Cheese cream soup "Tenderness" - a recipe with photos and step by step description


In contrast to the more popular mashed soups, in which the ingredients are usually rubbed more coarse, cream soup, as a rule, has a more uniform consistency. He looks more like pasta or semolina.

Potato cream soup "Tenderness" on a cheese basis has a pleasant soft creamy taste, as for its preparation cream is used, and a very delicate, almost uniform structure. Children eat it with great pleasure. It is not bad to prepare such soup to the patient, especially in the postoperative period or when a sore throat. Potato rem soup with hard and melted cheese will also appeal to those people who do not eat meat.

Very good nourishing and healthy cheese cream soup "Tenderness" as a first course for lunch on a cold winter or dank autumn afternoon. It will warm with its mild warmth.

Even if you have never cooked a cheese soup, a recipe with photos and comments, which describe each step in detail, will help you to easily master this simple skill.

In the photo: ingredients for the preparation of cheese soup "Tenderness":

  • Water - 400 grams
  • Processed cheese "Friendship" - 300 grams
  • Cream 33% fat - 250 milliliters
  • Parmesan cheese - 150 grams
  • Potato - 3 tuber
  • White ground pepper - pinch
  • Salt - to taste
  • Yolks of boiled eggs - 3 pieces

Recipe for making cheese soup "Tenderness" (with photo):

Start cooking creamy cheese soup with potato cleansing.

Tubers need to boil in four hundred milliliters of water. Potatoes are best taken crumbly, which is very well boiled soft. To make the potatoes cooked faster and at the same time it tastes better, you can add a little bit of vegetable or butter in the water in which it is boiled.

When the tubers begin to fall apart, reduce the heat and, without taking the potatoes out of the water, with the device with which we make puree, we press them, trying to crush the potatoes as small as possible. When the liquid has left another fifteen minutes, the lumps will disperse and the potato mass will become almost homogeneous. That is what we are achieving through our actions.

Make the same with hard cheese.

Then alternately ship to potato chips processed cheese. Stir. Boil.

Behind it, drop the hard cheese shavings there and stir. On the smallest heat we give the opportunity to the cheese-potato mixture to boil. Introduce the cream into it. Continuously stirring, prisalivat and pepper.

Ready cream soup purée blender and pour into plates.

If you somehow do not decorate the dish, it will look pretty boring. For decoration, you can use this option: we cut off a small square from an ordinary plastic folder.

In it we cut the stencil of a heart or any other figurine.

Through this stencil, pour the egg yolks, crushed into a crumb, into the cream soup.

The easiest way to do this is when the soup cools slightly and a film of cheese forms on its surface.

For the purpose of decoration, you can use dark sesame for sushi. It is especially appropriate if you serve a cheese-based cream soup with sesame buns.

Having learned to cook a creamy soup for this recipe, you can freely experiment with other products.


Watch the video: Cheese Soup - Ahwahnee's Famous Beer & Cheese Soup Recipe (July 2024).