How does lack of sleep increase the body's sensitivity to pain?


80% of patients with chronic pain suffer from severe sleep disturbances. According to British studies, lack of sleep enhances sensitivity to pain. The worse the dream, the more seriously the person feels pain signals.

Bi-directional relationship of pain and lack of sleep

Patients who did not sleep well before surgery experience more pain. On the example of migraine, neurologists explain the relationship of pain with sleep. According to studies, migraine attacks most often occur on weekends, when people sleep little.

Examination of the individual phases of sleep shows the interaction of pain with sleep. Often migraine attacks occur directly in a dream.

Based on the EEG records, it was found that the headache is accompanied by a shortened phase of REM and deep sleep.

Deep sleep plays an important role in the physical and mental recovery of a person. Lack of sleep leads to an increase in sensitivity to pain and a decrease in the pain threshold. Therefore, the conclusion that sufficient deep sleep definitely has a therapeutic effect is obvious.

The mechanisms involved in the development of pain and stabilization of sleep are located in the same areas of the brain.

Acetylcholine is a substance that is responsible not only for the appearance of REM sleep and increased alertness, but also for recovery from trauma.

The body's own “painkillers” contribute to deep sleep and less pain.

The concentration of "painkillers" decreases in the brain of a person who sleeps no more than 6 hours. Therefore, patients with chronic pain suffer even more if they sleep poorly.

Does pain also disturb sleep?

Pain can also interfere with sleep and lead to lack of sleep. However, lack of sleep leads to a deterioration in overall health and further reduces the pain threshold.

About 60% of the surveyed patients with back pain reported a decrease in total sleep up to 5 hours.

Therefore, it is important to recognize and treat the symptoms of sleep disturbance or pain in a timely manner. Relaxation exercises, medication and some measures not only provide better sleep, but also have a positive effect on pain.

Sleeping pills and analgesics are a bad idea

Hypnotics greatly violate the structure of sleep. They not only shorten the phase of deep sleep, but also the quality of physical, mental and spiritual recovery. Classical sleeping pills from the benzodiazepine group have significant drawbacks.

The effect often disappears in a few weeks, so the dose must be increased, which can lead to prolonged dependence. Drugs are useless for sleep disturbances caused by severe pain.

Analgesics also negatively affect patient recovery. Opiates violate the stage of deep sleep, which is important for restoring the psyche and body.

15 tips to get a good night's sleep

Most patients neglect simple tips to help them sleep better. Following simple guidelines will help improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of insomnia.

  1. Get up and go to bed at the same time regularly.
  2. Do not sleep during the day.
  3. Older people should try to sleep more.
  4. Do not drink alcohol for 2 hours before bedtime.
  5. Do not drink coffee 4-8 hours before bedtime.
  6. Do not smoke after 19 pm.
  7. 3 hours before bedtime, you should not eat a large amount of food or drink.
  8. Avoid physical or mental stress after 6 pm.
  9. Create an atmosphere for sleep: comfortable temperature, lighting and sounds.
  10. Strongly distinguish between everyday activities and sleep.
  11. Stop sitting at the smartphone for at least 1.5 hours before bedtime, or at least switch the device to night mode.
  12. Perform a regular "bedtime ritual."
  13. When waking up at night, it is not recommended to eat food.
  14. Do not expose yourself to bright light when waking up at night.
  15. Try not to look at the clock at night.

The bed should only be used for sleeping. If you can’t fall asleep, after a certain period of time (about 15-20 minutes), a person should leave the bed. It is not recommended to go to bed until real fatigue occurs.

You should always wake up in the morning at the same time, no matter how good or bad the dream is. Sleeping during the day is not allowed.

Sleeping pills can be taken situationally, but no more than 4-5 times a month. Before using any sleeping pills, you need to consult a doctor, since they cause addiction.
