Lose weight for the New Year: lose 5-15 kilograms and remove the stomach. A pipe dream? Not. The real goal. Go to fight, girls!


If you found this page, it means that you and I are the same. Therefore, throwing curtsy, move on to "you", okay?

It doesn’t matter if you weigh 50 kilograms, 80 or 120, you (just like me) want to lose weight, certainly, by the New Year. By the way, I have been in life in all the weight categories listed.

Why do we need to lose weight?

I want everything. Is that all? No, this is not enough.

You and I should know exactly why we need to lose weight.

The motive may be one or more. It is important to recognize and remember him at the moment when you want to break.

Shine on a New Year's corporate party (at a party of friends, at a romantic dinner with a loved one). Great motive. It will appear spectacularly in a new dress 1-2-3 smaller in size, dance gracefully, gently shaking its tucked hips and as if by chance running a hand across a flat, drawn in tummy. Can you imagine !? How will the jaw fall off in the surrounding men? How to bite the tongue of the embarrassed "sworn girlfriend"? Imagine well! This picture now often has to be revived in its memory, right up to the onset of this very moment.

Get into your favorite or new fashionable dress. So-so motive. Low degree of effectiveness. As practice shows, it is required to try on this very motif dress every day, to keep it on a hanger in the most visible place and after a few days it will be deadly tired, will be thrown into the closet and will stop working as an incentive. The same applies to the set of erotic lingerie, which you may want to hit your loved one on New Year's Eve. Lose weight to look super sexy in it? The idea is good. But after a week of active weightlifting, you will think: as for the figs with him, turn off the light, pour him an extra glass of cognac, it will come off and so! This motive can be used as an addition to some stronger motive, say, the previous one or the next one.

Argue. Great motive. Especially for some, especially gambling girls or slightly greedy people. Argue is necessary for high stakes. For someone, 10,000 rubles is a sufficient incentive to lose 10 kg., But someone needs a trip to the Canary Islands to force themselves to lose 5 kg. Who to argue with? The majority of successful disputes on weight loss are made with the husband. Dear, I bet that I will lose 10 kg by the New Year? What?! Is it me - balabolka ?! So, I’ll lose weight - you owe me ... (10,000, money for a course of mesotherapy, a fur coat, a car, a second child ....). Well, let's say about a child - this is already too much, I admit.

Another option: to argue with a girlfriend, work colleague (you can have a mom), add up for some money and let it go to the one who wins the control weighting on December 31.

Improve self-esteem. Nice motive. We have the opportunity to prove to ourselves - I can! I respect myself, because I have ceased to eat everything that is not nailed, I began to play sports and every day I improve my appearance. But let's not start losing weight with self-abasement: I am a fat cow, it is disgusting to look at me, it is understandable why men always look the other way ... No. It can not be a motive. It is what it is. But I can! And prove myself.

Come on, then you yourself will think what else can be the motive, or choose from the available ones. It is important that the motive is. And he was not just, but was strong, conscious, and did not even mean the possibility of turning out of the way.

How much can you reset before the New Year?

Let's start earlier - we’ll drop more. For the first week of losing weight, you can decrease by size. This is minus 5 kg. Excess fluid from tissues leaves, intestines are cleaned. In the second and subsequent weeks, you should not expect the same amazing plumb lines, a maximum of 3 kg. The second month is usually even more stingy with minuses: 1 kg per week would be a decent result.

Therefore, consider yourself. If there are two months before the New Year, you can strain and lose 15 kg. If it’s only a month, it will actually decrease by one or even two sizes (if the initial weight is more than a hundred). If it’s just a week before “hour X” - squeeze a maximum of 5-6 kg!

By the way, measuring success by kilos is not always correct. It is worth combining weighing and measuring with a centimeter tape. It happens that the weight stands still or even grows, and centimeters at the waist - go away.

All measurements are painstakingly recorded. We draw a graph and enjoy even the gram / millimeter shift down.

Weigh in the morning after going to the toilet. In the same clothes. The addition of 1-3 kg at the end of the cycle, before the onset of menstruation, is taken for granted and we don’t even pay attention to it. Have you agreed?

Diet choice

Well, here we are. The problem of choice is always baffling. Personally, I know girls who want to lose weight for 10 years, they even have motivation, but they stopped at the stage of choosing a diet.

Do you want a secret? No matter which diet you choose, you will lose weight anyway! On any!

It is important: keep it strictly and do not overdo it (do not refuse the offer, do not starve!).

I went through a lot of diets in my life. The most effective way to reduce the size of the banal proper diet, with a boring calculation of calories and balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. If before the New Year you have a lot of time (six months, say), find the online calorie calculator online, buy kitchen scales and count. Effectively, safely, but ... for emergency weight loss is not suitable.

Enumerate those diets that really work in the short term.

Japanese diet. This is an option for those who do not like breakfast, but can not live without dinner. Food here begins with lunch. A diet for 2 weeks is prescribed. You can repeat two circles with a break of 2-3 days. It is important to have everything that is written in the menu and in the order in which it is indicated. Suppose you do not want a raw egg ... but you have to eat it. Since it is indicated in me on the third day. Suppose you do not eat half a chicken a day, but - it is necessary. Otherwise ... the next day there will be a breakdown. It happens that you want to replace the cabbage - carrots. Do not! Put the cabbage into you and know - you, the hero!

6 petals. Eat. How much will fit. But only one product every day. It takes only 6 days to hold out, just something! Fish-vegetables-chicken-cereals-cottage cheese-fruits. Having finished six days, we usually eat 3 days, reducing portions twice, refusing sweet, flour, fatty, salty, and then go to the second round. Diet tolerated easily. Important: drink 2 liters of pure water per day, a glass in an hour and a half. It is on any diet and even without a diet - it is important.

Dr. Ducan's diet. For lovers of meat and people with healthy kidneys - very suitable. Buy oat bran, stock up on meat, cottage cheese and offal. Do not linger on the attack stage for more than 3 days, even if it seems that you feel good!

Diet of Protasov. And this is for those who cannot live without vegetables. Easy to carry, especially the first two weeks. Then I want hot. Hint: you can bake vegetables with low-fat cottage cheese!

Hercules, rice or buckwheat diet. Who loves cereals or, on the contrary, does not use them in everyday life - your option. Plus of this diet: it does not lead to a hanré, like, say, 6 petals or Japanese. Cons: it is very difficult to stuff porridge in yourself on the fourth day of losing weight ....

Enough. You can choose your favorite from this list or any other.

Prepare yourself for the fact that if you "fly off" from a diet, you can immediately start again. Just change them every day - it makes no sense.

If you think that when choosing a diet everything ends, you are greatly mistaken! It's only the beginning!

Selection of Food Supplements

Not a diet, as they say, a single person is full ...

It is foolish to refuse the achievements of modern food industry and pharmacology! A huge amount of tea, dietary supplements for weight loss, bars, concentrates in bags.

Buy it all. I'm not joking, if you have money - buy everything. It will not be superfluous. Even Goji berries and green coffee work if combined with a diet! On the principle of "porridge from the ax."

If there is a limited amount of money, let's buy the following.

Slimming Tea. Absolutely anyone - they are all laxatives and diuretics.

Vitamins for losing weight. They are also very similar. The composition, in addition to the vitamins proper, is always chrome (relieves cravings for sweets), L-carnitine (helps the breakdown of fats, stimulates physical activity), and then more often ... laxatives and diuretics again.

Means to reduce appetite. If this remedy is on herbs, it will not hurt. Medications (such as reduksin, sibutramine) I do not recommend, very serious side effects from them. For the same reason, we will not buy fashionable fat burners today from sports nutrition. Firstly, they really work only with serious cardio loads, and secondly, it is necessary to get used to them carefully and gradually.

We want to lose weight by the New Year, and not die of a heart attack, right?

The choice of types of physical activity

Yes Yes. We don't have time for the gym. No clothes for sports and good sneakers. There is no fitness center nearby. And in general, sport is not ours.

That's only if we really want to quickly lose weight by the New Year, without an increase in activity can not do. It's simple: reduce calorie intake and increase their consumption - the only possible scheme for burning fat. And, means, we choose something from offered below.

Subscription to the fitness center. Perfect option. At least three classes per week. Group or individual with a trainer. No matter what it will be: strength training, belly dancing, shaping or aqua aerobics. The main thing is regularly.

Walks. Few people know that even if you just walk every day, you'll lose weight. It is necessary to walk quickly, without stops, so as not to suffocate, but a slight sweat appeared, in the "late for train" mode. Not less than an hour. Every (literally - every) day. After a week, you can alternate: run a minute (oh, late, late!), Go for five minutes. Stock up with comfortable shoes (any running shoes - fit!).

Homework. Let it be just a "plank", and better, a set of simple exercises. Important - regularity.

Video training. There is Internet, and in it - a huge amount of video with workouts. For 100 kg girls, I recommend taking a closer look at the Walking with Leslie program, and the rest - at the programs of Gillian Michaels and Sean T, there are also wonderful domestic online trainers: Marina Korpan, Alexey Merkulov and many others. Classes last from 15 minutes to two hours.

Again, they chose, they started - do not quit! Don't feel like today? I’ll skip the days, nothing will happen ?! Urgently read the above section "why should we lose weight"!

Sex. By the way, a great cardio load, in its active incarnation. There are, of course, some difficulties. You should be lucky with a partner capable of maintaining the active phase for at least half an hour (for the fat burning process to even begin). You must do this, as you know, every day ... as if your other half did not feel like a simulator and did not shirk such a duty. After the "classes" do not try to eat (drink - only water), otherwise - the whole effect is in vain.

The general rule: we eat one hour before class and after class two hours later, not earlier.

Active Body Slimming

In order not to look like a haggard wrinkled creature with gray and sagging skin on New Year's Eve, we must strengthen our body care. Ideally: we buy a certificate in any beauty salon and go there every day - like a job. If finances do not allow you (like me), all that is listed below is fine.

Self-massage. Tested repeatedly - any type of self-massage tightens the figure, renews the skin, and is also an additional physical exercise.

Honey massage: painful, tedious, expensive (honey is not cheap now, but the course should be no less than a liter), but amazingly effective. Mastering the technique is easy. Liquid honey is applied to dry skin (abdomen, buttocks, hips) and slapping is done. It is not necessary to peel off with all your might, put your palm, pulled, unstick, put again. And so at least 10 minutes for each site. Perform a pat, until the honey turns into a white rolling substance. We wash it off with warm water, apply any cream (moisturizing, anti-cellulite) and praise ourselves.

Cupping massage. It also hurts from unaccustomed, but it's worth it. We heat two silicone jars in hot water, apply any massage oil to the body, “suck” the jars to the skin and drive them in circular motions until the area turns crimson. If the banks often “unstick”, it means that your fats and cellulite have long demanded a massage! Do not back down, stick again! After the procedure, the oil can not rinse, if something remains - wipe with a paper towel and dress.

Massager manual or electric. A spiked mitten and a needle-like wooden roller on the handle will do. All of them work. The myth of their uselessness is spread by those who, after a couple of times, having led them along the stomach a couple of times: there is no effect. Of course he is not! They have been accumulating fats for years, but do we dream of getting rid of them in two minutes? The results from daily self-massage can be seen no earlier than two months later. But they will definitely be. After water procedures, apply massage cream and iron, iron, iron ourselves with circular movements with pressure. 10 minutes - certainly better than 20.

Wraps. Perhaps it was the daily wraps that saved me from a sagging stomach, sagging skin of my hips and sagging triceps, when I lost 60 kg after the third birth. Running them at home is no more difficult than brushing your teeth, the main thing is to learn. Every day (in the morning or in the evening) we take a shower, rub the problem areas with a washcloth with soap and pink. Apply the mixture for wraps, wrapped film. On top of it we put on warm skinny leggings (slimming pants with a sauna effect - they will do) and we walk (sit, lie) for at least 2 hours. You cannot go in for sports in wrapping! Separately, I will say about the compositions for wraps. Absolutely any cream or gel for weight loss (including the cheapest) will do; you can also practice chocolate wraps or seaweed wraps. The composition of the product does not matter (all of them are effective), a positive result guarantees only the regularity of the procedures.

Bathtubs. That's really high. No effort, but the result will be. The effect of taking baths is much weaker than that of massage and body wraps. Nevertheless, baths with sea salt, baths with soda, milk baths (with the addition of milk), and oatmeal baths (with oatmeal) can improve the condition of our skin. The water temperature should not be higher than 39 degrees, the adoption time of at least 10 minutes.

Yes! We take care of the face separately: cleansing, nutrition, hydration. Purchased or home-made cosmetics from you - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is not to forget to use it.

We are clearly planning a procedure for ourselves every day, and we’ll carry out this plan with “nosebleed”. Of course, we ate really firmly decided to lose weight by the New Year and at the same time we want to look decent.

Caution: Remember the secret conspiracy of others against your weight loss!

You know, as soon as you and I found a motivation, chose a diet, started to play sports, bought terribly effective tea, started daily massage and body wraps, everyone around us will actively oppose us. It is a fact.

Temptations and temptations are waiting for us at every step.

On the street, a hamburger from a McDonald's advertising poster constantly pops into your eyes, and information comes from the TV into the brain that mayonnaise is an indispensable thing in the house.

The most beloved husband in the evening will bring a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates (well, or beer with mackerel) and will offer to arrange a "romantic".

Mom to your arrival zazhara delicious lush pancakes with sour cream.

At work, someone will definitely have a birthday with a bunch of high-calorie salads, sausage and cheese, and maybe caviar - carefully laid out right in front of your nose.

A neighbor will continuously bake patties and fry potatoes on cracklings, the smells of which you will inhale regularly.

Best friend will fly to you from afar for a minute (like Carloson), and you do not have a cake ?!

Know all these people are in conspiracy. They test your strength, do all this solely to train your willpower.

Even your wonderful pipsqueak, an innocent child, gives you candy, smiles and says: Mom, this is for you. He too - along with everyone!

Will you stand? Can you handle it?

You will constantly be sympathetic to whisper: “Well, eat, you haven’t eaten anything at all, so it is impossible!”, “There won't be anything from one candy!”, “By the way, cheese is useful for losing weight!”, “Once we live, you eat for pleasure! "," You are not fat at all, why should you lose weight? "

Yes Yes Yes. I strongly agree with everyone, but .... I really want to lose weight for the New Year and I have it all ... to the bulb.

Save yourself this page to your bookmarks and reread, whenever the temptation to give up will be stronger than you. I will do exactly the same!

Lose weight without diets, without sports and without much effort. Can!

If this section will be read by a man or a woman with a male mindset, I, of course, will be considered abnormal. I also did not really believe in various conspiracies to lose weight. I will tell you a secret: everything that I’ll tell you now - really works and contributes to weight loss.

These are small rituals that help you lose weight.

1. We are on a diet. Take a piece of paper and write on it in big letters "The best diet." We constantly sit only on it: we put it on a chair when we watch TV, on a stool in the kitchen, in an office - on a chair, in a car - on a seat, carry it in a bag and put it before sitting on public transport, on a bench in the park and sit, sit, sit, on the best diet.

2. Lose excess weight and centimeters at the waist. Again, take a leaf and cut it into small pieces. On each we write something like "100 grams of fat from the abdomen" or "1 cm from the volume of my waist." Constantly, wherever you are and wherever you go, along the road - lose these leaves. Throw out the urn in the store, forget on the bench in the park, leave it in the trash can at work, etc. Out of paper - write new ones. And so we constantly lose, lose, lose and throw away.

3. Letting go of your excess weight. Again, take a small clean piece of paper. We write on it, for example, "my extra 5 kg." Then we fold, we push it into a balloon, go to where we get this balloon with helium. Then everything is simple: we release the ball on the street and shout after it: “Farewell, my extra kilos!”.

4. We make an exchange of excess weight for the necessary things. We are writing an announcement (again on a piece of paper and again by hand): "I will give free 10 kilograms of excess weight. It is possible to exchange for a fifth breast, 65 cm waist or strong beautiful centimeter nails." The text of the announcement can be changed at your discretion, of course, you do not need to write contacts. We paste these ads anywhere, even in the forest on trees. With a sense of accomplishment, we return home and sit down on the "best diet."

All this seems very funny, but, I repeat - it works!

There is another effective way to lose weight: throwing everything unnecessary out of the house. You may not believe me, but as soon as you sort through all the cabinets, the mezzanines, the pantries and throw out EVERYTHING extra, losing weight is much easier. Check, it won’t get any worse - for sure!

Okay, stop monitoring the monitor with enough eyes. Let's act! Today. In extreme cases, tomorrow.

Personally, I have already chosen a diet, bought dietary supplements and creams, purchased a subscription to a fitness club, covered my ears from other people's tips and launched my balloon into the sky. That did not work out as a joke.

- I want to lose weight again by the New Year.

- What, already lost weight?

- No, already wanted!


Watch the video: Triplanetary by E. E. "Doc" Smith (July 2024).