What should a child be able to do at 10 months. A detailed description of all the skills that a baby should possess with normal development in 10 months.


A ten-month-old baby gives a lot of reasons for admiration. It is so interesting to observe a growing baby, every day noting how easily and simply he copes with everything that a child should be able to do at 10 months.

You cunningly ask the little one: “Where are our eyes?”, And you are happy to show your friends how cleverly the little son or daughter points her eyelashes with a tiny finger. Or, together with your grandmother, admire the kid enthusiastically clapping in "Paw-and-frog". You must admit that over the past 30 days a little man made a real breakthrough in his development, and you have something to be proud of.

What should a child be able to do at 10 months

Peanut learned to focus on toys. He delves so much into the study of objects that fell into his hands that he completely does not notice anything around. The child carefully repeats the sounds, and sometimes even simple words can be heard from him. He understands speech so much that he confidently turns his head to the one whose name is called, or finds with his eyes the object in question. By the way, the baby already “by ear” recognizes people he knows well and is instantly alarmed by hearing the voice of a stranger.

At this age, the child easily rises to its legs without support, so in the morning you can meet the triumphant look of the little one standing in the crib. And what a cute and funny baby, who has risen to his feet by the table, and defiantly tells something in his "alien" language! If he at the same time holds out the handle, then be sure to give him yours. And he boldly sinks next, completely trusting.

A child at 10 months old is able to fulfill the simple requests of an adult: to put matryoshka dolls into one another, to give a rattle. These tasks are simple only in our opinion, but for such a crumb - a whole feat!

A child with hilarious diligence tries to copy the movements of adults, enthusiastically rejoicing at every success. And if he sees approval, then this will serve as a powerful incentive for him to continue his occupation.

Conduct an experiment: put in front of the baby his favorite cup upside down. He instantly reaches out and flips it right. At dinner, cover a spoon with a napkin lying next to the plate, and the sly one will recognize it by the only contour, and when he pulls it out, he will pull it into his mouth. The conclusion suggests itself: a ten-month-old man clearly knows what familiar objects should look like.

Physical development of the child at 10 months

The diet of the baby was enriched with delicious kefir. However, the daily menu more and more resembles a common table, only in a wiped form, because the baby is already able to bite off food, then chewing it. His tongue has gained great mobility, and now the baby knows how to move pieces of food to his teeth. The little one has an excellent appetite, so he recovered by about 450 grams and grew by 1.5 cm.

Almost every mommy voluntarily or involuntarily compares her child with other peers, trying to determine how organically he grows and develops. But even if such analogies are drawn, it is better to use recommendations from authoritative sources. So, for example, to assess physical development, it is preferable to refer to the standard indicators proposed by pediatricians of the World Health Organization (WHO):

- weight girls 10 months corresponds to a range of 7.5-9.6 kg, and boys - 8.2-10.2 kg;

- the body length of little beauties ranges from 69.0 to 73.9 cm, for their peers - from 71.0 to 75.6 cm;

- the head circumference of small clever women has indicators of 42.9-45.6 cm, for clever men, 44.1-46.7 cm.

In fact, children at this age should not be compared at all. It’s just that the development of a child at 10 months is so peculiar that the differences are sometimes quite striking. They can be especially pronounced in mastering the skills of movement.

The fact is that one toddler is already quite briskly walking himself, practically without using a support, while the other prefers to move on all fours. Moreover, the second can move much faster, famously avoiding all the obstacles in the way. For such a slider, the study of the surrounding area is safer: it does not fall, like the one who has already gone to full growth.

Differences are manifested in many ways, while children develop completely normally. Instead of comparison, it is better to track the presence of individual skills, for the formation of which ten-month age is the limit.

Such a mini-study is necessary for early identification of possible anomalies:

- if the child never drops toys lying on the table in front of him, this indicates a hearing or visual impairment;

- about the possible problems in the development of speech is indicated by the inability of the baby to turn his head in a sign of denial or disagreement, the inability to wave the handle goodbye;

- if the baby does not repeat the action that caused the explicit approval of the adults or their laughter, this is a sign of deviations in the process of its socialization.

Do not panic when these symptoms appear, you just need to consult with specialists.

Charging for children in 10 months

Now, the complex of physical exercises should include those that contribute to the development and strengthening of the muscles of the legs, back, and abdominals:

- turns from the abdomen to the back and back;

- tilting and straightening the torso;

- arching;

- squats with the support of the hands;

- circular rotation of the hands in both directions;

- raising legs.

The piggy bank of the already learned exercises can be replenished with new ones, allowing you to diversify the charge.

1. The bridge. Performing it, the baby strengthens the muscles of the abs, back, arms. Get your little athlete’s favorite toy ready. Sit down, put the crumb on your knees face down so that the pelvis is on the support, and the body (chest, shoulders) sags. Be sure to hold the legs so that the little one feels calm. Ask to pick up a toy from the floor, or at least just touch it with your fingers.

Now turn the child in the same position, but with his back down. Again, ask to take the toy or touch it. To get an object, it will bend back and then return to its original position.

2. Squats with support. Put the baby on a safe hard surface, give him plastic rings in the handles. Pull the rings down - the baby will sit down reflexively. In 1-2 seconds pull the rings up, helping the crumb to rise to its original position. It will also be good to teach the peanut to stand on its toes - for this, grab it by the handles and slightly raise it. Two repetitions of the exercise are enough.

3. Walking on all fours. Put your child on all fours. At a certain distance, put your favorite toy, ask to take it. The kid will have to move on all fours to get to the desired item. As you approach the baby, you will move the toy to stimulate his movement in this position.

4. Walking with support. Put the little one on the floor. Take it by the wrists and call it to you, gradually moving away. So the baby will go some distance. Do not forget to control the position of the body of the child and support the baby if necessary.

Developing activities for children at 10 months

All that a child should be able to do at 10 months old, the baby has already mastered. Congratulations! But there is no time to passively rejoice at the successes achieved: we must grow and develop further. Therefore, during the day, every minute should be spent with benefit.

- Communicating and playing with the baby, in every possible way provoke him to repeat simple words, names, names of objects, actions.

- Demonstrating simple movements and actions, suggest to the peanut to repeat them according to the pattern seen.

- Carry the baby with crawling, walking with support, and later without it.

- For the development of speech, show different pictures, discussing everything that is painted on them, introduce the baby to pets, offer to play with clockwork cars and animals.

The most important thing in this period is the game. The correct development of the child at 10 months should take place in a fun way, without undue stress and coercion. For a kid of this age, it is natural to play activities, including imitative ones. Therefore, have fun with the crumbs from the heart, and it’s not necessary to buy any modern super toys for this. Look around, draw imagination to help and look at the world through the eyes of a son or daughter: there are so many exciting around.

For example, give your baby two plastic cups of different sizes. Does he guess to invest one in the other? Can not manage? Look, he hands them out with a silent request for help. Show, explaining how to place a small object in a large one. Turn back and see how easy the baby has done now. Good girl? Of course! Praise him and add a third cup to the game. Such a complication of conditions is necessary for the further development of the child's perception of spatial relationships and size.

Offer an empty box and a wooden spoon - the baby will instantly want to become a drummer, while activating associative relations. If a friend with the same baby comes to visit, put the children together at a table and organize a performance of an ensemble of folk instruments!

Countless amusements can be invented, and each of them will help the person to improve. This is very important, because two more months, and you will rise with a crumb to a completely new age step.


Watch the video: Developmental Stages for Baby: 4-6 months - Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center (June 2024).