Sports provoke an increase in the number of bacteria that prevent obesity


Experts do not get tired to list the advantages of physical activity. Found a new one. Irish scientists are convinced that regular exercise helps to increase the number of beneficial bacteria that "live" in the human gastrointestinal tract and prevent many diseases, including obesity.

During the study, doctors made blood sampling from 40 rugby athletes. The main task facing the experts is the determination of bacterial diversity. Samples were compared with blood tests of men not involved in sports. Of these, half had an increased body mass index.

The study participants answered questions, in particular, concerning their diet during the month before the tests. It turned out that athletes had a better metabolism than people with low physical activity. They also noted a fairly large bacterial diversity, including bacteria that save a person from the development of obesity.


Watch the video: How the Gut Microbiome affects the Brain and Mind (June 2024).