Chocolate mousse - the best recipes. How to properly and deliciously prepare chocolate mousse.


Chocolate Mousse - General Cooking Principles

Chocolate mousse is an easy-to-prepare dessert, which at the same time can be a wonderful decoration of a festive table. The name of the treat speaks for itself - the main ingredient here is chocolate. You can take the classic bitter chocolate for a more astringent taste, milk chocolate will suit lovers of more delicate and sweet desserts. Most importantly, it was really chocolate, not a sweet pastry tile. Next, you need eggs (although there are recipes for chocolate mousse and without them), powdered sugar (to taste) and butter. Sometimes the dessert is prepared without butter, but with the addition of heavy cream. The principle of cooking is as follows: chocolate is softened in a water bath, cooled and altered with powdered, beaten yolks, whites, and cream. If butter is used, it is immediately softened with chocolate. The mass is decomposed into forms and sent to cool.

Chocolate mousse - preparing food and dishes

In order to make chocolate mousse, you need a bowl for mixing ingredients, two more containers for beating yolks and proteins, a fireproof bowl for a water bath, a pan, a blender, a whisk or a mixer. Chocolate mousse can be served in transparent glasses, ice-cream bowls or small vases.

First you need to melt chocolate in a water bath, after which you can proceed to the direct preparation of chocolate mousse.

Chocolate Mousse Recipes:

Recipe 1: Chocolate Mousse

The most common variant of chocolate mousse. Dessert is made on eggs and butter with the addition of powdered sugar. The chocolate should be dark.

Ingredients Required:

  • 455 g of dark chocolate;
  • Oil - 35 g;
  • Iced sugar - 110 g;
  • Six eggs.

Cooking method:

We take out a good fireproof bowl, break the chocolate into slices and put it there. Place the bowl in the water bath and melt the chocolate along with the butter. We take about 75-80 ml of water for half the icing sugar and boil a thick syrup. Separate the yolks from proteins. Beat the yolks in a separate bowl with a whisk, then gently pour in the sugar syrup. We continue to beat until the yolks discolor. Pour whipped yolks into butter-chocolate mass. Squirrels whip in a rich foam, then add the remains of powdered sugar and whisk again. We spread proteins into the total mass in small portions. Mix all components with several movements from the bottom up. Spill chocolate mousse on the vases and send in the refrigerator for 5 hours.

Recipe 2: Chocolate Mousse "in French"

This chocolate mousse is somewhat different from the classic treats, as the mass is cooked in the oven. It turns out very delicate and delicious dessert, which has nothing to do with chocolate cake (as some might think). Served with whipped cream.

Ingredients Required:

  • Milk chocolate - 3 tiles of 100 g;
  • 150-160 g of oil;
  • ¼ kg of sugar;
  • Eight eggs;
  • Four spoons of flour.

Cooking method:

Chocolate break into slices. Put the butter in a water bath, gradually spread chocolate to it. Heat over moderate heat until all the butter and chocolate have melted. Remove the bowl from the stove and let cool. Separate the whites from the yolks. Put the yolks in the chocolate mass, mix. Then add flour with sugar and stir thoroughly. Squirrels whip until thick foam, lay out in the mass and mix. Bake the mousse in the oven for about thirty minutes. Serve mousse with whipped cream.

Recipe 3: Chocolate mousse without eggs

Perhaps the easiest recipe for chocolate mousse. For cooking, you need only two components - it is chocolate and whipped cream. This mousse can be served alone or in combination with biscuit baking.

Ingredients Required:

  • Two bars of dark natural chocolate (100% each);
  • 310 ml of cream (about 1.25 glasses) - 30% fat.

Cooking method:

Chocolate break into pieces and lay out in a bowl. Heat in a water bath until melted chocolate. Cream whip until moderate pomp. If you whip the cream for too long, they will become too dense and not so airy. Carefully add the melted chocolate to the cream. Mix both components and pour into the bowls. We remove the mousse in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Recipe 4: Chocolate Mousse with Liquor

This simple recipe is a godsend for true gourmets. For the preparation of dessert, it is better to use Irish cream liqueur, but if this is not available, you can also take cognac.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Dark chocolate bar;
  2. Three eggs;
  3. A tablespoon of Irish cream liqueur (or brandy);
  4. Half a cup of 30% cream;
  5. Several slices for decoration.

Cooking method:

Chocolate break into pieces and soften in a water bath. Remove the bowl from the stove and leave to cool. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat yolks in a small cup, then combine them with liqueur and melted chocolate. Whip cream, half spread in chocolate mass. Protein whip and lay in the mass, all the components are thoroughly mixed. Pour the mousse in glasses or creamers, send for half an hour in the fridge to cool. Slices of chocolate in three chips. Serve chocolate mousse with the remaining cream and decorate with chocolate chips.

Chocolate mousse - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

- Unusual taste and aroma is given to chocolate mousse by coffee, cognac, cream liqueur, vanillin, nutmeg, etc. There are a lot of options, so you can experiment here;

- The yolks and proteins are always whipped separately from each other, and proteins are introduced into the mass last;

- You can make puff chocolate mousse of white and dark chocolate, but this recipe requires more time and some skill.


Watch the video: Only 2 Ingredient Chocolate Mousse Recipe Just In 15 Minutes (June 2024).