The effect of color on a person and environment. Practical tips


Color exposure makes up many folk customs because it has clear associations. It is believed that colors affect the choice of purchases, emotions and even memories. Ideas related to color psychology are widely used in marketing and design. Companies choose colors that motivate people to purchase products and for brand recognition. Color therapy is widely practiced to treat various psychological and physical diseases.

When you really need to apply colors, be creative and use your knowledge outside your comfort zone.

You always have at hand various candles, colored paper, clothes, fabrics, ribbons or ink.

Write letters and notes using appropriate paper.

Put in stones, herbs, or flowers of your choice.

If you meditate or work with the chakras, imagine yourself surrounded by the necessary light.

Applications are limited only by your imagination.

Red connected with the root chakra. Which is responsible for a sense of stability and for the balance of mind and physical senses. In other words, the chakra lowers you to the earth when seen and rooted in earthly energies. Red is associated with courage, health and passion.

Use scarlet lipstick to kiss your loved one. To improve your sex life, fill the red fabric sachet with herbs and hide it under the bed. You can light a candle of this color before a difficult task, to give yourself additional courage.

If you play sports or participate in competitions, put on something red under the uniform for confidence.

Scarlet is also associated with war and power, so if a conflict is inevitable: physical or emotional - imagine yourself being flooded with bright red light before you go into battle.

Orange - the color of creativity and expression. It is associated with the sacred chakra, which is associated with both sexuality and feelings, as well as the ability to establish emotional connections with people.

Use orange to heal eating disorders or addictions, such as drug abuse and alcoholism.

If you are doing work to attract or promote, then light a candle to bring new opportunities to life. Orange clothes will attract people's attention and you will quickly find fun adventures.
Use color if you are a writer or artist who feels that the muse has recently been strangled by problems.

Gold associated with financial gain, business and financial relationships.
Hang these colors around the doorway to attract money to the house. Light a golden candle to attract business success. If you're hoping to give your career a magical boost, wear gold jewelry on your own or in your pocket.

Gold is useful in matters related to the law. If you are awaiting trial in a civil or criminal case, then before you enter the courtroom, put a piece of gold paper in your boot.

Yellow - A bright sunny color that spreads happiness. If people around you are happy, then they are much more likely to see circumstances in a positive way.

When it comes to persuasion and protection, yellow is a great color to apply.

Due to its connection with the solar plexus center, it is also associated with empowerment. A person with a strong solar chakra is one that is well balanced: from self-confidence to absolute self-control.

Green connected with the heart chakra. This is our emotional center - the ability to love others and receive love in return. Forgiveness, romantic passion, compassion, empathy and platonic relationships are all concentrated in the heart chakra. Therefore, use emerald color to solve these problems.

It is also associated with financial abundance. Light a green candle on a growing moon and read affirmations for wealth.

Blue the color of the throat chakra - the center of communication. Our ability to trust and be trustworthy is rooted in the throat chakra. So use blue if you need to find out the truth or open some kind of connection.

Heavenly color is associated with healing, patience and understanding. Have you ever wondered why hospital shoe covers are almost always blue?

If you have an unhealthy friend or relative, write his name on a blue candle before lighting it. Another great idea is to give a set of sky blue socks. Use a sky-colored fabric to sew a pillow and fill it with healing herbs. Make a baby blanket from the appropriate flannel to ensure good health for the baby.

Navy or indigo, connected with the chakra between the eyebrows, where our third eye is located. The ability to self-realization, the development of extrasensory and empathic talents is associated with this chakra. This willingness is to recognize, acknowledge, and then let go of the baggage of negative feelings.

If your work is associated with depression and emotional vulnerability, then use a blue tone.

Violet - The color of the royal family, associated with ambition and power. If you are going to an official meeting or know that you are facing a conflict, wear a purple tie or scarf as an accessory.

In certain traditions, this color represents the crown chakra. This is the part of us that is connected with the Universe itself and with the ability to know a place in the great structure of the World.

If you are expanding your connection with tradition, then use purple.

White strongly attached to purity, truth, and our connection with the Divine and Higher Self. Please note that in candle magic many traditions allow the use of a white candle for ritual instead of any other color.

Use white for activities related to unity and peace, the sanctification and cleansing of instruments and premises.

Silver color represents the moon, and its people have always revered.

Silver is associated with truth, intuition, and inner experiences.

Use a full moon candle of this color to develop your psychic abilities and prophetic dreams.

Due to lunar affiliation, silver is also associated with everything feminine: mood, riddles, tides and pregnancy.


Watch the video: The Science of Productivity (July 2024).