How to win a man: 5 tips from journalists


Journalists know how to behave with an interlocutor in order to endear him and learn all the necessary information about him. When they interview, they are guided by certain rules that can help in building a relationship between a man and a woman. There are only five basic rules.

To direct the conversation in the right direction

The purpose of the conversation is to find out what personality the chosen man is, what life goals he pursues and what he wants to achieve. No need to learn about it directly, otherwise you may be confronted with misunderstanding, a woman can be perceived as too curious, without tact.

A woman should refer to the fact that she had heard something on the radio or read on the Internet on the topic of interest to her. This will give a reason to start a conversation about it. Usually questions are better to start with the word "why." You need to monitor that, in order not to open up in the conversation, otherwise a woman risks losing control over the relationship.

Let the man speak

You need to listen more than talk. A woman should let a man develop a thought and learn all the details from him. Should be careful and not interrupt. There is no need to be silent, but also to talk a lot too, it is better to insert such phrases as “I am very interested”, “I would be glad if you continued to tell”, “do not stop, this topic is very interesting to me”, you are very pleased to listen. "

Memorize and show interest

A man must understand that he is in the center of female attention. To do this, you need to look into his eyes, push him to continue the conversation, show his interest. As soon as there is a pause in the conversation, it is immediately necessary to propose a new topic for discussion.

The female task is to memorize. It is necessary not only to memorize everything said, but also to analyze. Based on this analysis, a woman is obliged to understand how to behave with a man in the future and whether to continue communication.

No need to be indifferent

A woman should make a man realize that she understands his feelings. She should not show that she is bored, even if it really is. You can not abruptly interrupt the interlocutor, when the woman realized that she had learned everything she wanted about the person. When the topic is not interesting to her, it is necessary not to interrupt the conversation, but to translate it into the right direction for the woman.

Do not criticize or condemn

If a woman allows herself to condemn the statements to the interlocutor, it only hurts herself. In this case, the man may withdraw, he will lose any desire to communicate with her. It is also possible that he will specifically change his statements, in order to adapt to her world perception, she will not be able to find out about his true views.

How to behave at the beginning of a relationship?

  • You must be careful in your statements and not share intimate information. At the beginning of a relationship, when a woman likes a man, she wants to tell him about the innermost. She does not need to hurry, otherwise she can scare away a man who is not ready for such frankness. About such things, that is, about personal, about dreams and desires, it is worth telling after the relationship becomes serious.
  • Frankness can play a woman a disservice. Sincerity can make a man, on the contrary, withdraw into himself, or adapt himself to a woman, telling her something that is not true.
  • During the first date, the main goal is to find out more about the man, and the next one is to convince the man that he has already found the woman he needs. But you do not need to talk about it in the forehead, but only subtly hint at it in the conversation, emphasizing the positive traits of his own person and based on the information received about the man.
  • In addition, you need to remember that it is not necessary on the first date to express their opinions on a particular issue, if a woman is not directly asked about it. It is better to save this information for subsequent dates.

Finding the right man is hard, and starting a relationship with him and he will like it is even more difficult. Therefore, in the first stages you need to make a lot of effort in order to properly start a conversation, learn as much information as possible about the man and understand how you can like him. But if a woman listens attentively to him, then all this will not be such a difficult task. And the experience of true journalists and their knowledge will surely help her in love.


Vika 01/15/2016
But how can one understand the sudden and incomprehensible feeling of love, which sometimes flares up to the opposite person, which is not at all consistent with personal tastes?


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