Turn over only with full cooling.


Watch the video: РЕЦЕПТ ВКУСНОЙ КАБАЧКОВОЙ ИКРЫ НА ЗИМУ. RECIPE delicious squash caviar WINTER (July 2024).