Seaweed wrap at home - the best recipes. How to do homemade wraps with algae.


Algae wrapping has a general healing and psychotherapeutic effects. Algae contain trace elements necessary for the skin, vitamins. Some claim that they are chemically similar to blood plasma (the French physiologist said the same thing about seawater).

After a course of wrapping with algae, you can favorably affect the state of the blood vessels, lose weight, and even improve the functioning of some internal organs. The study of the healing properties of algae and their use in the treatment refers to thalassotherapy - this is the direction of alternative medicine. Thalassotherapy focuses on the restoration of health reserves, prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.

But today we are more interested in weight loss. To lose kilograms will help such a wrap, where the main components are brown algae (kelp, fucus). Since more often during the cosmetic procedures use kelp, we will talk about wraps, which are carried out with this type of algae.

Algae wrap from cellulite: myth or reality

First of all, ladies practicing wrapping with algae, expect to get rid of cellulite, which most often begins to manifest itself on the female hips after 30 years. Although many experts believe that cellulite of varying degrees can be found in all the fair sex from a very early age. Only in adolescence is the fat layer more uniform. It is covered with a thick and elastic peel, so the "orange peel" is practically not visible.

Over time, due to the increase / decrease in weight and for other reasons, fat cells arbitrarily change their size (decrease, increase). They overlap the lymphatic vessels, which leads to serious structural changes that occur in the subcutaneous fat layer. In addition, over the years, women have thinner skin, which can no longer, as before, hide the small irregularities under it.

Many fought over how to help women break down fat to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Beauticians have figured out how to do this without straining. They are inviting the girls to wrap algae. From the "orange peel" should relieve brown algae containing fucoxanthin. This substance is used to make nutritional supplements for athletes. It promotes fat burning. The women relied on the power of fucoxanthin and ran to the saloons. Algae wrapping has become megapopular, and the ladies still don’t spare any money for it.

If you, going to a seaweed wrap, pursue only one cherished goal - to get rid of cellulite thanks to a chemical substance, then boldly go back home and invest the collected funds in something more real, for example, in the purchase of a unicorn. Yes, kelp contains fucoxanthin splitting fats, but it is not able to penetrate the skin from the plant into the body. Therefore, no matter how much we want this, it turns out that wrapping with algae doesn’t seem to be able to save the ass, hips from cellulite.

Algae wrap at home

Even after dispelling the myth of the omnipotent fucoxanthin, it is not necessary to abandon algae wrapping. This procedure simply perfectly transforms the skin, makes it soft, velvety, pleasant to the touch, improves tone, due to the lymphatic drainage effect, partially removes extra centimeters. It also has a healthy, tonic, rejuvenating and anti-stress effect. And cosmetologists argue that wrapping algae still leads to a decrease in the "orange peel" and the matter is allegedly not in fucoxanthin. They say that cellulite will definitely decrease after a course of wraps in 10-12 procedures.

Well, let's see: miraculous seaweed wrapping is a myth invented by cosmetologists, simple pumping of money or still an effective procedure for transforming the body. To do this, you do not have to go to the salon. We will learn to do algae wrap at home. It is not necessary to buy mixtures for the procedure, because they are easy to make yourself.

Cryo wrap algae at home

Such a wrapping can be called "star". As you probably guessed, this name seaweed wrap has earned thanks to the recognition of this anti-cellulite procedure as world stars. So, despite the fact that the wrap has a cryo prefix, we do not have to freeze the ass. The cooling effect will be given by peppermint oil, which, when influencing the vessels, will promote lymph movement and the breakdown of fat.

First of all, take up the kelp. This dried plant needs 200 g. Ground algae is filled with warm water. You should have a thick, mushy mixture. Such algae must be sought in the pharmacy. Although the plant is inexpensive, it is good to remove toxins and intercellular fluid, making the skin silky and smooth.

To prevent the algae from slipping from the priests, we will bring them to a thicker consistency using blue clay. Enough 50 grams of clay. No need to pour the clay in the algae undissolved. First, you need to fill it with warm water, mixing the components in such proportions that the mixture came out similar to thick sour cream. Only then connect the kelp with clay.

The next ingredient is the already mentioned peppermint oil. We will not save him. Add to the mask immediately 20 drops of oil. To give the skin a tone, add 10 drops of rose oil to the wrap mixture. The final touch is two tsp. olive oil.

Scrub the skin before the procedure. You can make a homemade natural scrub from base oil and fine sea salt. It does not hurt to further study the problem areas after cleansing the skin with a scrub. That is, you need to remove the mixture with abrasive particles, massage movements walk on the buttocks, stomach, thighs.

Smearing the mask on the body, wrap with food wrap so that it does not greatly hamper your movements. That is, the film should encircle the problem areas, and not pinch them. One wrapping procedure with algae will take you approximately 50 minutes (5 minutes each for preparation, application of a mask and film wrapping, and also 40 minutes for aging). Wash - water.

Attention: during the wrapping with algae, besides the coolness, you will feel a slight tingling - this is quite normal.

After the first wrapping with algae at home, women noted that their skin had become smooth and fresh. A noticeable reduction in the volume of the hips, legs, and arms will come no earlier than after 10 treatments.

Perform cryo wrap algae at home need every two to three days.

In order to achieve a good anti-cellulite effect, start metabolic processes in tissues, lubricate the skin after wrapping with algae with grapefruit oil. Before distribution, it should be mixed with base oil, such as olive oil. The oily mixture is applied from bottom to top.

Green mask with algae to reduce volumes

The main component of this mask are also algae. This means for wrapping not only reduces the volume, but also heals. For example, it improves the condition of people with varicose veins - patients begin to feel lightness in the limbs, etc.

You need to buy dried and not chopped palmarine laminaria (Laminaria digitata). When soaked in warm water for about 20 minutes, dried kelp increases in volume up to five times. You can also buy Japanese kelp (Laminaria japonica) for seaweed wrapping. Both types of algae are similar in their properties, contain a lot of iodine (it accelerates metabolism, splitting fats, removes excess liquid), as well as alginate, which has a rejuvenating effect, etc. Experts also noted that after the end of the course of wrapping with kelp algae, the started weight loss process lasts a few more months.

Soaked algae should be applied to the scrubbed, well-kneaded skin. They can be applied to the whole body, buttocks, abdomen, back, chest, limbs. Japanese algae, which are quite long, many girls do not cut into pieces and do not spread out over the body - they simply wind themselves around these practically endless plants. Cover problem areas with leaves and fix them with cling film. It should fit snugly to the body. Top stretch warm old things. You can use a thermal blanket that will maintain a constant temperature. It is advisable to set t about 40 ° C. But since not all women can find such a thing for heat exposure, we confine ourselves to simple wool sweaters and pants. Algae cleaned in half an hour.

Interesting: many women are not in a hurry to wash off the substances left over from wrapping with leaf algae, thus prolonging the action of acids, trace elements, iodine, etc.

Conducting the procedure with algae, you can use not only a small roll of food film, which is good for local wrapping. You should also consider the option of similar material, but of larger size (the size of a sheet), it will be convenient for them to wrap the whole body.


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