What surprises in behavior to expect from a girl - it depends on her zodiac sign


Relationships with a girl are a real adventure, where romance, confrontation, playful attempts to slip away on one side, hopes, a pinch of resentment, delight that there is a person who suits you ... combine in amazing harmony.

But even every girl is a mystery of the Universe, the essence of which the great sages of antiquity could not understand ... True, astrologers have come to the conclusion that depending on her belonging to one of the signs of the Zodiac, it is possible to expect certain surprises in her behavior. A sadness about which, naturally, will make a man’s life much more logical, safer, more reliable, more pleasant, calmer and generally more beautiful.


It would be strange if her ardent ambition did not fall on the head of the chosen one. Aries is a brilliant strategist and a man usually does not notice how she takes control of his life. Such a surprise is especially dangerous when power is disguised as concern. It may even be funny and pleasant at first, but if you do not want to lose yourself, you will have to prove to the sign that there can be equality in the pair. True, Aries needs to be given a little command at least sometimes - without this, she simply would not be happy.



Perhaps she actually has green, not blue eyes. She probably knows how to cook, but does not want the man to use it. And perhaps she doesn’t have a poltergeist at home, but four cats - she just hides it well. In a word - Taurus is not a liar, he just knows how to disguise the surrounding reality with his words and deeds according to his needs and views. Therefore, to find out her real one is the real proof that she has completely entrusted her heart to a man. And before that ... You can just love her and live happily in her picture of the world.



Once, when everything goes as it should, the Gemini suddenly begins to languish - it is silent, pale, hid in a corner and she does not need anything ... No wonder in a panic to guess - what did you do to the beloved? But in fact, everything is simple - the representative of this sign is distinguished by lively imagination and is inclined to plunge into the inner world, and serious relationships always frighten her with a possible loss of freedom. So she probably just fantasized herself and, for example, is afraid to say some trifle, because of which she might fall out of love. Or she looked for a hidden subtext in the man’s words, according to which she decided that she was no longer as expensive as before. But everything is solved simply - in a frank conversation that begins and leads the chosen one.



Perhaps, living with her, a man will find drawers and boxes that cannot be opened. She could slip away at dawn for a couple of hours. Sometimes it seems that she trembles with the desire to share something, but the banal sounds “do you want a schnitzel for dinner?”. A certain aura of mystery is felt in Cancer, but for all attempts to talk, the girl brushes it off. The answers are that she wants to remain a mystery to her man, and perhaps there are details in her life in which she is afraid to be misunderstood - but the relationship seems so perfect ... Surely this is something harmless ... For example, embroidery beads or volunteering at an animal shelter. Or maybe Cancer dances when she is alone.

In any case, if it was possible to reveal her secret, it is better to say that her passion is completely shared ... or at least pretend that it is.


a lion

It is known that Leo craves admiration and worship for his magnificent beautiful lady. But with a knocking surprise, a girl’s decision may be to remake the chosen one so that he meets her high requirements. She boldly confronts the fact - if you love me, that means I will choose a new wardrobe for you, we will go to the gym together, and also we will eat arugula and grapefruit salad, not a barbecue. And resistance is useless.

But there is another type of “lioness” - she believes that love passes, if with a frequency, for example, a full moon, the chosen one does not arrange romantic dates for her, does not carry coffee to bed, cannot name the components of the train of her perfumes in that lavender box ...



If it seems that everything goes on in life, and she is unhappy with something, perhaps the reason is that she began to lose the amazing state of mind and heart that was at the beginning of the love story. Virgo is able to present to the chosen one many surprises - frowning, claims, insults without words. Because a man must not forget and repeat what he once conquered her - special compliments, respect, as if he could lose at any moment ... In a word, the quirk in relations with Virgo is that she should never feel much difference between the present and past.



From its variability, you can lose your mind a little. Today she is filled with the nightingale about what curtains will be in the kitchen in a common mortgage apartment ... And tomorrow she demands to drop everything and leave for the Galapagos - draw sea lions with watercolors and feed on that. But in reality, Libra just wants to be sure that the chosen one will follow her anywhere and that their love will withstand any test.



In fact, this sign is loyal. But do not think about challenging an opponent to a duel if the sweetheart is found near another, such a laughing coquette ... Just a Scorpio girl loves a “pepper” in a relationship. She will not allow her man to relax - because the real treasure must not only be won, but also kept.



Her desires are the law. Anyone who meets Sagittarius must be prepared for the fact that she does everything in her own way, sometimes purely out of obstinacy, even if it leads to losses. A man with her should be wise, far-sighted and cautious, like a court astrologer with a lord with always hungry tiger at his feet ... So we can say that the main surprise in relations with Sagittarius is some unpredictability of the development of events and the difficulty of influencing them.



One of the most romantic signs of the zodiac is in dire need of freedom. Long and strong relationships do not cancel Capricorn's need for personal space. Therefore, do not be offended if she categorically prohibits touching anything on her shelf or that table in the living room. And sometimes a man must be ready for the style of living together - we are just friends and do not break the boundaries with our arms. Because having tasted the sweet freedom, Capricorn with even greater enthusiasm will return to the usual model of relationships.



We met yesterday, and today - he calls "to eat borsch with beans, as you like!", Although the person, by the way, did not say a word about taste preferences. In general, Aquarius adores attributing to a man the features of an ideal created by her imagination and deciding a thousand little things for him - because he loves and knows how to take care. The chosen one, of course, may not follow the lead of Aquarius in everything, but she also does not need to pull the girl sharply - doing everything out of sincere care and love, she will then be really offended.



One of the most amazing signs of the Zodiac can look for itself for a long time, before it finds happiness, as a self-sufficient, full-fledged and completely contented person. Therefore, a man should not be surprised if he meets a luxurious impudent brunette, and after a week he sees nearby - a fragile modest blonde. Now she talks about her love, then she is silent and sighs. Sometimes she’s sad and doesn’t want to walk even on a sunny day, or she offers to dance in the rain - Pisces is just looking for his place in the world and tastes the most different life. It is not necessary to be the same, but it is also impossible to demand from her that she settles down - she will be happy only with those who wait for her present for as long as necessary.


Watch the video: Things Your Birth Month Reveals About You (June 2024).