Folk remedies for dandruff really help! Get rid of dandruff at home and restore shine to your hair


Ask anyone, everyone considers dandruff an unpleasant phenomenon, and many attribute the occurrence of dandruff to uncleanliness.

Indeed, failure to observe the rules of hygiene, in particular, untimely washing of the head, can stimulate an increase in greasiness, and all possible bacteria more easily “sit down” on the oily scalp. But this is rather an exception.

Why dandruff occurs

According to statistics, about 40% of all people have to take measures to get rid of dandruff, without waiting for its independent disappearance. Almost always, the appearance of a large number of layered particles of exfoliating scalp indicates serious problems in the body. As a rule, seborrheic dermatitis, fungal diseases, impaired immune system or severe stress are manifested by dandruff.

In addition to diseases, the formation of dandruff provokes an unhealthy diet - fatty, sweet, spicy foods violate the hormonal balance, stimulate the increased greasiness of the skin of the face and scalp. In such cases, a banal diet consisting of fermented milk products and plant-based foods is sufficient.

In any case, with the appearance of dandruff, you need to consult a trichologist. It will reveal seborrhea, dermatitis, fungus, or another cause of this unpleasant phenomenon. If a trip to the doctor is not yet possible, you can try to alleviate the condition with some folk remedies for dandruff.

Folk remedies for washing hair from dandruff

During treatment for dandruff, even doctors recommend abandoning the use of aggressive shampoos, and use gentle, natural remedies. In advanced cases, tar soap is used, and even better - a special tar shampoo. He fights against fungal formations, preventing them from multiplying. Use tar tar for washing your hair is advised no more than once a week.

Homemade Dandruff Shampoo

To prepare an effective remedy for dandruff, take a drop of rose oil, five drops of essential sage oil, and stir them in a teaspoon of alcohol. In a separate bowl, beat with a mixer two yolks and add to it the previously prepared mixture. Such a shampoo is not only pleasant in consistency and smell, but also acts in the fight against dandruff no worse than advertised cosmetics. You can use shampoo every day.

Rye bread for washing hair

Not only effectively cleanses hair from dandruff, but also strengthens their rye stale bread. To prepare the product, you need to cut into small pieces up to 150 grams of stale rye bread and pour it with boiling water so that it covers the pieces. When the mass swells and a homogeneous slurry is obtained, it is applied to the scalp, rubbed and left on the hair for five minutes. For washing off, you do not need to use shampoo - preferably egg yolk.

Clay shampoo in the fight against dandruff

Absorbing dirt, toxic substances and fat, clay when washing hair cleanses them well and dries the scalp. To wash your hair, take four tablespoons of water and vinegar and dissolve three tablespoons of clay (preferably green) in them. The clay mixture is rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements for ten minutes. Rinse with lemon juice.

Masks from natural ingredients to combat dandruff

Red pepper

Tincture of red pepper on vodka is able to quickly and without problems get rid of dandruff, and also helps to accelerate growth and strengthen hair. To prepare the product, mix a glass of water and vodka in a half-liter jar and place one red hot pepper in the solution. Close tightly and leave for a week in a cool dark place. Before each hair wash, rub tincture into the scalp, leave for 10 minutes and rinse off with shampoo (preferably tar), avoiding contact with eyes.

Barberry is not only delicious candy!

Berries, roots and leaves of barberry - all parts of this plant are suitable for preparing an effective remedy for dandruff and inflammation. Berries are best suited: a glass of boiling water 50 grams of berries of barberry, then obscure in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain and rinse hair after each wash.

Fragrant and tart quince

Wash one medium-sized quince, chop and grind as much as possible (you can grate, or use a blender), and add a glass of heavy cream to the quince puree. 15 minutes before the next shampoo, apply the mixture to the hair roots.

Apricot pits

If dry dandruff suffers, the use of apricot kernel oil will bring relief. To prepare the mask, two yolks are mixed with two teaspoons of apricot kernel oil. This mixture is rubbed into damaged areas and left for 15 minutes, after which they thoroughly wash their hair.

Castor oil

Dry dandruff is also treated with almond oil mixed with castor oil, as well as castor oil with calendula pharmacy tincture. The mixture does not allow fungi to multiply, it is rubbed into the scalp, covered with a plastic bag and wrapped in a warm towel. Keep an hour, rinse with warm water and medical shampoo.

Castor oil also helps with oily dandruff - to do this, mix it with vodka and onion juice in equal proportions. The principle of application is the same as with dry dandruff. The treatment lasts up to three weeks.

Honey masks

The mask from a teaspoon of honey, cleaned and grated aloe leaf, with the addition of a tablespoon of castor oil and lemon juice, as well as cypress oil (up to five drops), helps well from oily dandruff.

Mix everything and apply to the hair roots, leaving for 40 minutes. Rinse with shampoo, rinse with herbal infusion. From the second time, a significant decrease in dandruff will be visible.

Folk remedies for dandruff: infusions and decoctions


An infusion or a decoction of nettle leaves helps to cope with dandruff, after ten days of use, the hair acquires a glossy shine and a healthy look, the condition of the scalp improves. Fresh nettle leaves give the best effect, but, for lack of it, dry nettles will do.

Mix 0.5 liters of 6% vinegar and hot boiled water, pour five tablespoons of chopped nettle leaves with a mixture. Warm in a water bath for ten minutes. To filter the cooled broth, and after washing the hair with shampoo, rinse the broth with hair, paying special attention to the skin.


Yarrow broth cope with greasy dandruff. In a glass of water, take two tablespoons of yarrow, put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for ten minutes. Add four tablespoons of 6% vinegar or lemon juice. Rub an hour before washing into the scalp. Apply once a week for two months.

The best herbal remedy for dandruff

Mix 30 grams of nettle leaves and coltsfoot, and 20 grams of calamus root, finely chopped. Pour 6 tablespoons of the collection with a liter of cold water, bring to a boil in an enameled saucepan and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Cover with a warm towel, let it brew. Strain the decoction from the collection and rub after each wash in the hair roots. After applying the decoction, the head is covered with a warm scarf for 40 minutes, it is not necessary to wash off the product.


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips for dealing with dandruff (July 2024).