It hurts the stomach during pregnancy as during menstruation. What is the cause of pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy.


Confirmation of the planned and desired pregnancy in the future mom causes a storm of various emotions - joy, delight, excitement, pride and the desire to do everything according to the rules. The baby should be born healthy, strong and the most intelligent - otherwise it should not be.

But the joy is overshadowed by incomprehensible sensations that cause anxiety and bewilderment. Do not threaten the pain in the abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy troubles? And should I consult with my doctor?

It hurts the stomach during pregnancy as during menstruation - when you do not need to sound the alarm

The first harbinger of the expected event - a stomach ache during pregnancy as during menses. All women are perfectly familiar with these feelings, the difference can only be in their intensity. Therefore, at first, many take painful pains as a precursor to monthly troubles. In fact, another thing happens - a successfully fertilized egg is looking for a cozy place for itself, penetrating into the uterine mucosa. This process is important, intensive and rather long - after all, it will take a long nine months to be in a new place. Arrangement of the future crumbs is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, many potential moms take them for premenstrual.

Sometimes the struggle of the egg for a comfortable and reliable living space is accompanied by poor bleeding, the appearance of which is mistaken for the beginning of menstruation. At this stage, there is often an abortion, which the failed mother does not even realize. This happens when a fertilized cell cannot be implanted in the uterus, the body rejects it, and the process of spontaneous abortion passes, as a banal menstruation.

Unsafe abdominal pain in early pregnancy can be cause for concern for other reasons. Inevitable hormonal changes, an increase in progesterone levels are also accompanied by nagging pain. The frequency of occurrence, short duration and quite tolerable intensity of pain should not cause concern, it is a completely natural process.

Swelling and stretching of the uterine ligaments, changing the diet, rushes of blood to the uterus - any of these causes can cause a nagging feeling in the lower back and lower abdomen. Usually, it is not so difficult to fight the emerging troubles - you just need to lie down, and after a short rest, everything will return to normal. In a situation where the recommended method did not help, the intensity of the pain is gaining momentum, spotting has appeared - urgent consultation with the doctor is necessary.

When abdominal pains during pregnancy signal danger

Unfortunately, there are plenty of reasons for an urgent appeal to a gynecologist when the stomach hurts during pregnancy. All of them have characteristic symptoms that are better known in advance. After all, sometimes the life of a long-awaited crumb, and the health of his future mother depend on the timely assistance of physicians.

1. Fading Pregnancy

The termination of the development of the fetus and its lack of viability in the early stages are considered to be a missed abortion. The tragic event most often occurs on week 8-16, when the vital organs of the baby are laid and formed. The disappearance of nausea and the return of former appetite do not cause the woman proper fear and are perceived by her as a happy deliverance from early toxicosis. The usual soft breasts and the usual pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are not alarming either. However, the body is trying hard to get rid of the unviable fetal egg, and bloody discharges are added to the pulling and increasing pains. Inattention and ignoring the treatment to the doctor at this stage are fraught with dangerous consequences - severe intoxication and sepsis. It is not possible to postpone a visit to the doctor if the following symptoms are present:

- pallor of the skin and weakness, nausea;

- temperature rise;

- quite severe pain in the lower back, groin, lower abdomen.

At a later date, the reason for going to the doctor should also be the absence of active movement of the crumbs for four to six hours. Diagnosis of missed abortion at any time is carried out using a blood test for hCG and ultrasound. At establishment of the diagnosis, the uterus is cleaned from the remnants of the ovum.

2. Miscarriage and abdominal pain in early pregnancy

Viruses and infections, hormonal disorders, previous abortions, and frequent stresses can cause not the expected abortion. Knowing the main symptoms of the threat and taking the necessary actions, it is possible to save the crumbs and safely convey it before birth on time. Experts divide the process into three stages - when there is a real threat of miscarriage, the beginning of it and the expulsion of the fetus - in whole or in part. In the first two stages, it is still possible to help the future mom and baby, with the obligatory condition of timely treatment in a medical facility. Hazard messengers:

- pulling and aching pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy, in the event of a threat of miscarriage, spread to the lumbar region and are accompanied by heaviness in the lower abdomen. Already at this stage, the help of a doctor is necessary, since the process can develop quite rapidly;

- the aggravated pain is accompanied by the appearance of discharge - from spotting to heavy and scarlet. It's time to call the ambulance, and lie down before her arrival. All is not lost, most likely, the baby can be saved;

- a sharp deterioration of the general condition and the appearance of pieces of tissue in the secretions, alas, indicate a miscarriage. This is confirmed by severe pain, possibly also heavy bleeding. But even the disappearance of a painful symptom cannot guarantee a successful outcome. In such cases, doctors most often perform a curettage operation on the uterus to prevent inflammation and sepsis.

A stomach ache during pregnancy as with menses - whether ectopic fetal development is possible

It happens that abdominal pain in early pregnancy signals the presence of an unpleasant diagnosis - ectopic pregnancy. This is possible when the fertilized cell is mistaken with the choice of a permanent location, does not get to the uterus, and has chosen a completely unsuitable place for living - on the ovary, in the tube or cervix. Explanations of the future mom, how exactly the stomach hurts during pregnancy, help to suspect the sad process. The presence of spotting and the absence of the ovum during an ultrasound study confirm it. Usually, the doctor advises to remove the fallopian tube and recommends to refrain from conceiving the next child for three months.

However, with ectopic pregnancy, a more unpredictable development is possible. If you ignore the pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy, in conjunction with the bloody discharge that appeared and do not go to the doctor, you can get a terrible complication - rupture of the fallopian tube. Initially, pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are dull and pulling, but as the fertilized egg gradually grows, they increase and spread to the area of ​​the appendages. When the pipe breaks, formidable confirmations of the diagnosis appear:

- heavy bleeding;

- intolerably acute pain, sometimes extending to the hypochondrium, anus, leg;

- dizziness, possible fainting;

- severe nausea, vomiting.

It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance. To do without surgical intervention will be impossible.

It hurts the stomach during pregnancy as during menstruation, but the reasons are not gynecological

Not necessarily pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy indicate gynecological problems. The banal reason - I want salty or sweet. Peculiar taste preferences in an interesting position can cause bloating and various intestinal disorders. Normalization of digestion, planning a useful menu, the inclusion in the diet of necessary products will relieve meteorism, constipation or diarrhea, from lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy.

A frequent companion of pregnancy is cystitis, because of which the future mom can experience discomfort. In this case, not only worry about pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, but also the urination becomes more frequent and painful. The presence of infection threatens the health of the crumbs, so you need a comprehensive treatment at the urologist and gynecologist.

At first, appendicitis does not manifest itself too aggressively, and the complaints of the future mommy are reduced to the fact that the stomach hurts during pregnancy as during menstruation. However, very soon, fever, nausea, weakness are added to this symptom, and painful manifestations are becoming more intense. If the doctor confirms the diagnosis, you should not be afraid of surgery - the operation is not dangerous for either the baby or the mom.

If the stomach hurts during pregnancy as during menstruation, but in addition to this, discomfort is observed in the kidney area, edema appears - the cause may be kidney disease, pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis. Appeal to the doctor is necessary, it is impossible to cope with the problem yourself. The exacerbation of cholecystitis can also be the reason for the visit to the doctor.

Normally, pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy should not be of particular concern to the expectant mother. She can continue to do what she likes, go to work, do household chores and travel. Of course, dosing loads and not lifting weights. Abdominal pain in early pregnancy only show pleasant and welcome changes in the body and unobtrusively remind of the upcoming replenishment in the family. Uncomfortable sensations are easily eliminated during a short rest in a horizontal position.

But this is true only in one case - the future mommy is under the constant supervision of a doctor who does not find her pathological problems. Any unusual manifestations, misunderstood abdominal pain during pregnancy, discharge or other frightening symptoms should be a mandatory and compelling reason to visit a gynecologist. Mom is now responsible not only for herself, but also for the life of the little man, so following the advice of girlfriends, neighbors and grandmothers at the entrance is not welcome. It is not necessarily pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy that indicate trouble, but only a specialist can judge this and make decisions if necessary. So the best way to learn more about the causes of lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy and successfully cope with it is to entrust your health and well-being of the baby to the doctor.


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