Carrot diet: a rigid mono-diet for stubborn and healthy, fasting day and a sparing option - for everyone. The basic principles of carrot diet


Charming shy carrot has many talents. For example, it can be an excellent basis for an effective, uncomplicated and inexpensive express diet.

The girls who tested the effectiveness of the carrot nutritional scheme claim: you can lose up to five kilograms of excess weight on this diet. Yes, half of the lost kilograms will fall into the water, but with the correct exit from the regime, keeping the weight will not be difficult.

Like any mono-diet, carrot is one of the rather tough ones. The diet consists of almost one carrot. By choosing three day or ten day mode, you need to keep in mind: it is simply impossible to use such a diet more than this period. With all the usefulness of carrots, this root crop is not able to satisfy the body's needs for all the nutrients it needs. Deficiency of proteins and fats can cause serious harm to health.

Principles of carrot diet

Three or ten days? Choosing the duration of the carrot diet, you need to take into account the poor tolerance of monodiet. Yes, it is very convenient. But you get tired of the monotony very quickly, and the carrot can suddenly lose interest. But if carrot salads in everyday life go with a bang, then going through the days of a strict diet is not very hard.

To guaranteed to lose weight, you need to adhere to these principles of nutrition:

• eat only carrots;

• use light fueling only;

• drink plenty of clean water and hot liquid in the form of herbal or ordinary, but not very strong teas. Mineral water without gas is welcome;

• it is allowed to add one fruit to carrot salad: apple, kiwi, orange, pear;

• fruits can be eaten separately, after carrots, or used as a snack. The main thing is not to get carried away and not eat more than what is allowed;

• a portion of the salad can be replaced with a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice;

• adhere to a five-day meal regimen.

Serving Size Unlimited. Eating a large amount of grated carrots is quite difficult. You can eat at any time of the day. If you do not want to eat five times a day, you can reduce the frequency of eating up to four times.

Categorically any additions prohibited to the diet. You can not fry carrots, the diet allows you to eat only raw root vegetables. For the duration of the carrot diet, you need to forget about everything pickled, smoked, salted, sweet, canned, fat - in general, unprofitable.

Salad for carrot diet

The classic version of the salad for a carrot diet is done elementarily. You can cook it in the morning for the whole day, so as not to waste time. A very convenient option for working women. One serving of salad is two large carrots.

Grate the carrots on a medium grater. Mix with a spoonful of vegetable oil (olive, linseed, sunflower, buckwheat - whatever you like), a spoonful of lemon juice, add a spoonful of honey and one fruit of your choice if desired. Oil is needed in order to fully digest the beneficial carrot carotene. Mix everything and prepare a centimeter tape. Waist will begin to melt by the evening of the first diet day.

The secret is that carrots are one of those rare vegetables that have a negative calorie content. This means that the body spends much more calories on the absorption of carrot salad than is contained in the carrot itself. What is called, eat and lose weight! The main thing - carefully rub the carrots and chew well. Rough, hard carrots can damage the delicate walls of the stomach.

Carrots are very healthy and generally considered a unique vegetable. In addition to fat-soluble beta-carotene, it contains many vitamins, fiber, as well as minerals, folic acid and essential oils. Thanks to vitamin A, immunity is increased, hair and nails are strengthened, visual acuity increases, and metabolism returns to normal. The intestines, due to the large amount of plant fiber, begin to work like clockwork.

You should not refuse to eat carrots even after the end of the carrot diet. A high content of natural antioxidants is what should make an orange vegetable a regular guest on our table. Antioxidants slow down aging by stimulating the appearance of new, healthy cells and preventing cancer. By the way, boiled carrots contain two times more antioxidants, although they completely lose vitamin A.

Three Day Carrot Diet Menu

All three days of an express diet must strictly follow its principles. Every day you need to cook a new portion of salad. Meal is divided into five times. All three days carrots are eaten only raw.

Menu variety does not please, but will inspire simplicity and efficiency.

Breakfast: carrot salad, green tea.

Lunch: carrot salad, mineral water.

Dinner: carrot salad, herbal picking or weak black tea.

Snack: carrot salad, a glass of water.

Dinner: carrot salad or a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Salad must be mixed with a spoonful of oil. The fact is that beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A only in a fatty environment. Therefore, "to reduce caloric content" in the hope of better results is simply impossible. Calories in the body will go a little more, but the healing effect is significantly reduced.

Between each meal you can drink water and tea in unlimited quantities. However, people with low blood pressure should discard herbal treatments. They often cause an even greater drop in pressure, weakness, dizziness.

A healthy body needs at least one and a half liters of water per day, and better all two. Of course, this is not about sweet soda, which is simply forbidden on any diet. The number of cups of green tea per day is four. This is quite enough to quench thirst and further stimulate metabolic processes.

After three days on the carrot scales will show the absence of three kilograms of weight. So that they do not immediately return, you need to properly complete the carrot weight loss.

Out of the diet

The fourth day is the day you exit the carrot diet. After the shock, which the body had to experience, lashing out on heavy and fatty foods is strictly prohibited. On the agenda - fractional five meals a day, small portion sizes, life-giving water in a volume of one and a half liters. The diet is enriched with boiled or baked potatoes (two medium potatoes per day is enough), one hundred grams of boiled chicken breast, sliced ​​in transparent slices. Instead of chicken, you can cook lean beef or turkey.

If you want sweets (as is often the case after hard diets), you don’t need to lean on cakes and chocolate. It’s better to eat a couple of sweet fruits, a glass of berries or cook yourself ... carrot dessert! Yes, the carrot is tired and so on, but the balls from it are really delicious. You need to finely grate one medium carrot, mix it with a handful of finely chopped and fried walnuts in a dry frying pan, a spoonful of fragrant honey. Mass knead with a spoon, then form the balls and sprinkle them with fragrant coconut chips. Not Raffaello, but delicious.

Carrot diet. Menu for ten days

The most persistent girls can continue the carrot diet for another week. If on the morning of the fourth day a persistent aversion to the base salad did not appear, and the loss of an entire size (judging by your favorite jeans) inspires exploits, you can start.

Bonuses - the appearance of fermented milk products and warm food on the menu. This makes life much easier. True, the portion size will have to be controlled.

Breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir, bifidoc or other fermented milk product with a low degree of fat content or generally with zero fat content. 200 ml is the maximum allowable volume.

Lunch: carrot salad, seasoned not with oil, but with sour cream or natural yogurt. One kiwi in a salad or separately. The total weight of a serving of breakfast is two hundred grams. Glasses of mineral water or green tea.

Dinner: carrot salad with kiwi and sour cream - two hundred grams. Water or green tea.

Snack: salad from boiled carrots and fresh sweet-sour apple with sour cream. The weight of a serving is two hundred grams. Mineral, herbal tea or green tea.

Dinner: fresh carrot salad with oil dressing, any fruit. Dinner option - a large glass (up to three hundred milliliters) of carrot-apple juice. As a second component for juice, you can take another fruit.

Way Out of a Ten Day Carrot Diet should be the same as after three days. On the first day a boiled or baked card and a piece of boiled lean meat are added to the carrot salad. Then you can include cereals in the menu with water or non-skim milk, gradually introduce soups and rye or bran bread.

After ten days of the carrot regime, weight loss will be quite substantial: from five to eight kilograms.

Contraindications for carrot diet

Getting into a carrot diet mode is hard. The first two or three days, dizziness, general weakness, nervousness, and headache are not uncommon. Contrast showers, walks in the fresh air will help to cope with ailments. However, with the intensification of symptoms, it is urgent to interrupt a strict diet regimen and seek medical advice.

The carrot diet is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver. The list of prohibitions based on the available diagnosis complements diabetes mellitus, hypotension, and diseases of the biliary tract.

Carrots can cause allergies or provoke so-called carotene jaundice. The skin will acquire an unnatural orange hue. This is not dangerous and after a while will pass, but it looks rather strange.

But carotene is able to make summer tan even, bright and beautiful. So you can try the carrot diet in spring or summer. If the body responds well to mono-diet, then in addition to getting rid of excess fat, complexion will improve, skin will be cleansed, lightness will appear throughout the body.

Carrot unloading

A carrot diet can be one of the options for light fasting days. If you follow the menu below for the day, you can bring great benefits to the body.

Breakfast: a glass of kefir or milk. Basic carrot salad with sour cream or yogurt dressing.

Lunch: carrot salad with any fruit with butter and a spoon of honey.

Dinner: carrot and pear salad with any dressing to choose from. Instead of a pear, you can use any fresh fruit or a couple of large steamed prunes.

Snack: portion of salad.

Dinner: a large glass of carrot and apple juice or just freshly squeezed carrot juice.

The whole fasting day, you must drink plenty of clean still water (at least one and a half liters), green or weak black tea without sugar. During this time, excess water will go away, the content of toxins and slags in the body will decrease, the intestines will be cleaned.

Lightweight Carrot Diet

There is a lightweight version of the carrot diet. It can no longer be considered a monodiet in its pure form, but nevertheless it is also quite effective, and it is more easily tolerated.

Breakfast: a glass of carrot juice or a cocktail of milk and carrot juice.

Lunch: carrot salad and a slice of whole grain bread.

Dinner: carrot salad without honey and fruit, but with finely chopped tomato, a pinch of salt and pepper, a spoonful of butter and a slice of cereal bread. A cup of lentil stew.

Snack: any fruit.

Dinner: carrot casserole with one egg (no more than two hundred grams) or carrot salad and 150 grams of boiled rice.

This version of the carrot diet, like the main one, is designed for a period of not more than ten days.

She gives a good result: at least three kilograms will disappear.

Contraindications for a lightweight carrot diet are the same as for the main variant.


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