Green tomatoes with garlic - you can make it delicious! Harvesting green tomatoes with garlic in different ways.


Many housewives in vain consider green tomatoes a waste product, from which it is difficult to make something healthy and tasty.

In fact, several dozens of original dishes can be prepared from unripe tomatoes, which can decorate not only a traditional family meal, but even a festive table. In the collection of homemade recipes, it makes sense to include green tomatoes with garlic as a fragrant snack, as well as other unusual dishes.

Green tomatoes with garlic - the general principles of cooking

When harvesting green tomatoes, it is necessary to adhere to the simple rules of their preparation, so that the dish was tasty and kept well:

• for rolling or salting, we take only dense tomatoes, without cracks or other damage;

• cracked fruits can be added to salad preparations, cutting segments with damage;

• green tomatoes lend themselves well not only to pickling, but also to pickling and cask salting;

• green tomatoes preserved with seasoning and vinegar, unlike mature red fruits, require sterilization;

• Unripe tomatoes can be combined with other vegetables (cabbage, beets, zucchini or carrots) and even fruits (sweet and sour apples or quinces, some varieties of pears).

Exclusive adjika made from green tomatoes with garlic

A very unusual adjika recipe will help to process the vegetables remaining at the end of the summer season, including green tomatoes with garlic. As a result of a short stay at the stove and kitchen table, the family will get an excellent winter snack.


• 5 kg of unripe tomatoes;

• 1 kg of carrots and fresh zucchini;

• 3 large heads of garlic;

• 1 kg of quince and Bulgarian pepper;

• a glass of sugar, salt;

• 2 kg of onions;

• one hot pepper;

• about 2 glasses of vegetable oil;

• a glass of chopped fresh herbs

Cooking method:

Pre-process tomatoes to remove the bitter taste and some astringency. We wash the washed green tomatoes into segments and add a little, leave them in an open bowl for 6 hours. Then you need to drain the allocated bitter juice, after which, together with other vegetables and quince, let the green tomatoes pass through the medium or large grill of the meat grinder. We cook the resulting mixture for about an hour on low heat, not forgetting to stir often. Then add chopped greens, pepper and garlic to the container, continue cooking the vegetable mixture for about an hour, without adding heat. At the end of cooking, pour the vegetable oil and pour sugar and salt, mixing the contents of the pan well. Let Adzhika boil, mix and wait for boiling again, then turn off the fire. We lay out the hot mixture of green tomatoes with added garlic in jars and immediately roll up.

Winter harvest of green tomatoes with onions and garlic

An easy-to-cook recipe, including ordinary country products, makes it possible to get an interesting snack dish. Spicy green tomatoes with garlic are not only a delicious addition to dinner, but they also play a preventive role, raising immunity for households during the autumn-winter cold.


• 3 kg of green fleshy tomatoes;

• several leaves of cherry and currant;

• a small head of garlic;

• 0.5 kg of onions;

• several dill umbrellas;

• a bunch of parsley;

• 9 tbsp Sahara;

• 2 tbsp salts;

• about 1 tbsp. vegetable oil per liter jar;

• 3 l of water;

• a glass of vinegar (strong 9%);

• a few leaves of laurel and peppercorns

Cooking method:

We spread greens (dill umbrellas, laurel and cherry leaves, parsley) and garlic cloves in cans portioned, and fill in vegetable oil. Tomatoes are laid tightly, and on top of them - sliced ​​onions and peas of pepper. Boil casting solution of water, salt, sugar, then add vinegar, mix and pour into jars of vegetables. Liter cans, without rolling the lid, it is necessary to sterilize for about 15 minutes, then roll up and allow to cool, wrapping upturned cans.

Salad green tomatoes with bell pepper and garlic

Bright and fragrant salad green tomatoes with garlic can be served in winter as a separate snack or to baked meat. An elegant dish will inevitably cause profuse salivation in everyone who appears at the table.


• 4 kg of green fleshy tomatoes;

• 1 kg of bell pepper, onions and carrots;

• 2 thin glasses of vegetable oil;

• half a glass of salt;

• 1 large head of garlic;

• a glass of sugar

Cooking method:

We wash all the vegetables and prepare them as follows: cut the tomatoes into slices or ringlets (if they are small), chop the carrots with a knife, or make flakes on a coarse grater. We cut the pepper into strips, chop the garlic into neat slices, and the onions into half rings. We put the whole cut into a pan and pour it with salt, leaving for 5-6 hours to separate juice. Then pour out part of the juice and add sugar, mix thoroughly. Fill the contents of the pan with hot vegetable oil, mix and immediately lay out the resulting colorful salad in small jars. Be sure to sterilize each jar for 10 minutes, after which we roll the lids with a key, send them to storage (preferably in a cool place).

Stuffed Spicy Green Tomatoes with Spicy Mixture and Garlic

This recipe is especially for gourmets who prefer unusual spicy dishes. Moreover, all the components of the sharpest snacks can be brought from the cottage or found in the nearest market. It is worth preparing for the winter stuffed, fragrant and spicy green tomatoes with garlic, as the burning taste of the dish will help to cheer up in the cold, and the cold will bypass it.


• 7 kg of unripe tomatoes;

• 7 chilli peppers;

• 3 bunches of leaf celery;

• 1 cup table vinegar;

• 5 small heads of garlic;

• 250 g of salt, sugar;

• 5l of water

Cooking method:

We select small strong green tomatoes, cut the stem and carefully remove the pulp. Crushed garlic, celery and pepper in a meat grinder and put the resulting mixture in tomato cups. Carefully place the filled tomatoes in jars (sterilize them first) and pour boiling brine (salt, water, sugar). We close with plastic lids and store in the cold.

Beautiful green tomatoes in garlic and beetroot pickle

Sharp-sweet green tomatoes with garlic will be very tasty thanks to the unusual pink pickle with the addition of beets and apples. Depending on the grade of apples and the number of beets, you can teach different versions of the dish, so it is worth experimenting and putting different components in different banks.


• 4 kg of unripe tomatoes;

• 2-4 pieces of fresh apples;

• 1 small head of garlic;

• a bunch of parsley;

• 2 pieces of beets;

• 1 full tablespoon salts;

• a third cup of vinegar;

• 5 tbsp Sahara;

• 1.5 l of water;

• 3-4 pepper peas on a jar

Cooking method:

We put the washed green tomatoes in jars together with apple slices (5-6 slices per jar) and beet slices (2 per jar). Pour boiling water into cans and keep for 20 minutes, then pour out the water and lay parsley, garlic cloves and peas. Prepare the brine (sugar, water and salt), bring to a boil, pour vinegar and continue to heat for another 5 minutes. Fill the boiling brine, immediately roll up the cans, let cool and store in the cellar.

Drunk Green Tomatoes with Garlic

Adding alcohol to the brine, which is poured with green tomatoes with garlic, helps to avoid softening the fruit, and gives a certain piquancy to the snack dish.


• 4-5 kg ​​of green fleshy tomatoes;

• one star of cloves per can;

• 4 tbsp Sahara;

• 3-4 large garlic cloves per jar;

• one sheet of laurel per can;

• 3 peas of pepper per jar;

• 3 tbsp salts;

• 2-3 tablespoons of vodka;

• 1.5 l of water;

• 4-5 tablespoons table vinegar

Cooking method:

We put tomatoes in jars along with peas of pepper, bay leaves and cloves of garlic. We cook marinade from the remaining components, boil it and fill the filled cans. We sterilize the cans (up to 15 minutes), then roll them up and put them away for storage.

Gourmet Green Tomatoes Stuffed with Garlic

In this original dish, which is very impressive for the male part of the feast, green tomatoes with garlic have an unusual form of serving. Typically, garlic is used for baking meat, but green tomatoes are also very tasty.


• 3 kg of green tomatoes;

• 1 cup (thin) sugar;

• 1 large head of garlic;

• one dill umbrella per can;

• 1 liter of water;

• a piece of horseradish leaves on a jar;

• a bunch of parsley;

• half a cup of vinegar;

• 1.5 incomplete Art. salt

Cooking method:

In each tomato, we make several small, but rather deep incisions, so that they can deepen the slices of garlic. We put the stuffed fruits in jars along with horseradish leaves, parsley and dill umbrellas. We make marinade from other components, boil it and pour it into jars. We must sterilize the jars for 10 times, then close them with lids and wrap them upside down until they cool. Store better in the cellar or refrigerator.

Quick Green Tomatoes with Cilantro and Garlic

Cooking this spicy-hot salad, in which the main role is played by green tomatoes with garlic, takes a minimum of time, but the result will cause a stir among consumers. One serving is hardly enough, so it will not be superfluous to immediately cook a little more spicy salad.


• 1 kg of green fleshy tomatoes;

• one chilli pepper;

• 3 tbsp vegetable oil;

• on a small bunch of parsley and cilantro;

• 1 tbsp. salt;

• 2 tbsp vinegar;

• 3-4 large garlic cloves;

• 2 tbsp Sahara

Cooking method:

The fruits of tomatoes and herbs thoroughly washed and dried. We cut tomatoes into thin slices and put them in a convenient container. Grind greens, pepper and garlic, add marinade components (salt, vinegar and sugar), leave for half an hour. Pour the chopped green tomatoes with the marinade mixture, mix and put in the refrigerator under the lid until morning.

Barrel-pickled green tomatoes with garlic

A delicious snack that can be stored in the cold until spring, if you select strong fruits, not too large and without damage. You can use pickled green tomatoes as a separate snack or add them to sliced ​​salads.


• 10 kg of unripe tomatoes;

• 2 large sheets of horseradish;

• on an average bunch of fresh dill with umbrellas, green celery and parsley;

• 2 paprika;

• 5-6 pieces of cherry leaves;

• 3-4 large heads of garlic;

• 2 glasses of salt;

• 8 l of water

Cooking method:

We scald the barrel and put some spices and herbs on the bottom. From above we place carefully washed green tomatoes in a keg tightly enough, but so as not to damage the fruits. We layered tomatoes with cloves of garlic and the remains of spices. We prepare the brine and pour it into a barrel filled with fruits, cover it with linen cloth and put a small load. After a couple of weeks you can try.

Roasted Green Tomatoes Breaded with Garlic

To surprise and please your home, you must definitely try these fried green tomatoes with garlic. The dish will successfully replace the boring side dishes, usually served with meat or fish.


• 5-6 pieces of unripe tomatoes;

• a little ground pepper and salt;

• 5 small cloves of garlic;

• 5 tbsp. l semolina or a mixture of flour with bran (breading):

• 150-170 g of vegetable oil

Cooking method:

Grind the garlic and add it to the breading mixture from semolina with pepper and salt. Cut green tomatoes into medium-thick circles and dip in breadcrumbs and fry them until browned in vegetable oil. Serve both hot and chilled.

Low-calorie green tomatoes with chicken and garlic

A hearty but light salad has an unusual piquant taste, is simple to prepare and is instantly eaten by households. Especially useful for people seeking harmony.


• 6 or 7 pieces of green tomatoes;

• 350-400 g chicken fillet;

• a small bunch of parsley, green onions and basil;

• 2-3 small garlic cloves;

• one Bulgarian pepper;

• some salt, pepper and sugar;

• 130-150 g of vegetable oil;

• 1.5-2 tsp ready-made mustard table

Cooking method:

Cut the tomatoes into even small slices and add a little bit to make a bitter-tart juice. Cut the fillet into pieces and fry until lightly browned. Grind the remaining vegetables and greens, drain the tomato juice and add the sliced ​​vegetables. Cooking dressing with spices, mustard and grated garlic. We mix the cooled chicken with vegetables and pour the sauce, let it brew for half an hour, and serve.

Green Tomatoes with Garlic - Tips and Tricks

  • To give salads of green tomatoes more colorful, you can select fruits of a densely green hue, green-milk hue and brown tomatoes.
  • If the green tomatoes are slightly damaged (there are jams or cracks), they can also be used for caviar, removing the damaged areas.
  • Brown or whitened tomatoes can be harvested on a pure salt brine, and thick green fruits must be poured with a brine in which sugar is added to soften the harsh tart taste.


Watch the video: PICKLED GREEN TOMATOES (June 2024).