Art Nouveau wedding


Art Nouveau is not only a trend in art, it is also a popular wedding style in recent years: fresh, daring, relevant and provocative, different from the classics with completely new approaches. The Art Nouveau wedding is a departure from the stereotypes and stamps of the celebration with lush dresses, flowers, balloons and fireworks.

Art Nouveau means "modern", this style is characterized by courage, creativity, contrast, urbanism, conciseness and simplicity. Here, clarity of lines and rigor are welcomed, instead of traditional lightness and airiness. In the Art Nouveau wedding, metallized colors, steel, bronze are used, but it is better to refuse silver and gilding. To create a holiday in this format, avoid the standards that are inherent in a wedding in the traditional sense.


When organizing, it is important to pay special attention to the selection of the venue for the celebration. An ideal place would be a loft-style room, it could be a restaurant or a small cafe. The roof of a city building with panoramic city views or an art gallery is a great idea. When choosing to pay attention to the fact that the room was large and spacious, without partitions and walls. This is especially important if there will be many guests at the wedding.

It should be borne in mind that natural landscapes are not suitable for holding a wedding ceremony, because Art Nouveau is an urban style. It is also worth avoiding pompous establishments, restaurants with a classic interior and a "rustic" style. Brickwork, industrial pipes in the interior, uneven plaster and huge floor-to-ceiling windows will create the right atmosphere.

Decoration and decor

In the design of such a wedding, the main emphasis is on originality and ideology. All decor should be a reflection of modern design trends. Art Nouveau is saturated with urban life, so it is better to give preference to interior decoration:

  • metal and glass;
  • geometric patterns: peas, strip, chevron;
  • modern and simple forms;
  • Hi-tech lamps, light letters, bulbs, candles;
  • combinations of several color "blocks".

The tables at the wedding party should be massive, granite countertops look cool. Chairs are also best to choose massive vintage from wood. Walls can be decorated with modernist paintings or old posters. Since Art Nouveau is a minimalist style, it does not tolerate frills and accessories in the interior should be minimized. Unexpected decisions and bold design experiments are welcome. The trend is a combination of minimalism and stained glass accents that will give the celebration a special charm.

As for the color scheme, these are bright, saturated shades. The sharp contrasts look great in the color palette, but pastel tones can also be used. White and black color are the most popular in the design of such a wedding. There must also be a metallic shade, as well as steel and bronze. It is better to refuse classical silver and gold.

Images of the newlyweds

In the image of the bride and groom, the main emphasis is on brevity, there is no need for elaborate luxury. Many people choose this style because they can show their individuality, emphasize the originality of the couple and bring creativity to the creation of wedding images.

The bride should opt for a dress with flowing and simple lines in light, often white colors, you will have to refuse a magnificent one. Metallic and colored elements, crystals, pearls are welcomed in the decoration of the outfit. A set of skirts and tops also looks cool, you can make a bright accent in the outfit. Decoration is better to choose from plastic or metal. Shoes should be simple - shoes with flat soles, sandals, heels can be safely abandoned.

The simplest hairstyle, perfectly loose hair, decorated with flowers, are well suited for the bride. Instead of a traditional veil, they often use a stylish hat, a veil.

It is better for the groom to give preference to a jacket and trousers in different colors, but so that they harmonize with each other. You can complement the image with accessories: tie, suspenders, watches. It is important to pay attention that there is a modern haircut and styling.

Flower Arrangements

For a wedding in this style, you can choose any flowers of various shades. In the decoration of the room, flowers are not the main focus, but you can still create a festive atmosphere with an abundance of flowers that hang directly above the heads of guests. It is very important that the flowers are combined with the overall design of the wedding.

Looks great mix of fresh flowers and plants, painted on canvas, you can arrange a photo zone at the celebration. As fresh flowers, ferns, classic roses of pastel and pink tones, as well as carnations, will become a good choice.

When planning a photo shoot, it is better to abandon natural locations, the idea of ​​such a wedding will perfectly fit the photoset in the city, surrounded by beautiful buildings, in stylish interiors.

The most important thing when planning an Art Nouveau wedding is the desire of the bride and groom to be modern and keep up to date. If you want to experiment, go beyond the usual wedding celebrations, show creativity and originality - this is where you can show it all. In order for the wedding to be held at a high level, it is best to contact specialists who will help and tell you how to organize everything better.


Watch the video: Unreal Wedding Style Southern Art Nouveau Wedding Inspiration (July 2024).