What is the dream rival


Any person refers to his half in awe. Sometimes emotions are going wild, and nightly dreams become a reflection of reality or its distortion. Dreams are quite unpleasant, where there is a ruler who threatens your union.

If you had such a dream, do not be in a hurry to get upset and try on what happened in a real situation. Dream books give several options for plot values, where your opponent or rival appears. It all depends on the correct interpretation of the details of sleep.

To see a rival in a dream - what does this mean?

  • The dream interpretation considers a rival as your relation to a certain problem in the love sphere. Perhaps you attach too much importance to some question, because of which the relationship with your beloved can only get worse.
  • Seeing a rival rejected and forgotten - means to get rid of the memories of it. You can no longer be afraid of her wiles in real life.
  • If she came to your house and you kicked her out, it means that you are capable of harsh actions and blind accusations.
  • To see a girl in a white dress is an extremely unpleasant story of a dream. Be sensible, do not give in to emotions and passions.
  • If the ex-husband of your husband has dreamed up, then some meeting is coming that will change your life.

What dreams of a rival in love?

  • Esoteric dream book rival in love is interpreted as a possible betrayal, as well as a danger to your reputation in the business sphere.
  • Many interpretations say that if a girl dreamed a dream, she should be more attentive to her half and take care of mutual feelings. Otherwise, there is a chance to make a serious mistake.
  • Opponent in love dream book is seen as a warning about possible mischief on her part.
  • But to see how she goes with her beloved, most likely, portends separation: a competitor can take your place.
  • If she smiles and you have a peaceful, cheerful conversation, then soon you will receive news.
  • But if a competitor cries and is in an unenviable state, then in reality she will no longer cause trouble.

Why dream to beat an opponent?

  • Did you have a chance to fight with a rival? Such a dream promises problems with your husband. Perhaps you feel his indifference towards yourself. Fights and quarrels are usually unfavorable signs. But if in a dream you managed to defeat an opponent, then some dream books interpret this as a possible success.
  • If the dream itself is a fight - in reality, be more reasonable. Such a dream can mean your final victory on the love front. But to clarify the meaning of the dream, remember the details of the fight.
  • For example, dragging a rival for hair in a dream means to show interest in her affairs. But if you beat a derailed person during a wedding and fought right in a white dress, then you should pay less attention to this woman in reality. Then everything will be smooth in love.

What dreams of a rival with a loved one

Have you dreamed that a husband or lover preferred another? There are some problems between you that can lead to misunderstandings. This dream is not necessarily treated as treason, but you should add variety to the relationship and clarify everything once and for all.

In a dream, talking with a rival - what does it mean

If you happened to see a rival in a dream and talk to her, then remember the impression of that dream. Most likely, the person you dreamed up will not be a rival for you, and your relationship may even become friendly. Also, this dream can bring success to the dreamer.

Rival pregnant dream?

Being pregnant is a sign that you will encounter previously unknown circumstances that will shake you. Moreover, they will not be able to change them and it will only be possible to prepare for them morally.


Watch the video: Rival : Dream Interpretation and Dream Meaning by (June 2024).