The most fashionable trends in hair dye 2015.


What style of hair coloring will be the most fashionable in 2015? In addition to the monochrome colors in the natural range and "super blond", coloring (painting in several shades) and complex highlighting techniques are experiencing rapid flourishing.

Hair bronding, the No. 1 coloring technique for the past few years, is still at the peak of popularity. Her main idea: to provide a spectacular transition from darker hair to lighter tones in a variety of ways, and tactfully turn brown-haired women and brunettes into blondes.

And, in this sense, brondirovanie can be attributed, as, no less popular, ombre staining (ombre), and relatively new coloring techniques: sombre (sombre), chambre (chambre), splashlights and babylights .

So, let's try to understand what these new terms mean, and to whom, which technician will suit the most. And stylists of the Noble Manor Beauty Center will help in this.

If you paid attention to the peculiarity of children's hair burning out in the sun, then the term beybilayts will be clear to you, as well as the main idea of ​​technology. Lightened strands frame the face, smoothly moving from very light colors to the color of the main body of hair. This technique allows you to make facial features softer and more tender, and the oval - more rounded. This technique is best suited for brown-haired and brown-haired, because it is burnable shades of hair. And it is with them that the childishly burnt locks look very natural.

Sombre is an option for those who like the idea of ​​ombre staining, but without unduly contrast transitions. If the difference between the roots and clarified tips is not more than 2 tones, and besides, the transition between these parts is not sharp, but as if connected by light strands, then this fashionable sombre is coloring.

Most brunettes and dark brown-haired women, dreaming of going into the category of blondes, would choose a spectacular color of champagne. It is perfectly combined with any skin tone, including the darkest, and any eye color. In addition, this shade - not too cold, but not warm. Getting it on dark hair is not easy, but the task is worth it. And in this case, you are the owner of a fashionable chambray.

For those who dare to take the risk, a new splash technique is designed. She also claims to be "natural", but rather peculiar, imitating the highlight of the sunbeam on her hair. The horizontal bleached strip of hair, as a rule, is located in the upper or middle part of the hairstyle and looks organic on smooth hair.

The advantage of all these techniques is that, despite the complexity, they do not require frequent tinting and renewal during regrowth. Once you have created a "masterpiece", you can safely carry it until you get bored, or until the next trendy experiment.


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