Actor Alexey Panin spoke about children born out of wedlock


Actor Alexei Panin admitted that he has two illegitimate daughters. Moreover, the girls were born from completely different women.

Panina’s first daughter, Masha, was born from a certain Tatiana Savina, who couldn’t get pregnant before meeting Alexei. Now, together with her mother, she is raising her stepfather.

The birth of Sonya’s second daughter was a complete surprise for Alexey. Her mother never married. The girl is her last name.

Panin admitted that although he does not live with his daughters, he helps them financially.

The actor himself, along with his mother brings up a daughter, Anna. For many years now, there has been a struggle for the girl between Panin and her mother, ex-wife of Alexei, Yulia Yudintseva. Despite the court ruling that after the divorce, Anna should live with her mother, Panin ignores him and does not give the child to her ex-wife.


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