Turkey steak: tender and healthy meat dish. A selection of great everyday turkey chops recipes


Turkey meat is considered low-fat and dietetic, and also contains many beneficial ingredients.

Turkey steak is one of the most delicious, nutritious and simple lunch or dinner options you can cook.

But it can also be made diverse and even festive with the help of the presented recipes.

Turkey Steak - General Cooking Principles

The first step in making turkey chops is cutting a piece of meat. First you need to cut the meat into slices. Cut with a sharp knife across the fibers. The thickness of the chops should be medium (1.5-2.5 cm).

As a rule, chops cook from the breast. This part is most convenient for cutting. You can either independently separate the breast from the whole bird carcass, or immediately purchase a boneless filet.

After butchering the meat is necessary repel special hammer on both sides. It is important not to overdo it and not to pierce a piece through. In this case, it is desirable to cover the meat with food film on top, so the slices will not tear and there will be less hassle when harvesting.

After processing the meat is usually rubbed with spices or pickledand then fry or cook in the oven. With turkey, as with another bird, various spicy herbs are well combined, for example, parsley, thyme, rosemary and dill.

Since turkey meat is lean, it's pretty easy to dry it. To avoid this, it is necessary to closely monitor the cooking time, as well as use various marinades, vegetables, sauces.

Turkey chops in cheese and egg batter


500 grams of turkey breast meat

hard cheese - 50 g

wheat flour - 80 g

chicken egg - 3 pcs

salt pepper

var. butter (for roasting)

Cooking method:

Cut the turkey into chops according to the general instructions. Salt and pepper.

Prepare the breading - beat the eggs a bit, grate the cheese finely and add to the eggs, mix. Dip the turkey pieces first into the cheese-egg mass, then into the flour, then again into the egg mixture.

Put the pan on the fire, heat the vegetable oil in it, fry the chops for a couple of minutes on each side until a golden crust appears on the meat, and then cook for another 10 minutes, covering the pan with a lid and turning the fire down to low. Serve with any side dish.

Breaded turkey chops with olive herbs


0.5 c milk


0.75 kg turkey fillet

breadcrumbs crackers

ready-made mixture of Provencal herbs (or any other seasoning to taste)


var. butter

Cooking method:

Make chops from fillets according to general instructions. Beat the egg with milk, salt, add seasoning. Put chops in the mixture, leave to marinate for 30-60 minutes.

After that, roll each chop in breadcrumbs, then heat the vegetable oil well in a large frying pan. Fry meat in it until readiness (5-7 minutes on both sides). You can put ready-made chops on a paper towel so that they absorb excess fat from the breading.

Turkey chops with bacon and herbs


0.5 kg turkey breast

5-6 strips of smoked bacon

fresh thyme (a pair of twigs)

a small bunch of fresh parsley

2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil

black pepper (preferably freshly ground)

some lemon juice

Cooking method:

A piece of turkey to cut, following the general method. Finely chop the greens. Juice, squeezed out of lemon, mixed in a separate container with olive oil, grate chops with this mixture, roll them in greens. Leave to soak in the marinade for 30-40 minutes.

Wrap the turkey slices in strips of bacon, then put them in a baking dish for baking, send to a preheated oven and cook for about 20 minutes. Set the temperature to 200 degrees.

Rosemary turkey chops with roasted cherry tomatoes


0.5 kg turkey breast (fillet)

0.2 kg cherry tomatoes

2-3 garlic cloves

two sprigs of fresh rosemary

1 table. spoon plums. oils

1 l of water

oil grows (for frying)

black pepper

40 grams of salt

Cooking method:

Cut the meat according to the general instructions. Dissolve the salt in a liter of water, dip the meat in the brine for 15-20 minutes. Taking out chops, carefully dry them with a towel, rub with black pepper. In a pan, well heated and oiled, cook the turkey pieces on both sides until crispy golden brown. It will take about 2-3 minutes.

Add butter to the chops in the pan. When it starts to thaw, throw rosemary, cherry tomatoes and garlic cloves, cut with a knife. Flip the chops so that they are coated with butter. A couple of minutes to remove the pan with the finished meat from the stove.

Turkey chops with carrots and garlic in the oven


0.4 kg of carrots

0.6 kg turkey breast (without skin)

2 tbsp. spoons of light mayonnaise


black pepper ground

2-3 garlic cloves

a little bit bigger oils (to lubricate the form)

Cooking method:

Following the general instructions, make turkey chops. Mix carrots, coarsely grated with garlic, crushed in the press, then season with mayonnaise. Sprinkle the turkey with salt and pepper, put the chops tightly in a greased, heat-resistant form. On the chops lay out a layer of carrots with garlic. Cook in the oven for about 30-35 minutes, the temperature should be about 200 degrees.

Turkey chops with curry in a pan


500 g turkey breast pulp (without bones and skin)

1 tbsp. spoon plums. oils and olives. extra virgin oils

red hot pepper - ⅓ tsp

salt, black pepper

sweet paprika - ½ tsp

Curry Powder - ½ tsp

Cooking method:

In a separate bowl, mix all the spices and olive oil. Roll in chops prepared according to the general instructions, leave them under the food film for 15-20 minutes.

In a large frying pan with a thick bottom, fry the meat for 3 minutes on one side on medium heat, turn over, fry for the same amount, then cover the dish with a lid, reduce the heat and continue processing for another 3-4 minutes.

Turning off the fire, leave the finished turkey for 2-3 minutes under the lid closed. Serve immediately.

Turkey chops with tomatoes and cheese in the oven


0.5 kg of turkey meat (breast fillet)

medium-sized tomato

30 grams of hard cheese (parmesan or similar)

several leaves of fresh basil

Chin spoon olive. oils

3 tbsp. spoons of low-fat yogurt without additives

2 tbsp. spoon of mustard (spicy)

salt, pepper black.

Cooking method:

Cut a piece of turkey meat into chops according to general principles. Stir in a separate bowl spices, salt, chopped basil, mustard, olive oil and yogurt.

Each chop put on the foil, grease the resulting sauce. Top thin slices of tomato and sprinkle with finely grated cheese.

Wrap the slices of meat in foil, put in a container for baking. Cook in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 180 degrees. At the end of cooking, you can be extremely careful, so as not to burn your hands, unfold the foil for about five minutes so that the cheese is slightly caked.

Turkey chops with marinade


a pound of turkey breast fillet

breadcrumbs crackers

vegetable oil for roasting

2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce (preferably natural)

1 tsp. spoonful of seasoning mix for chicken and Provencal herbs

1 tea spoon balsamic vinegar

2-3 pieces garlic cloves

freshly ground pepper to taste

Cooking method:

Prepare chops for general instructions. Mix vinegar, soy sauce, seasoning, garlic, skipped through the press. Spread a mixture of chops, put in a container, pour the remaining marinade on top. For a few hours to put in the fridge soak marinade, you can overnight.

Roll the chops in breadcrumbs and fry quickly in a pan over high heat with well preheated vegetable oil, about two minutes on each side.

Turkey chops in the oven with spices


0.6 kg turkey (breast fillet)

0.5 teaspoon chili and black pepper


1 tea spoon of Provencal herbs mixture

15 g plums. oils

2 tbsp. spoons of olives. oils


1 tea spoon of paprika powder (sweet)

Cooking method:

Cut the fillet pieces and discard them according to all recommendations. Stir in olive oil with lemon juice and all seasonings. Put in marinade chops, leave for half an hour. During this time, flip once.

Wrap each piece of meat in foil, putting a piece of butter on top. Approximately 40 minutes send in a preheated oven. Ten minutes before the end of time, carefully open the foil so that the turkey will brown.

Turkey chops in the oven with apples


0.6 kg turkey (breast fillet)

Big apple

50 ml of olive. oils

salt, ground black pepper

1 tbsp. spoon of mustard in grains

garlic clove

Cooking method:

Make chops out of the breast, following general recommendations. Mix oil, mustard, crushed garlic, black pepper and salt in a press. Grate the chops. Set aside, leave to soak the marinade for about an hour.

Cut the apple into thin slices. Chops tightly put in a heat-resistant form, on top of the meat lay out a layer of apple. Bake for about 20 minutes, set the temperature in the oven to 200 degrees in advance.

Baked turkey chops marinated in kefir


0.5 kg turkey (breast fillet)

100 ml low-fat kefir

lemon juice

herbs and salt to taste

Cooking method:

Cut fillets into chops according to general instructions. Mix kefir, salt and spicy herbs, lemon juice. Marinate chops in the resulting mixture for 3 hours. Put chops in baking dish, cover with foil. Bake meat for 20 minutes, the temperature in the oven should be 200 degrees.

Turkey chops baked with potatoes


0.8 kg turkey fillet

50 g low-fat sour cream

5-6 medium potatoes

large tomato


olive oil

50 g of hard cheese

salt and black pepper

Cooking method:

Prepare chops according to the general method. Grate with salt and spices, fry in a frying pan with pre-warmed hot oil for a couple of minutes on each side so that a golden crust forms on the chops. Put the meat aside, in the same pan, fry minced with a sharp knife until it turns golden.

Boil until sliced ​​potatoes. Slice the tomato. Place the turkey on the bottom of the baking dish, lay on it a layer of potatoes, onions and tomatoes. Brush with sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven under the foil for 30 minutes, set the temperature to 200 degrees. At the end of cooking, uncover the foil for 5 minutes to make the cheese redden.

Tips and tips for cooking turkey chops

Meat selection. It is better if the turkey meat is fresh and young. When choosing a whole bird is better to choose a carcass weighing 5-10 kg. Larger birds are usually older, and their meat is tougher. When buying a cut bird, you need to make sure that there are no traces of blood in the pan - this may mean that the turkey was unfrozen. Such meat will be inferior chilled in their qualities. Quality meat in color should be light pink.

Proper storage. Fresh turkey is stored for a short time, so it is advisable to purchase it immediately before use. Choosing meat in vacuum packaging, you need to carefully check its integrity. If you wipe the meat dry and wrap tightly in foil, you can keep it in the fridge for two or three days longer.

Cutting. If you cut the meat across the fibers, it will be more juicy. To make it easier to butcher a whole piece of chops, it can be sent to the freezer for 10-15 minutes.

Meat temperature Cold meat should not be cooked. It should first be allowed to reach room temperature. To do this, it is enough to get the meat out of the refrigerator 40-60 minutes before the start of cooking.


Watch the video: Turkey Chops in Pan Gravy recipe (June 2024).