How to strengthen your female intuition: 7 simple ways


Do you know how to listen to your inner voice, which, as practice shows, almost never makes a mistake? Do you trust that instinctive sensation that arises at your subconscious level when something goes wrong? Human intuition "works" like an internal compass, and it often knows the answer before we process the information in the head. This inexplicable feeling can even be called our intuitive operating system, sending us messages.

Yes, and you yourself probably sometime exclaimed in your hearts: "I should have listened to my intuition!" Moreover, many business leaders and very successful people rely on their inner voice, basing their decisions on how they relate to the situation or circumstances - and they are most often right.

I wonder how our life would have changed if we listened more to intuition and trusted what we feel? Alas, we often incorrectly evaluate situations, perceiving them from the point of view of logic, instead of accepting prompts from our "internal control system". Do you want to learn how to use your intuition, so to speak, at full capacity? Try these simple ways.

Calm your mind

There is a constant noise in our heads, which is appropriate to compare with the atmosphere of the eastern bazaar. Our thoughts are so chaotic and disordered that we simply are not able to relax for a second and get distracted from their hubbub. As a result, we are not able to focus on the current moment and think about something more calmly and, most importantly, sensibly. But when we calm our own minds, we get the opportunity to hear the voice of intuition behind all this meaningless noise.


If you are stuck with a decision, try meditation. You do not need to stop your thinking, try to at least slow it down. Sometimes the answer is inside the question, so sit down, relax, slow down the crazy swarm of your thoughts and clear your mind to hear the prompts you need.

Write down your thoughts

When you fix your thoughts in writing, this action awakens your creativity and at the same time strengthens the voice of intuition. That's right: the creative side of your nature and intuition often work in tandem. Try filling out at least a page a day, even if you really don’t know what to write about. The process of fixing what comes to mind can sharpen your perception of the world around you.

Pay attention to dreams

Sometimes the answers we need come in our dreams. This is exactly the time when your unconscious thoughts get a chance to be visualized. Record your dreams when they seem deep and meaningful to you. If some kind of dream has particularly affected you, then it is possible that it may contain messages that you need to hear.

Trust your inner voice completely

Your intuition knows and understands the current situation much better than you. Please note that sometimes you want to go to work by a different route, or, for example, you have an anxious feeling about a potential client or some person whom you are going to meet. It is your inner wisdom that governs you. If something is wrong, believe that feeling.

Abstract from the situation

You must not make any decisions under pressure. If you are not sure about something, take a step to the side, listen to yourself, and then act. Also ask yourself whether the solution seems easy or difficult. If it does not cause you to feel heaviness or burden, if you do not feel inexplicable internal resistance, then it will most likely be true.

Remember to always be yourself

How does it strengthen your intuition? - you ask. When you behave naturally and demonstrate your true self, then your intuition is a vital part of you. The more sincere you are, the more confident you are, and therefore do not allow fears and doubts to take control of you. And against the background of inner calm, intuition is best heard.

So, the next time you have a strong, albeit inexplicable feeling, rather than brushing it off, it’s better to take note of it. And if you practice the above methods, you will soon begin to function more in your "intuitive operating system", and not just use the logic for each situation. The more often you trust inner wisdom, the more you find yourself trusting yourself.


Watch the video: 7 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently (June 2024).