Than gargling with angina and pain - the best recipes. How to help an adult, child, pregnant woman than gargle with sore throat and pain


Angina refers to diseases of an infectious nature, which is based on inflammatory damage to the mucous membrane of the tonsils, throat and larynx. Catarrhal (superficial damage), follicular and lacunar (purulent lesion) forms of the disease are distinguished. The disease is accompanied by pain in the throat with a spread to the submandibular lymph nodes, sometimes gives to the ears and neck, the function of swallowing is impaired and the state of health worsens. Since pathogenic microbes cause inflammation of the oropharynx, treatment should include antibiotic therapy and the doctor prescribes appropriate antibiotics.

To improve the condition of the mucous throat, relieve pain, normalize the swallowing function and the ability to talk, a variety of rinsing solutions are used.

There is a whole arsenal than gargling - both pharmaceutical drugs and folk remedies. Consider under what circumstances, for which patients and why they should be used.

Rinsing rules: how and how to gargle

Rinsing is considered the most common procedure for sore throat. Its popularity and relevance can be explained by the opportunities that this event has.

The basic goal of gargling includes:

• remove bacteria from the tonsils, pus and detached epithelium cells as much as possible from the tonsils, reduce body toxicity;

• soothe the inflamed mucosa of the oropharynx, reduce swelling and, accordingly, relieve pain,

• minimize the effect of drugs on the body (especially babies, pregnant women and nursing mothers), due to local contact with medications.

To achieve this task, remember to follow a few simple points:

1. the head is thrown back and the tongue needs to be thrust forward, then the rinsing agent penetrates deeply into the throat;

2. clear the tonsils helps pronunciation aloud vowel sounds ("Y");

3. when rinsing, it is recommended to control breathing and not swallow the medicine together with microbes, so as not to irritate the inner surface of the stomach;

4. use extremely warm products (from 35 to 38 ° C), hotter or cold can cause discomfort (pain or burn, irritation);

5. The duration of the procedure is from 30 seconds to a minute for sufficient contact of the active substance with the affected throat mucosa;

6. after rinsing, you must refrain from eating and drinking for half an hour;

7. frequency of rinsing - every 2 hours or according to the instructions for the preparation.

Effective means than gargling for sore throat

The first symptoms of sore throat are pain and soreness. If the patient does not have other symptoms, his general condition is not significantly disturbed, or there is a problem during the season of acute respiratory infections and flu during the autumn-winter period, the following medications can help:

raspberry leaf decoction - used for pain in the throat, cough and other manifestations of the flu. Take 2 teaspoons of dry raspberry leaves, brew in 250 ml of water and infuse for 10 minutes. To rinse, take a warm liquid;

Echinacea - use as infusion and decoction. In the first case, the main active ingredient is a pharmacy alcohol tincture of Echinacea - 2 teaspoons poured into a glass of water and used three times a day to rinse. The broth is prepared as from raspberry leaves. Echinacea has anti-inflammatory and tonic effects;

sage decoction - Helps soothe sore throat, relieve irritation and cough. 1 teaspoon of herbs is poured with a glass of hot water and brought to a boil. Ready broth should be insisted and it needs to be seeded. So throat should be rinsed with this solution at least 4 times a day. Sage decoction can be combined with honey and apple cider vinegar (in equal parts 1 tsp);

green tea - freshly brewed green tea has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, reduces pain and promotes healing;

kukurma - as well as green tea belongs to the known antioxidants. A mixture of kukurmy and salt (half a teaspoon) dissolved in a glass of hot water and gargle 2-3 times a day;

clove tea - crushed dry clove buds (1-3 pieces) pour 200 ml of boiling water, it should be infused and cool down a little. This tea helps to fight germs, relieve inflammation and alleviate the symptoms of the disease;

tomato juice - contains the substance lycopene, which helps with the first painful symptoms in the throat to alleviate the patient's condition;

probiotics - probiotics (Normoflorin, Narine, Trilakt) will help to add treatment and increase its effectiveness. Their main task is to normalize the flora in the oropharynx, as much as possible to populate the beneficial microorganisms that will resist the pathogens.

List of medications that can gargle with angina

If the sore throat does not go away, there are raids and pus on the tonsils, the patient's condition worsens, you should immediately seek medical advice. Treatment of angina should be complex and the procedure of gargling with medication takes one of the central places.

Pharmaceutical drugs than gargle with angina, include:

Furacilin - has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect, is sold in the form of tablets. Treats universal remedies for treatment of all forms of quinsy in children and adults. Apply the drug at the first symptoms - pain and sore throat, problems with swallowing food. For rinsing prepare a solution with the calculation of 2 tablets per glass of water;

Chlorophyllipt - relieves inflammation, helps relieve glands from pus and creates an antiseptic effect. Rinse the throat with a ready-made 1% alcohol solution or make it from tablets, spreading them in warm water. The oily form of chlorophyllipt is used to lubricate the tonsils. Apply rinse liquid 4 times a day for the treatment of adults and children;

Miramistin - characterized by high efficiency and significant anti-inflammatory action. Release the drug in the form of a spray and solution for the treatment of adults and children. Multiplicity of use - 4 times a day;

Iodinol - relieves pain, use for rinsing (a tablespoon of the drug in a glass of water) and / or lubrication of the throat (slightly diluting the solution). In case of severe pain, it is recommended to rinse every 4 hours, with moderate pain, three rinses per day are enough;

Hydrogen peroxide - for rinsing prepare 1% solution (1 teaspoon of 3% solution is poured into a glass of warm water), also used in combination with a solution of manganese;

Boric acid - use alone or with baking soda to enhance the therapeutic effect, diluted with a teaspoon of boric acid per cup of water;

Vitamin C - soothes the mucosa of the oropharynx, for the preparation of a glass of solution, take 5 tablets or 2-3 ampoules of ascorbic acid;

Rotokan - eliminates the inflammatory component, is effective in angina and other inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Make a solution for rinsing similarly to previous recipes (a teaspoon per glass of water);

Rivanol 0.1% solution - used for lacunar angina;

Malavit - refers to natural remedies, used to treat children. To prepare the solution you need a few drops. Increased concentration of the solution malavita causes sore throat.

Possible folk remedies than you can gargle at home

In addition to official medicine, it is recommended to treat sore throat and other diseases of the throat with the help of folk remedies. They are non-toxic to the human body, affordable, cheaper and at the same time no less effective. Alternative medicine has a large range of different fluids than gargling at home:

sea ​​salt - the solution is prepared from sea salt (or ordinary food), mixing equal amounts of salt and soda (per teaspoon), a few drops of iodine in a glass of hot water. Soda softens the affected tonsils, hypertonic (very salty) salt solution pulls pus and helps reduce swelling and pain;

chamomile - endowed with the properties of a natural antiseptic. It is brewed in the amount of 1 tsp per 250 ml of boiling water, left to cool and rinse the throat;

calendula - decoction is made by analogy with the rinse recipe with chamomile;

lemon juice - like chamomile, lemon has an antiseptic effect. For rinsing, a mixture of lemon juice and water is prepared in a ratio of 2 to 3. Such a solution relieves inflammation and pain;

propolis - has bactericidal characteristics, causes the death of pathogenic microbes. For gargling, take the mixture (100 ml of water with 5 drops of propolis alcohol solution) with a frequency of use every 60 minutes;

garlic decoction - I use 2 cloves of garlic per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for about an hour and recommend rinsing every 2-3 hours.

A separate item should highlight the treatment of purulent tonsillitis - means than gargling at home. Effective therapy involves washing the throat in three stages. First, use a solution of soda, which softens the tonsils and purulent plugs. Hydrogen peroxide solution helps to wash out pus, mucus and mucous membrane cells in the second stage. On the conclusion for disinfection and removal of irritation using Furacilin.

For the treatment of purulent tonsillitis, in addition to the above funds, you can use herbal mixtures:

an infusion of herbs of eucalyptus, calendula and chamomile flowers - dry ingredients are mixed in equal quantities. To prepare the broth, take 1 spoonful of the mixture per cup of boiling water, then infuse and strain off;

infusion of calendula, chamomile and hypericum - Prepare similar to the previous rinse recipe;

wormwood, plantain leaves and calendula flowers - 2 tbsp. l herbal mixture is brewed in a water bath in a glass of boiling water. Before use must be filtered.

How to gargle a child with sore throat and pain

If you suspect a sore throat in a child, you first need to consult a doctor. Self-treatment of diseases of the throat in children faces the following consequences:

1. If the child is not vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule, there is a risk of diphtheria. A disease that was not diagnosed or cured in time can be fatal;

2. Carry to early complications of angina - a violation of breathing, swelling of the neck, convulsions, purulent damage to the neck, ear or even the meninges (meningitis);

3. to late complications of angina belong - rheumatism (damage to the heart and joints), damage to the heart and blood vessels (myocarditis, vasculitis) and kidney (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis).

The doctor prescribes a course of treatment that must be taken. In addition, parents are encouraged to explore possible drugs - pharmaceutical and folk, than gargling a child.

They are used after a visit to the pediatrician and with his permission:

1. Depending on the age of the children, possible pharmaceutical preparations are used: Hexoral Spray, Lugol Spray - for kids from 3 years old, for older children (after 6 years) - Hexasprey, Ingallipt, Chlorophyllipt, Chlorhexidine;

2. Miramistin solutions (0.01%), Iodinol, Furacilin, Rotokan, hydrogen peroxide appointed from 3-4 years;

3. medicinal herbs decoctions (chamomile, calendula, sage, bay leaf and their mixtures), freshly brewed tea (green and black), diluted juices (lemon, beetroot, carrot) with honey added give the gargle to babies from 2-2.5 years who are just learning to carry out such a procedure. They are pleasant to the taste, do not cause resistance in children and are not dangerous for their health if they are accidentally swallowed. One caveat - you need to check if your child is allergic to citrus fruits or herbs;

4. salt solution with soda and iodine used for children older than 3 years due to unpleasant taste and the ability to provoke allergies.

Using means for local therapy (gargling), it is necessary, after consulting with a physician, carefully study the instructions for the drug or medicinal herb, familiarize with the methods and methods of application and preparation, monitor the condition of the child, whether an allergic reaction occurs. Rinse should be carried out after a meal and pause in eating and drinking up to 30 minutes. In order not to overload the body of the baby with treatment, choose 1 or 2 effective means for rinsing.

How to gargle during pregnancy from sore throat and pain

During pregnancy, when immunity is physiologically reduced, there is a risk of a sore throat or a cold with sore throat. So as not to harm your health and the baby first thing to do is to consult a doctor. In addition, we will get acquainted with possible safe medications than you can gargle during pregnancy:

Stopangin - can be used for gargling or as a spray in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, in the first three months it is contraindicated;

Furatsilina solution - prepared according to the scheme (see above), you should be careful not to swallow it during rinsing;

Chlorophyllipt - its action is directed to the cause of the disease - it kills germs, is also effective in stomatitis and pharyngitis;

Rotokan - combined herbal preparation in the form of chamomile extract, yarrow and calendula on alcohol. To rinse take a weak solution (teaspoon per 200 ml of water) and only after consultation with the doctor. The presence of alcohol and yarrow makes it necessary to use the drug with caution;

Miramistin solution - safe for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. Its advantage is that it does not penetrate into the blood and is characterized exclusively by local effects on the body. As Chlorophyllipt has a bactericidal effect and is used for other lesions of the mucosa of the oropharynx;

Chlorhexidine - also not absorbed into the blood, but has a bitter taste and can cause the formation of dark plaque on the teeth.

Such relevance for the treatment of future mothers is confirmed by such means than gargling at home:

soda salt solution with the frequency of use 4-5 times a day. These substances do not harm the mother or the fetus, help cleanse and heal the damaged mucosa. However, do not overdo the rinses, too frequent use of soda dries the oral mucosa;

hydrogen peroxide, boric acid solutions prepared according to the above recipes and as Furacilin, do not swallow. With a solution of potassium permanganate should be alert - undissolved manganese granules can cause point burns,

apple cider vinegar solution - in the calculation of a teaspoon of 200-250 ml of water;

propolis tincture - quite effective, but you should convince yourself if there is an allergy;

fresh fruit and vegetable juices - lemon, beets, tomatoes, carrots, horseradish, plantain, they are safe and especially effective at the onset of the disease;

green tea;

decoctions of herbs - chamomile, sage, calendula, eucalyptus, oak bark;

garlic decoction.

Thus, the list of possible medicines and traditional medicines than gargling with sore throat, sore throat and sore throat is quite long and the choice is great.

You can choose the safe funds for the treatment of future and real mothers, babies and adults.

They can be natural and sweet, as well as pharmaceutical and alcohol, but do not forget about the complex treatment of angina (antibiotics, antihistamines and rinse).

The main task of the patient is to carry out treatment under the supervision of a physician (especially children and pregnant women), to follow the instructions for a quick recovery without complications and unpleasant consequences.


Watch the video: How to Treat a Sore Throat Naturally. Dr. Josh Axe (July 2024).