10 facial skin signals that your body is malfunctioning


Sometimes it may seem that your skin lives on its own: either it gives off a scattering of acne, then your eyes swell, as if from a sleepless night, then you look in the mirror and notice wrinkles that seem to have been gone yesterday. In fact, the skin in this way "talks" with you and tries to convey to you information about all your internal problems. How to decrypt its signals?

  1. Acne may mean that you have naughty hormones

What triggered the appearance of acne in adolescence is no longer the cause of this phenomenon in adulthood. Then acne could be associated with excess production of sebum, but now they are most likely already hormonal in nature. For example, they can appear in the chin area in women during a certain phase of the menstrual cycle, unlike teenage acne on the cheeks and forehead. Hormonal acne looks like foci of inflammation, so the treatment is to soothe and cleanse the skin. And, of course, it is advisable to visit a gynecologist and a dermatologist.

  1. Early signs of aging? And this is a slowdown in skin cell renewal

You need something that stimulates collagen production and accelerates cell renewal. Retinoids are still No. 1 collagen stimulant. You will also need serum with alpha hydroxy acid (AHA). Examples of AHA are glycolic and lactic acids. It goes without saying that you should consider sun protection to slow down the aging process of your skin, including daily use of the cream with SPF 30, wearing hats and sunglasses.

  1. Blush may be a signal of damage to the protective skin barrier

In this case, use a gentle, non-irritating skin cleansing gel and cream to moisturize the skin. Also look for products containing niacinamide, an anti-inflammatory ingredient that removes skin irritation symptoms. L'Oreal even advises on its website that more green shades should be included in the makeup to visually muffle visible skin redness.

  1. Bags under the eyes hint at the wrong diet and daily routine.

Find out the source of the problem. Allergies, smoking, and even consuming large amounts of salt can be the main culprits of this phenomenon. Do not neglect the lack of sleep - in this case you will have to reconsider your routine and accustom yourself to sleep for at least 7 hours. For faster elimination of the problem, use special eye creams or do the improvised means in the form of compresses from slices of cucumber or fresh potatoes.

  1. Dry or cracked skin means it is very thirsty

With age, the skin loses moisture, and dehydrated skin immediately shows all signs of aging in the form of wrinkles. Resist the temptation to “treat” it with the fattest cream that will only clog pores and cause acne. It is better to choose a light moisturizer with a more fluid consistency.

  1. Redness, flushing and visible blood vessels are all signs of rosacea

Get tested for skin conditions. The sooner you start treating rosacea, the better. So, if your cheeks, nose, chin or forehead are constantly red, or you notice small visible blood vessels - contact a dermatologist. Treatment includes lifestyle changes: stress reduction, limiting exposure to the sun, plus the choice of special care products.

  1. Eye circles may not be associated with lack of sleep

Sometimes banal genetics play a role here, and this is something that is beyond your control. However, you can correct the problem with eye creams that contain brightening antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E. If the circles look gray-blue, it is possible that this is a network of blood vessels that shines through the thin skin under the eyes.

  1. Brown spots on the skin - the effects of excessive sun exposure

First of all, always keep your sunscreen on hand. Experts also recommend the use of products containing alpha hydroxy acids and hydroquinone (HQ), which can help solve the problem with pigmentation. Alternatively, look for products with licorice extract, azelaic acid, niacinamide or arbutin - these are ingredients with brightening properties.

  1. Wrinkles indicate collagen depletion in the skin

Your goal is to increase collagen production with products containing substances that enhance cell renewal, and peptides that work at a deeper level, strengthening the structure of the skin.

  1. Laxity and sagging skin? And this is also a lack of collagen

If you are not ready for a facelift (and perhaps you will never be ready for it), then look for creams or non-invasive solutions to the problem that are suitable for you, such as, for example, ultrasound devices for skin tightening. These treatments will stimulate collagen formation and remove sagging and sagging skin.


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