What to do with sinusitis: treatment of folk remedies. What folk remedies treat acute and chronic sinusitis


Sinusitis - This is one of the types of sinusitis, characterized by nasal congestion, headache, temperature and accumulation of purulent mucus in the maxillary sinuses.

Purpose of treatment antritis is antibacterial therapy - all pus is caused by bacteria that need to be destroyed as soon as possible.

There is a treatment of sinusitis folk remedies, along with the official medicine. But which ones - you need to consult a doctor.

In the conditions of a medical hospital, in the acute course of the disease, antibiotics are usually prescribed, and antihistamines must be prescribed (for edema and for the prevention of allergic reactions), and for irrigation or nasal washing. If there is no effect, then the doctor makes a puncture, the pus comes out and the patient becomes easier.

A qualified doctor will never advise you to drip into your nose anything other than saline or drops intended for it. Any self-medication can cause burns to the mucous membranes and aggravate the situation.

What are the folk remedies used in the treatment of sinusitis, and how you can harm - let's see.

Sinusitis and treatment of folk remedies: warming

Warming up with dry heat with antritis comes to mind the overwhelming number of patients

The procedure is quite pleasant, painless. The basic principle of treatment is as follows: to take a clean sock of sand or ordinary coarse salt, heat the contents to the maximum temperature at which it can be held in the hands. Impose on the maxillary sinuses before bed for 25 minutes. You can warm from both sides at once, using two socks. The duration of treatment is five days. With the same purpose recommend hot boiled chicken eggs.

How the method works. It is misleading to argue that heat fights bacteria and inflammation. Indeed, the treatment of bacteria with high temperature leads them to inevitable death, but we are talking about temperatures above 90 degrees Celsius. From the outside, it is impossible to warm the maxillary sinuses to such a temperature, such attempts will lead to severe burns. And if the temperature of heating is twice as low (as when it is heated with salt or sand), the growth of bacteria increases, because this is their ideal breeding environment. As a result, the inflammation becomes even stronger and spreads beyond the sinuses.

Warming up is possible only in the absence of purulent formations in the sinuses, at the recovery stage, after the treatment has already been performed. Under the action of elevated temperature, tissues regenerate faster, and mucous membranes do not dry out.

Kalanchoe - "proven" folk remedy for antritis

Both acute and chronic sinusitis traditional medicine treats Kalanchoe juice. Many recommend it as an antibiotic therapy, and instead of a puncture in the hospital. If sinusitis, treatment with folk remedies Kalanchoe is recommended as follows: wash the leaves, cut into small pieces, put in a refrigerator for a couple of days, grind in a meat grinder and squeeze the juice. Juice shelf life - two days. Dripping Kalanchoe juice with sinus 2 drops 3 times a day.

Will the remedy help? Yes, there is the possibility of temporary relief. After instillation, the patient usually sneezes for a long time, after which it seems to him that it has become easier. In some cases, if the pus is already coming out on its own, such procedures can help speed up the process. But if the maxillary sinuses are closed and filled with pus, then with intensive sneezing, the infection can spread to the ears and lead to severe otitis. In addition, a very high chance of burn mucous.

Compress of all that is in the house, "treats" antritis

When sinus treatment folk remedies comes to the point of absurdity. Many have heard of compresses, and since it is easiest to make a poultice at home, they are willing to do it. Recipes, no joke, offer all sorts of - and bay leaf, and clay, and honey with milk, and much more. All these ingredients (in combination or separately) for some reason must cure pus accumulation deep under the skin. It is not worthwhile to reassure yourself: besides the heat effect, the compress will have no effect.

Urinotherapy does not get rid of sinusitis

Fans of urinary treatment smear, drip, wash, insert turunds, drink and perform other manipulations with urine in completely different diseases, including cancer. And to insert into the nose with antritis turunda with urine and soap, then draw urine through the nostrils - a "good thing"!

Such treatment is based on the lack of common sense, and if a person feels at the same time a positive effect - on a steady strong self-hypnosis. The danger of manipulation with the urine is obvious - all the waste products of the body, all undigested and processed substances it removes. And lovers of urinotherapy return them back. For patients it does not matter that the urine contains, for example, the remnants of medicines. When re-entering the body last can enter into an unpredictable reaction.

"Urinoterapevtam" usually or lucky, the body copes with sinusitis on their own, or, more often, they go to hospital with an acute form of the disease.

For antritis treatment with folk remedies: cyclamen

Cyclamen It has long been known among the people as an effective remedy for severe sinusitis, accompanied by headache and fever. For treatment use cyclamen in the form of drops or tinctures.

Drops are prepared from cyclamen juice: strain grated cyclamen root on a fine grater and dilute the resulting juice with water. Every morning for a week, a couple of drops drip into each nostril. After burying, lie down on your back, with your head tilted back slightly, stay in that position for 10 minutes.

Tincture is prepared as follows: 100 ml of boiling water pour 2 grams of grated cyclamen root, infuse for at least an hour. A teaspoon of this infusion diluted in 1 liter of boiling water and every day to bury his nose four times a day. The course of treatment is a week.

How effective is the remedy. Cyclamen really formed the basis of preparations of official medicine, on its basis, for example, the drug Sinuforte was created, which successfully treat sinusitis of various forms. But sinusitis and treatment of its folk remedies in the form of cyclamen can stumble upon the "pitfalls".

Pregnant and lactating women should not use cyclamen in any form; it should not be used even by young children under seven years old, since the plant is poisonous by nature.

Very unpleasant consequences can cause an overdose of cyclamen or its incorrect use. Nose pain, incessant sneezing, coughing and burning in the nasopharynx and high fever - these symptoms should pass very quickly without any intervention. If respiratory cramps, vomiting, dizziness, or excessive sweating occur, seek medical attention immediately. Most likely, allergies began.

This applies not only to the use of cyclamen, but also other folk remedies. If you decide to do self-medication, always keep strong antihistamines with you. Herbs, plants and, very often, honey, cause allergies in many people, even anaphylactic shock.

And remember: antritis is a dangerous disease that requires timely treatment.

If the time to "grab" the disease, you can avoid the transition to the chronic stage and forget about sinus for a long time.

Before you treat sinusitis folk remedies, it is better to consult a doctor. It will prompt a simple, proven method, and you will avoid burning onion juice and garlic compresses.

Be healthy!


Watch the video: Aspirin Treatment for Chronic Sinusitis - Mayo Clinic (June 2024).