What should a child be able to do at 9 months. What should be the normal physical and emotional development of the child at 9 months.


What is the word "No"? Do you know that it simply does not exist? And even if you are sure of the opposite, nine-month-old son or the same age, the daughter-paw is completely indifferent to the opinion of the parents on this issue. Does not exist, and that’s it!

The peanut has become so independent that even crawling, on all fours it still gets to the subject that interested him. And if you get in the way - get ready to evacuate the house, because the walls will shudder from the disturbances of the little stubborn man.

Do you need similar emotions? Of course not, so train yourself to check the rooms every day for safety: whether heavy objects are removed from the table, whether special sockets are closed by covers, and if there are no scissors nearby. Meticulously checked? Now you can let the baby out for a walk.

While he is inspecting whether there is anything interesting around, it's time to watch him and understand whether everything is obtained from what a child should be able to do at 9 months. And over the past month, the changes accumulated are not measured, in full and cannot be listed.

What should a child be able to do at 9 months

At 9 months, the baby performs very complex actions compared to previous periods. He goes through the toys, determining the most interesting for him at the moment. He takes small objects with two fingers, captures a bright thread.

The baby is increasingly at risk of tearing her arm away from the support and trying to stay on her legs while standing, not holding on to anything. Boldly and very confidently stomping, grabbing the hand of an adult. Being in an upright position, sits down independently.

The development of a child at 9 months allows him to find objects hidden, for example, under a napkin. This gives him particular pleasure, because when he searches, he first visits the role of a little detective, and then turns into a discoverer: he makes a real discovery, both literally and figuratively.

You're already playing hide and seek with your whole family, right? Still, this is now one of the baby's favorite games. He enthusiastically searches for and finds dad behind a cupboard in a nursery or behind a refrigerator in the kitchen, expressing his joy with the enthusiastic sounds of laughter.

You must admit that the child’s smile is full of charm: the shape of the central and lateral incisors erupted by this age gives the expression of a happy little peanut a bewitching look from which the heart of almost every adult melts. Now the crumb resembles a small rodent, if only there are teeth, and there are so many things around that you can try on them! By the way, mashed pureed meat was added to the diet, which kids usually like very much.

The baby is now able to fulfill, albeit simple, requests of elders. For example, in response to my mother's "Give me a pen!" holds out his hand to her, and with what pleasure he waves his hand in parting when they say: "Goodbye, dear!" No less funny, he folds and shakes his hands, imitating a friendly, strong handshake.

According to your sample, he will rock the doll, although he will not be able to transfer this action to the bear or bunny until this. Following dad, he will flip through a book or calendar and happily wrinkle his forehead, repeating behind him a serious expression on his face. Anyway, he will be drawn to those objects that he saw in the hands of his parents, copying their manipulations. Do not miss the moment: right now is the time to begin to teach your child how to occupy himself by playing various games.

Physical and psychomotor development of the child at 9 months

By the end of 9 months, your child should have gained about 0.5 kg, while stretching 1.5 cm. In general, the pediatrician evaluates the baby’s physical development based on standard indicators developed by WHO.

In this age:

Weight girls should range from 7.3 to 9.3 kg, height - from 97.7 to 72.6 cm, head circumference - from 42.5-45.2 cm.

The boys while weighing 8.0-9.9 kg, their growth is 69.7-74.2 cm, head circumference - 43.7-46.3 cm.

The specifics of the development of the child’s body is such that congenital or acquired abnormalities detected in the early stages can be corrected, and if not completely cured, they will be significantly corrected. Therefore, it is extremely important to carefully monitor the crumbs and control the timeliness of the development of necessary skills. It should be especially wary if the age for their final formation approaches the borderline.

So, you need to consult a pediatrician if, by the end of 9 months, an infant:

- not able to turn around its axis, confidently crawl forward;

- sitting, poorly balanced, cannot turn around him in the same position;

- Does not try to drink from a cup;

- does not pull off a headscarf or hat;

- cannot knock cubes on each other;

- unable to reproduce, imitating mom, eight different syllables or sound combinations;

- is not shy or afraid of completely strangers, is not hiding behind her mother or behind a piece of furniture (chair, back of the sofa);

- Do not get angry when he is prevented from playing or taking a toy.

Another point: if a baby is taken by a stranger, then the reaction should be different than that of a close one. If the crumb with equal pleasure goes to one and the other, then this is a signal of danger: social adaptation occurs with violations.

9 month old baby

If everything that a child should be able to do at 9 months of age is well mastered by him, then physical exercises can be diversified with the help of gymnastic apparatus: a wooden stick, fitball, plastic rings, rattles with an oval handle.

The initial position also becomes more diverse, because the baby is now able to sit on his own, and even stand at the support. This, in turn, allows you to strengthen the muscles of the stomach and legs.

1. Alternating bending-unbending legs from the supine position, and then their simultaneous movement is already familiar to the peanut, but now he must do it independently under the supervision of an adult. Do the exercise 6 times, first at a slow pace, and then at a fast pace.

2. Prepare a wooden gymnastics stick. Ask the child to lie on his back, lift the projectile above him to the height of his straightened legs. Now let him reach out and reach the stick with either the whole foot or his toes. Repeat this exercise 7 times.

3. For the development of muscles and joints, the child is invited to grab the toy-rings in a lying or sitting position and alternately bend-unbend his hands. Such movements are repeated 3 times each.

4. In order to strengthen and develop various muscle groups of the crumb, it is useful to perform forward leaning on straightened legs. Place it with your back to you, hold your knees with your right hand so that they do not bend, and put your left on your tummy. At socks put an attractive toy. Ask to bend down and touch it with your fingers. Your task is to make sure that the legs do not bend at the knees and remain straight. The exercise must be repeated three times.

5. The baby has already flipped from the back to the stomach with you, but now he is independent and must turn over at the request of an adult without any help. Do the exercise 2 times - one to the left, the other to the right.

Developmental exercises at 9 months

The full development of a child of 9 months requires compliance with certain conditions, the main of which is worth remembering to parents.

1. The kid needs variety. No matter how much you buy the most advanced toys for him, a child still needs to change the situation: visit a store with his parents, take a car with them, take a walk to his grandmother, play in the yard in the sandbox.

2. You will have to set aside special time for games with the peanut, because they become meaningful, if you want, organized. To obtain a developmental and educational effect, adults need to be present in these games as a character. Imagine yourself, for example, as a wise cricket adviser from Pinocchio and direct all activities in the right direction.

3. It is better if dad and mom play with the crumbs separately from each other. Why? The explanation is very simple: they have a different way of playing. Dad enthuses the baby with the noise and moving sports fun: just a “horse” on his father’s neck! Mom prefers to play quiet games aimed at intellectual development. And the universal favorite will be just happy to mess with both parents.

Now you need to play almost constantly, even in everyday life.

During feeding, giving a drink to the baby, in passing "drink" and his favorite toy. He will later repeat this after you, getting used to playing imaginary actions. The same applies to spoon feeding. Give the little one a cutlery, let him try to get mashed potatoes or porridge while he is being fed. And then he will begin to "feed" and toys.

While bathing, offer a soft washcloth and towel. Demonstrate how to wash and dry. The crumbs do not immediately get these actions, but he will get used to performing them, and one day he will surely cope.

Before going to bed, teach your child to read books with you. Be sure to do it every day. This is the creation of closeness between you, and intellectual development at the same time.


Watch the video: Baby and Toddler Milestones, Dr. Lisa Shulman (July 2024).