Olive oil facial elixir of youth? The benefits, contraindications, methods of application of olive oil for the skin of the face.


Olive oil in cosmetology began to use a few centuries ago. The myths of ancient Greece told us a beautiful legend about how an olive tree appeared after being hit with a spear into the ground by the goddess of war and wisdom, Athena-Pallada.

Gommer praised the oil of this tree, calling it “liquid gold,” and Hippocrates told about its healing properties and used it in healing. And nowadays, this oil is very popular in cosmetology: as part of all kinds of cosmetics, and in homemade beauty recipes.

So let us and you and we learn how to apply this truly magical and affordable oil to preserve and give the skin health and youth!

What is the use of olive oil for skin

All the wonderful features of the oil are explained by its composition, rich in a variety of fatty acids, which gently care for and nourish our skin. The remaining nutrients play a secondary role, they only help, enhancing the work of fatty acids.

1. Useful acids cover the skin with a thin oily shell, which protects the skin from pollution, dry wind, the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, saline sea water.

2. Olive oil for the face is a leader in moisturizing properties. This is explained by the fact that the same protective film blocks the evaporation of moisture from the skin.

3. The structure of olive oil includes a large number of these "vitamins of youth" - A and E. Surely everyone knows that vitamin A copes with moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Vitamin E rejuvenates, contributing to the production of collagen and elastane, as a result, the skin becomes smooth, beautiful and healthy color, wrinkles are smoothed.

4. Vitamin D perfectly cleans the surface of the skin from dead cells.

5. Olive oil for the face has a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin and due to its high iron content. After all, it puts in order the blood circulation, providing each cell with the right amount of oxygen. In other words, helps skin cells to "breathe."

6. "Liquid gold" does not provoke allergic rashes, which is why it can be used in caring for even the most sensitive skin of the face.

Beauticians suggest applying only unfiltered and the highest grade olive oil, if you see the words "Extra Virgin Unfiltered" on the label, then know that this is what you need. All curative qualities are preserved in this type of oil, since it is produced by the first cold pressing, without adding any preservatives or other harmful additives.

Olive oil for the face: when to use and when not?

In order for this priceless oil to truly reveal its beneficial properties, you need to be able to properly apply it in home care. Many, having tried it once, remained dissatisfied because of a rather oily and thick consistency that made their skin oily, and, besides, it was poorly washed off. Just not everyone knows the basic rules for the use of olive oil: when, how and with what to use it.

Olive oil for the face is especially effective in the following circumstances:

• if your skin is dry enough;

• there were areas with peeling;

• the first age-related changes began to appear;

• skin is regularly under stress from sudden changes in temperature;

• after tanning.

Well, there are practically no contraindications to use. The main rule is proper use and in the right quantities. In very rare cases, allergies are possible, so before using it is better to do a rapid test: spread the skin on the wrist and wait a while. If there is no itching or redness, then you can safely use olive oil for the face.

Also, for home care you need to follow some rules:

1. The time of exposure masks - no more than 40 minutes.

2. Rinse with warm, slightly acidified lemon juice, water.

3. If you have skin that is prone to excessive fat, then you should make masks by adding olive oil for the face, along with products containing acid: citrus, fruits and dairy non-fat products.

4. Frequent use of oil for young and problematic skin for more than two or three weeks in a row is not recommended, as sebaceous glands may become blocked and comedones (black spots) may occur.

5. Do not mix the oil with any creams. It can harm both the appearance of the skin and its condition.

Olive oil for the face - all ways of skin care

Surely everyone knows that before you carry out nourishing, moisturizing or toning procedures for the skin, you must first carefully clean it. Therefore, the first thing we learn to cook scrub, milk and tonic.

Home scrub with olive oil

Take two tablespoons of wheat bran, mix in equal parts with heated oil. Make a light micro-massage of the skin of the face with very soft, barely touching movements for 2-3 minutes, then wash with warm water. Wheat bran can be replaced with sea salt, coffee grounds or ground oatmeal.

Cosmetic facial cleanser with olive oil

Prepare the following products: a glass of boiled milk, 1 fresh cucumber, olive oil - 1 spoon, 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil. So, first, finely grate the cucumber and fill it with milk. Close the lid and leave to stand for at least an hour. After you need to strain and add oil. You can use it as a cleansing lotion, a make-up remover milk and even instead of a light cream for the night. Save should be in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days.

Invigorating tonic

Combine one part of apple cider vinegar with the same amount of olive oil. Apply to clean face once a day.

Face masks with olive oil

These masks will allow you to fully experience the beneficial properties of the oil for different skin types, and the simplicity of their manufacture and the low cost of the ingredients make it possible to easily make them at home.

Nourishing face mask with olive oil

If you have dry and tired skin, with a grayish face, then this nourishing mask is for you. Take the egg yolk, mash it with a spoonful of thick honey and olive oil. Then cover with a uniform layer the skin of the face and neck, leave for 20 minutes. After such a procedure, the skin will even out, the tone will improve, all the redness will disappear. The skin will look nourished and velvety. It is advisable to do the course in 1 month, at least once a week.

Soothing mask for dry and sensitive skin with olive oil

Crush (on a fine grater or in a blender) 1 small banana and cucumber. Add olive oil for the face - 2 spoons. Cover the face, neck and décolleté with a thin layer, wash it in half an hour.

A simple recipe with olive oil to gently soften the skin

Just combine 1 spoonful of fat, preferably homemade, cottage cheese with 2 spoons of olive oil. Carefully apply on face and neck, after half an hour, rinse. This mask will "revive" fading skin, gently soften and smooth.

Warm lotion for the skin around the eyes

First you need to warm the olive oil over low heat. Dip two cotton discs in it, slightly squeeze and cover closed eyes. Lie down for 5 to 15 minutes. Such warm compresses will smooth small “crow's feet”, moisturize and nourish the skin.

Tomato Mask for Oily Skin

This mask neutralizes excess sebum, gently softens and smoothes the skin. Mix a teaspoon of starch with a pair of spoons of fresh tomato juice. You should have a thick mixture. Add olive oil and evenly coat face. The exposure time is a quarter of an hour.

Oatmeal mask with olive oil for oily skin

This mask gives your skin elasticity and heals. Mix one spoonful of: oatmeal, butter and yoghurt. Salt with a pinch of salt and wait until the salt disperses until the end, and the oat cream softens. Stir and spread the whole face again. After a quarter of an hour, wash off.

Purifying and moisturizing face mask with dill and olive oil

This recipe will fill the skin with vitamins, moisturize and cleanse. Suitable for any skin. Wash and towel dry a few sprigs of dill, chop with a blender or meat grinder. You will need 2 tablespoons of chopped greens. Add in a dill mass a spoonful of olive oil and grated oatmeal. Stir and spread over the face in an even and dense layer. Wash off in a quarter of an hour.

Now you know how to apply olive oil for the face, and you can safely begin to improve your skin. Good results are provided to you as a reward for your efforts. Love yourself!


Watch the video: Surprising New Uses for Coconut Oil (June 2024).