STDs: infection for two


Divide the whole world for two, breathe each other and always be together - isn't this the dream of every couple in love? But, unfortunately, sometimes partners share with each other not only tender words and hugs, but also harmful microorganisms that cause sexually transmitted infections. It is also necessary to treat these infections together.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are among the ailments that educated people prefer to quietly keep silent about. Unfortunately, this does not help to stop the widespread spread of STDs. Every year these diseases cover more and more "victims".

But if earlier urinogenital infections were considered the lot of sexually promising people, today, according to statistics, at least 80% of Russians at least once have come across STDs and treated them to a doctor. And this is not to mention those who live in ignorance, not suspecting that sexual infections are raging in their bodies, gradually undermining their health.

Where do STDs come from

Sexually transmitted infections, some doctors call "diseases of behavior." After all, the risk of infection increases the frequent change of partners and casual relationships. Not everyone pays enough attention to the choice of remedies, although now there is something to choose from. A condom, according to those who do not care about their health, is “inconvenient”, besides, it is not always at hand ...

As a result, after fleeting sexual intercourse, a person becomes a carrier of a mass of unkind microorganisms obtained from a partner along with sperm or vaginal secretions. And either runs to the doctor with complaints "it burns and itches," or, in the absence of symptoms, is unaware of the presence of STDs and transmits them to his future partners.

Since STDs can live in the human body for years, it is not uncommon for people to pass on infections to each other for decades. She did something stupid in her early youth, entered into sexual intercourse without a condom, after a few years she started a serious relationship, she passed the infection to her future husband - another “STD for two” happened. And this disease was the cause of infertility ... Is not it, too high a price for lightheadedness?

Better alert than cure

Of course, the phrase "The disease is better to prevent than to cure," is beaten and to some extent boring. But nevertheless, it is effective. Those who do not forget about the protection and regular visits to the gynecologist rarely face unpleasant STDs and infertility due to rampant sexually transmitted infections in the body. A modern, successful woman who cares about her health takes time for herself, does not forget to visit the gynecologist and receive documentary evidence that everything in her body is in order.

Specialists of the international medical center HE CLINIK will be happy to help all patients who are looking for a good gynecologist and are not ready to overpay for services and spend a lot of time visiting the doctor. The staff of highly professional gynecologists who trained and worked in the best clinics in Europe and Israel works in the clinic. The center has its own laboratory (we give out the results of analyzes on our hands as soon as possible) and is equipped with equipment from leading world manufacturers. All branches of the clinic are open on weekends and holidays, from 8.00 to 23.00.

HE CLINIC - a multidisciplinary medical center, where a urologist leads a regular reception - come along with your partner! After all, only the simultaneous treatment of a pair can bring success. In addition, it is very convenient to visit the same clinic together and, if necessary, receive advice from other specialists if they are required.

Specialists of the HE CLINIC will also help prevent the occurrence of undesirable consequences immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse.

The most common STDs

Bacterial Vaginosis (Gardnerellosis)

With this common disease, the number of beneficial microorganisms in the vagina is sharply reduced. Lactobacilli disappear, giving way to gardnerella, which lead to the appearance of grayish discharge with an unpleasant "herring" smell. Men are carriers of Gardnerella, although the disease does not cause any symptoms. Untreated bacterial vaginosis can lead to miscarriage.

Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma

Mycoplasma and ureaplasma - mysterious microorganisms that do not have DNA and cell wall. But this does not prevent them from penetrating into human cells and harming him. Mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas readily create "communities" around themselves, cooperating with other pathogens of diseases. In this way, mixed infections are obtained where microorganisms help each other defend themselves against drugs. Lack of treatment for ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis can lead to pelvic inflammatory diseases.


Chlamydia can cause urethritis, prostatitis, cystitis, vulvovaginitis, cervicitis, erosion, endometritis and many other diseases. The respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, urogenital systems and even the organs of vision are affected. Among the complications of chlamydia are infertility and impotence.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes refers to viral diseases. Manifested by a lesion of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, the appearance of erosion, small ulcers, burning and swelling. It is dangerous to reduce local and general immunity, the development of bacterial infections of the genitals, damage to the nervous system and the development of cervical cancer and prostate cancer. Increases the likelihood of miscarriage in pregnant women. Infection of the partner is possible even in the absence of external signs of the disease.


Trichomoniasis often coexists with other sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia and mycoplasma. It causes the appearance of heavy discharge, itching and burning in women and painful urination in men. Ignoring the symptoms of trichomoniasis can lead to its transition to the chronic form, and then to prostatitis, complicated childbirth and infertility.

What is dangerous self-medication

If there is a suspicion that the STD did not pass by you and it is time to do something, the worst way out would be to go to the pharmacy, bypassing the doctor. Of course, in the pharmacy you may be advised "good medicine for everything", but uncontrolled intake of any medications, including antibiotics, can lead to the transfer of the infection into a latent form. At the same time, STDs will continue their destructive effect, but you will learn about this much later, with the development of serious complications.

It is very difficult to treat a patient who once chose self-medication: antibiotic therapy may not be suitable for him when she is really needed.

Be healthy and happy! Take care of yourself and take time to visit your gynecologist at least once a year, if you have complaints, more often.

In July 2015, in the CLINIC you will be able to conduct a comprehensive examination of women's health for only 1999 rubles.

The second unique action - for men: a urologist's appointment with a 50% discount - 750 rubles!

HE CLINIC - do not forget to invest in your health!


Watch the video: Straight Talk about Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Leena Nathan, MD. #UCLAMDChat Webinar (July 2024).