TV host Masha Malinovskaya fights for survival and sells jewels


TV presenter Masha Malinovskaya sells jewelry. Television agency, referring to the crisis, decided to sell its own cross, created from precious stones. It must be said that Masha is upset by the need to part with the decoration, but there is no choice - she needs to provide for the son Miron.

Subscribers Malinovskaya negative attitude to her act, accusing the presenter of blasphemy. Masha did not crawl after the word in her pocket and declared that she didn’t care what they thought, because nobody helps her in life. The star said that she had to fight for life - hers and her child.

It is curious that, among other things, Malinovskaya in the near future plans another plastic surgery on the chest, which once again should correct the mistake that mutilated the bust of the star of the surgeon.


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