Doctors recommend not taking sick leave


According to doctors, staying on a hospital can aggravate a person’s poor health, especially if he suffers from depression.

Australian scientists have stated that depression is one of the main causes of disability, unemployment, and a decrease in the productivity of people of working age. Studies have shown that being at work in a depressed state is capable of bringing a person back to normal faster than sitting at home. According to the data obtained, people who, being prone to a depressive state, continued to come to work, acquired important skills that helped them control their condition.

All this applies equally to office workers as well as people engaged in low-skilled labor. However, the former, according to scientists, are more prone to depression and lose a lot when they are absent. For example, they are often looking for a replacement, since the cost of their medical care is extremely high.

Doctors believe that employers should in every way encourage employees who, despite their difficult psychological state, prefer to enter the service of the hospital. To encourage such a solution, they can be offered flexible working hours.


Watch the video: Company not accepting doctors' notes for sick days? (July 2024).