Types of rhinitis and how to deal with them


Long runny nose creates a lot of trouble for a person. In such a state it is very difficult to work and lead a normal life. What is the common cold? How to cope with it?

So, about the causes of rhinitis

Imagine a situation where no therapeutic procedures, medications and drops help to cure a rhinitis, the rhinitis is only getting worse. Typically, this condition is associated with previously untreated diseases that have passed into the chronic stage. If a runny nose lasts more than 3-4 weeks, you should know that it can turn into a chronic form due to the existing disease, which caused this complication. Usually, a long runny nose is associated with diseases such as vasomotor rhinitis, allergies, as well as sinusitis. Let's talk more about each disease.

Vasomotor rhinitis Also called neurovascular and even false rhinitis. It is characterized by stagnation of mucus, headaches, nasal congestion, insomnia, etc. Additionally, the development of this type of rhinitis is affected by stressful situations, drinking large amounts of alcohol, and impaired hormonal levels. If you do not treat this type of disease, polyps and sinusitis may later appear.

Diseases of the sinusitis series pose a sufficient threat to human health, so they cannot be run into the chronic stage. With sinusitis, the stuffy nose is noted with some loss of smell, coughing at night, snot thick with a bright shade. In addition, sinusitis is characterized by headaches mainly in the facial area. Sinusitis must be treated to avoid possible severe complications. Sometimes sinusitis can lead to death.

Allergic rhinitis. In modern society, allergies are one of the most common problems. Allergies are provoked by various external stimuli, including dust and gases in the surrounding atmosphere, plant pollen, and various chemicals. In some cases, the usual human products can cause an allergic reaction of the body, which manifests itself in the form of a cold.

With this disease, a person begins to sneeze constantly, his nose is stuffed up, his eyes turn red, and watery discharge from his nose. To treat such a runny nose, it is imperative that he subsequently did not turn into asthma.

What to do with a cold?

Definitely need to be treated. The specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment, taking into account the reasons that caused a long runny nose. Treatment may consist in taking antihistamines, which will soften the allergic reaction. This may be therapy with antibiotics of different spectrum of action, procedures for instillation of the nose, as well as the appointment of corticosteroids.


Watch the video: What is rhinitis? (July 2024).