Ylang-ylang oil - its beneficial properties and methods of use. How to apply the essential oil ylang-ylang for beauty and health.


The magical flowers of ylang-ylang for many centuries attracted attention. Why magic? Because they are often used during various rituals and rituals, it is considered that they are endowed with some unexplained magic power that can give happiness, love and bring prosperity to anyone who asks for a flower.

In some areas of distant and beautiful Indonesia, there is to this day a tradition that says that during the first wedding night of the newly-made husband and wife their bed must be completely covered with these beautiful flowers. Only in this case, the whole life of the newlyweds will be carefree and happy.

An essential oil is made from the ylang-ylang plant, which can be applied more often than fresh flowers, because they tend to fade quickly, and the wonderful heady smell of the essential oil of ylang-ylang will accompany you whenever you want and where you want. Interestingly, this oil is able to please not only its aroma, but also surprise with healing properties that can be used by any person, regardless of age.

How to get the essential oil of ylang-ylang

Essential oil from ylang-ylang can be gained in two ways: by the method of water distillation and by the method of steam distillation. Any of these methods, of course, has its advantages, but the method of steam distillation is much more effective, because during it they get oil, which almost completely retains all its healing properties. The fact is that the essential oil of ylang-ylang people used to use for various purposes. Please note that not every ylang-ylang oil can have beneficial properties for humans. Some oils are made only to use them during aromatherapy, for example.

You can make oil only from flowers that were collected in the summer. After the first distillation of flowers get the essential oil of the highest grade. This oil is often used in the field of perfumery. Exactly three hours later, after the distillation process has been started, a second grade oil is obtained. After six hours, a third-grade oil is ready, which can be added to inexpensive soaps and lotions to give them a light floral aroma. This oil does not have absolutely any healing properties. All that can be taken from it is just a pleasant smell.

Ylang Ylang essential oil has a bright and even slightly pungent odor. Some people associate it with a festive mood, and some are not able to tolerate such a sweet aroma, so they have to mix it with other essential oils to get an incredible cocktail of smells that will give pleasant emotions and a positive mood. By its consistency, ylang-ylang essential oil is fluid, fluid and light. Its color is golden, which does not distinguish ylang-ylang oil from other essential oils.

Useful properties of ylang-ylang oil

Oil perfectly helps people who suffer from nervous disorders, who have frequent breakdowns on the basis of various stressful situations. Inhaling the pleasant scent of ylang-ylang essential oil, you will immediately feel how your heartbeat and breathing is restored, and the tense atmosphere is no longer so oppressive and depressing. Adaptogenic properties, which are endowed with essence, allow using it as a light anti-depressant drug, which is quite effective and, at the same time, does not harm the body, as acquired drugs with questionable composition.

Many will be interested in the fact that the oil is a good aphrodisiac. It will be a great erotic stimulant that will help you to relax and get as much pleasure from making love as you have never experienced before. Everyone who used this quality of ylang-ylang oil was amazed by the feeling of bliss and happiness that covered them at the time of immersion in the boiling lava of passion and orgasm. Oil will help prolong erections in men, and women will become more sensitive and be able to experience the true taste of love.

With this oil, you can forget about the nightmares that could haunt you all night after a hard and stressful day. The smell of ylang-ylang oil will drive out of your life a depressive mood, a feeling of nervousness, fear, anxiety and anger. Inhale its smell and feel the euphoria that is overwhelming you, which will take you mentally to the places where you would like to be the most. If you suffer from insomnia, then this problem will also help solve the oil. Its aroma will drive away insomnia and get rid of obsessive bad thoughts that do not want to leave your head. You, finally, will be able to fully relax, and in the morning you will be full of energy, strength and desire to conquer all the new peaks.

The bioenergetic effect of the essential oil consists in the fact that it is capable of attracting only positive energy and can create a good atmosphere around you in every possible way promoting relaxation, rest and peace of mind.

A few more properties that have the essential oil of the finest colors of ylang-ylang:

• contributes to the normalization of the menstrual cycle in women and helps to ensure that the premenstrual period passes much easier and more invisibly;

• significantly reduces muscle tone, helps to relax not only the body, but also the brain;

• has the ability to normalize the process of sebum secretion by the body;

• helps to reduce too high blood pressure, relieve a terrible headache and help you fall asleep.

The big plus is that the oil can be used by children. Many parents are familiar with the problem of unreasonable children's fears, which constantly haunt the child and prevent him from getting enough sleep, as well as cause nightmares, which negatively affects the formation of the child’s mind and behavior. If you notice that your child has become more irritable, reticent and less talkative, then feel free to resort to the essential oil of the flower of ylang-ylang.

Ylang-ylang essential oil - contraindications and possible harm

Please note that this essence is only suitable for external use. You can just sniff or mix it in any kind of cosmetics, but you can not drink this oil.

If you inhale the smell of pure oil, you risk damaging the nasal mucosa, because the essence itself is quite concentrated and has a sharp unpleasant odor. Ylang-ylang oil is easily combined with other essential oils, so it will be good if you add a drop of your favorite oils to ylang-ylang oil.

Some people suffer from oil intolerance. If, when adding it to cosmetics and various kinds of hair products, the skin begins to itch and redness is observed, then it is immediately necessary to stop using the oil and wash it off the skin.

Oil should not fall on the mucous membranes. If it so happened that this happened, then do not panic. Immediately go and rinse the mucous membranes with plenty of water without soap or any other means.

For all those who are allergic to flowers or any other plants, it is better to avoid this essential oil and it is strictly forbidden to use it for any purpose. Do not inhale the smell of this oil, because red spots may appear on your body, and your nose will begin to itch and swell. If you inhale the smell of oil and are already beginning to show signs of allergies, then it is urgent to drink a drug for allergies or, better yet, seek the help of a specialist.

The article mentioned that children are allowed to use the oil. Yes, that is the truth. But, it is worth noting that children must be older than three years. If the child has not reached this age, and you give him the smell of the essential oil of ylang-ylang flowers, then he may have a terrible allergy.

Indications and methods of application of ylang-ylang oil

This essential oil is often used for cold inhalation. If you have an aromatic pendant, then just drop a drop of oil there and breathe its smell twice a day for five minutes. This procedure helps relieve stress, relieve headaches and eliminate nasal congestion.

Ylang-ylang oil is suitable for massages. If you mix it with some fruit oils, you get a wonderful mixture that makes the skin moist and tender, relaxes tense muscles, and the incredible smell can give positive emotions and make, at least for a while, forget about the boring and already tired, gray everyday life.

If you love to take foam baths after a busy day, you can add a little oil to the water. This will help you relax and get rid of bad thoughts. Moreover, after taking such a fragrant bath, the skin will become velvety, delicate and will acquire a floral scent that will accompany you all day and give you a good mood not only to you, but also to those who are with you.

The benefits of essential oil ylang-ylang hair

Essential oil can be used by those who dream of a chic head of hair, but have repeatedly disappointed in expensive tools that did not work at all. Oil helps to strengthen the hair follicles. Hair will fall out much less and gain beauty and shine.

The oil can be added to your existing cosmetics, and you can also make a mask or lotion based on it. Here is a recipe for one good product: take a liter of water and add a little fresh lemon juice, and then a few drops of essential oil of ylang-ylang flowers. Rinse your hair with a ready-made solution to the miraculous solution after washing and you will soon see the result, which you will certainly be satisfied with.

Not all the properties of this oil have been fully studied. It can incredibly affect a person and even replace some medications for you. Many of those who used the oil once, already for nothing else it will not exchange. Enjoy its breathtaking scent and be always healthy and beautiful!


Watch the video: 10 UNIQUE WAYS TO USE ESSENTIAL OILS. Manifesting, Visualizing, Aromatherapy. Renee Amberg (July 2024).