Homemade raspberry liquor without aging - an incredible bliss of taste!


We consistently and firmly advocate for a healthy lifestyle, but ... You have no idea how fragrant and tasty freshly made homemade raspberry liquor can be!

None of the store analogues can compare with this alcoholic drink if it is prepared at home with your own hands from ripe and juicy berries! Incredible bliss of taste, pronounced raspberry aroma with a light creamy aftertaste, heady alcohol base - these are the components of raspberry liqueur without aging.

Why without exposure? Yes, because you need to drink this exclusive drink immediately after its preparation!

This recipe for sweet ladies' alcohol is prepared in 15-20 minutes, so it will become your lifesaver for unexpected visits by guests, for a romantic evening or just to pamper your girlfriend or woman.

To make such a delicious liquor you will need:

- 300 g ripe raspberries;

- 200 ml of quality vodka;

- 0.5 cans of condensed milk;

- 200 ml of boiling water.

The composition of the ingredients is extremely simple and affordable, especially for those who grow berries and fruits in their area or in the country. The only condition for the recipe is to purchase only high-quality alcohol! Low-quality alcohol threatens to spoil the taste of the entire drink, giving off bad notes at the end and paying off the entire raspberry finish.

Separate raspberries from the tail and rinse in water. If you like this recipe, then in the future you can use frozen raspberries to treat yourself to such liquor in the winter, when there are practically no berries. Place raspberries in a saucepan or saucepan and fill with water.

Boil the contents of the stewpan for 5-10 minutes, so that raspberries give away all their aroma and juice to the liquid. Some culinary specialists do without heat treatment, but it is better to spend a few minutes, and then calmly enjoy your favorite drink without worrying about your stomach.

Strain the juice through a sieve to eliminate small raspberry seeds and pulp in the liquor. It is hot, so you will need to cool it before mixing with the rest of the ingredients. This can be done quickly by placing the juice container in another container filled with ice water, or wait for the liquid to cool at room temperature.

When the juice has completely cooled, pour the condensed milk into it.

Mash all contents with a blender at low speed, trying to limit fluid spatter.

Pour vodka into the container and mix everything again with a blender so that all layers get along well with each other.

As a result, you should get a viscous raspberry-cream cocktail.

Pour it into a decanter, and then - into cups or piles and try on health, savoring each sip. Good appetite!

Be sure to invite your friends to the tasting, because the liquor was created specifically for the beautiful half of humanity! And so that you roughly compare the pricing policy of such a drink compared to the store equivalent, let's calculate all your waste in creating it:

- 300 g ripe raspberries - 22 rubles .;

- 200 ml of quality vodka - 65 rubles .;

- 0.5 cans of condensed milk - 25 rubles.

Total: a bottle of delicious raspberry liquor with a capacity of 500 ml will cost you only 112 rubles! This is two, or even three times cheaper than buying a drink in the store, and at the same time you will know exactly which ingredients this liquor was made from - without the addition of dyes and flavors!

There is nothing tastier than home-made recipes - we will surprise you more than once!


Watch the video: WEED INFUSED COUGH SIZZURP?! - Food Feeder (June 2024).