Scientists recommend checking your mail no more than three times a day.


In the modern world there are many people who are seriously dependent on computers and smartphones and who constantly expect messages from friends and colleagues. This, according to experts, is a serious stress factor. Help to defuse the situation can help change behavior. Experts recommend reducing the number of mail views to three times a day and respond better to all available letters than to each one individually.

There is evidence that people who constantly check email or respond to calls from management have similar neurological signs: insomnia, headache, excessive anxiety, fatigue, problems with digestion. These data allowed to come analysis of medical indicators 124 volunteers.

Most of them were students or university graduates. The rest worked in various fields of activity. Some participants in the experiment checked their e-mail no more than three times a day, the other part - as often as they could. Then the groups changed places.

As a result, it turned out that those who checked their mail only occasionally, psychologically felt much more comfortable.


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