Dana Borisova informed the public about the alcoholism of Mikhail Grebenshchikov


The other day, the TV presenter informed everyone that the 42-year-old singer Mikhail Grebenshchikov not only abuses alcoholic beverages, but also suffers from alcoholism. It also accepts other prohibited substances. Which ones were not specified.

For those who have forgotten a little person Misha Grebenshchikov, we recall. As a young guy, he was lucky enough to become one of the participants in the first season of the television project Star Factory. Only the lazy then did not sing to himself under his nose the hits “Bulka” and “Dancing Cuddles”. In the final of the project he was awarded a well-deserved third prize. After leaving the “factory”, he released four solo albums, conducted programs on music television channels and radio, and was invited as a music expert to popular television shows, including “Army Store”, which was hosted by Dana Borisova. In addition, Michael and Dana together participated in the fifth season of the popular reality show of the first channel "The Last Hero". After that, they were connected by friendly relations, which, as it turned out, the stars support to this day.

A few days ago, Dana said that Michael turned to her for help. He asked to help him get rid of alcohol addiction.

"He told me that he drinks a lot and also uses illegal substances," StarHit told Borisova. The TV presenter sincerely tried to help Grebenshchikov, but, as Dana said, he disappeared.

It is probably no secret to anyone that Dana Borisova herself suffered from one of the types of drug addiction, but was able to overcome the addiction for the sake of her daughter. Now she is trying to help people trapped in alcohol and drugs, and with her own example to prove that with the power of will everything is possible. Not so long ago, she tried to help Eugene Osin and Chris Kelmi. Unfortunately, both could not overcome the addiction and died.

In 2017, for the addiction of Mikhail to the bottle, Alla Pugacheva was forced to dismiss him from the post of creative producer of her school for gifted children, “Recital”.

The reason was a collective complaint of parents about the artist’s behavior. According to them, he could come to work in an “inoperative state”, be rude and behave inappropriately. Parents even agreed to pay the rent of the building for the school on the condition that Grebenshchikov be fired.

Fans also noted the poor appearance of the artist. He appeared at social events with a swollen face and bags under his eyes, but he attributed everything to his middle age.

FEMALE OPINION:The first thing I want to note is the persistence of Dana Borisova, who has been in remission for two years and has not consumed even a sip of champagne. Despite the image of a frivolous blonde, the girl has a steel core and willpower, which many can only envy. It is not in vain that Osin, Kelmi and Grebenshchikov, strong and talented men, sought the help of a fragile woman.

Harmful habits ruined the careers and lives of many talented people, so we sincerely wish Misha a speedy recovery from his illness. The first step to cure, the recognition of his dependence on alcohol, he had already taken.


Watch the video: Sobibor. Unconquered subtitles (July 2024).