Salad with trout - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cooked salad with trout.


Trout is a very interesting fish. Do you know why? Because trout can easily change their usual way of life and even their appearance. She can feel equally comfortable in both fresh and salt water, and her delicate texture of meat can be red and white. And with all this, his taste always remains unique and exquisite. No less refined and tasty are the salads, the main component of which is the meat of this amazing fish. You should also be aware that the color of trout meat depends largely on the transparency and composition of the water in which it lives, on the color of the soil, on the food consumed, on the season and even on how hungry it is. The famous rainbow trout can be recognized by the presence of a bright band on its body. This type of trout is considered royal, because its meat has a special taste and texture. Today we will try to cook salads, to which trout meat gives a particularly rich and refined taste.

Recipe 1. Salad with trout

Ingredients Required:

- slightly salted trout - 250 g;

- peeled shrimp - 250 g;

- boiled eggs - 5 pcs .;

- cucumber - 1 pc .;

- canned corn - 1 can;

- a glass of boiled rice;

- juice of half a lemon;

- onion feathers, salt, pepper and mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Separate the white from the yolks. Cut the trout into pieces and combine with the shrimp. Sprinkle with a little juice. Add boiled rice, canned corn to the salad and mix. Now chop the cucumber and grate the egg whites on a grater. Cut the onion feathers and send them to the fish. Season with mayonnaise and season with necessary spices to taste.

Put the salad in a salad bowl. Grate egg yolks and sprinkle salad. Decorate it with red caviar, greens and small shrimps. Let the salad stand for 2-3 hours and lay it on the table.

Recipe 2. Salad with trout

Ingredients Required:

- slightly salted trout - 300 g;

- natural yoghurt - 200 g;

- potatoes - 2 pcs .;

- eggs - 2 pcs .;

- beets - 2 pcs .;

- carrots - 1 pc .;

- onions - 2 pcs .;

- fresh greens.

Cooking method:

Put the potatoes, beets, chicken eggs and carrots in casseroles. Fill with cold water and cook until cooked. While our vegetables are boiling, we can go about our business. Cleaned and cooled products are cleaned, and we rub them on a grater. Eggs chop with a knife, and chop the onion cube. Salted trout cut into pieces.

So, all the ingredients we have prepared, laid out separately on plates, next to put natural yogurt - it means that we begin to collect the salad.

We take a beautiful plate and grease its bottom with vegetable oil. In the middle of the plate lay out the ring, in which we will lay out your salad. First, lay out the beets and grease a layer of yogurt. Then we will lay out the following layers, each of which will be greased with yogurt. The second layer of lettuce is grated carrot, then potatoes, then an egg and onions. The last layer of lettuce should be trout. I hope you did not forget to lubricate each layer ?! Now we will issue a salad with grated cheese and fresh greens, and we will give it time to infuse - 2-3 hours. After that we will remove the ring with a deft movement. We made beautiful salads, which we can serve in portions next to each guest.

Recipe 3. Salad with trout

Ingredients Required:

- lightly salted salmon or trout;

- eggs - 4 pcs .;

- Philadelphia cheese - 100 g;

- crab sticks - 1 pack;

- gelatin - 8 g;

- boiled rice - 5 tbsp;

- sour cream and mayonnaise - 4 tbsp.,

- red caviar and greens.

Cooking method:

Now we will prepare a festive salad in the form of a cake. To do this, we first put the boiled chicken eggs. Salmon sliced ​​into length slices.

Prepare a deep salad bowl and cover the dish with food foil. Put slices of red fish in such a way that they close the bottom and sides of the salad bowl without gaps. Cooked eggs cool, clean and separate the yolks from proteins. With crab sticks we will remove the film and rub it on the meat on a fine grater. Separately, grate the whites and yolks. Gelatin pour 120 ml. water. Let's wait until the gelatin swells, then put the cup of gelatin in a water bath and dissolve it, constantly stirring with a spoon. Remove from heat and let gelatin cool.

Philadelphia cheese mash with a fork and mix it with mayonnaise and sour cream. Pour gelatin into them and mix well. With the resulting sauce we brush the fish meat in a salad bowl with a brush. At the bottom of the salad bowl lay out the first layer - grated yolks. Smear them with sauce. Then lay out the second layer of salad - chopped crab sticks and smear with sauce again. The third layer of lettuce - grated proteins, which again lubricate the sauce. And the last layer - boiled rice. Rice also grease sauce. Now we will cover the salad with cling film and send it overnight in the fridge. In the morning we get a salad, remove the film and cover the salad bowl with a beautiful flat dish. With a sharp movement we turn the salad bowl over and gently remove it - the salad cake has dropped beautifully onto the dish.

Now we will decorate it with red caviar and fresh greens. Such a salad is the real decoration of any festive table.

Recipe 4. Salmon Salad

Ingredients Required:

- slightly salted salmon - 200 g;

- canned corn - 100 g;

- lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l .;

- Philadelphia cheese - 150 g;

- crackers and avocados.

Cooking method:

If you have ready crackers, you can use it for salad. Such crackers can be easily prepared by yourself. Slices of white bread cut into cubes. Mix dry herbs, crushed garlic, pepper, salt and olive oil. We put the bread cubes in the prepared mixture and immediately move them to a dry heated frying pan. Fry cubes until golden brown.

We clean the avocado fruit and cut its pulp into cubes. Spray them immediately with lemon juice, until they change their color. Dice salmon meat. Philadelphia cheese cut into small cubes and mix with canned corn.

In the middle of the plate put the ring, which will lay out the layers of salad. The first layer is fish pieces, then the next layer is avocado cubes. The third layer of lettuce is corn and the last is cubes of crackers. Let the salad stand for 2-3 hours, then carefully remove the rings and serve the salad.

Trout Salad - secrets and tips from the best chefs

- Trout meat blends perfectly with olive oil and Philadelphia cheese.

- Festive trout salad is best served in portions.


Watch the video: Gordon Ramsay's Top 5 Fish Recipes (June 2024).