How does bone broth improve heart function?


According to a Spanish study, bone broth reduces inflammation, relieves joint pain and "strengthens" heart health. Scientists have identified substances that protect the heart muscle from age-related diseases.

What did scientists discover?

Spanish scientists have found that beneficial substances from bone are released during prolonged cooking. Regular consumption of bone broth has a positive effect on the health of the cardiovascular system. The use of bones for the preparation of decoctions and stews can reduce the risk of developing diseases of civilization - hypertension and coronary heart disease.

Proteins decompose to peptides during boiling or frying. Some of these substances block enzymes that cause inflammation in the body.

To find out if bones can become a source of useful peptides, the researchers split them into small pieces. Then the prepared mixture was placed in artificial conditions resembling human digestion.

Bone samples were tested for the activity of several enzymes involved in cardiovascular disease. Experts have found that peptides blocked enzymes even after prolonged heating.

What substances does bone broth contain?

Bone broth is usually made from beef, veal or chicken bones. After that, the bones are poured with water and boiled for several hours until the bone marrow boils. Sometimes vinegar is added to speed bone dissolution.

If desired, add onions, carrots, celery, parsley, bay leaves, salt and pepper to the pan.

According to some recipes, the broth remains on the stove for up to 24 hours.

Cooked soup contains calcium, magnesium, proteins and amino acids. The content of various substances in the broth is quite high. Long cooking also contributes to the release of more nutrients from the bones.

Collagen is the most common protein in the human body, which is used to build connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, bones and cartilage. It is also released into bone broth during prolonged cooking.

In the form in which collagen is present in the soup, the body cannot absorb it. Enzymes break down it in the intestine into amino acids, which the body uses for other purposes. The human body independently produces collagen. Scientists believe that other enzymes are responsible for the beneficial effect.

What enzymes have the greatest effect on humans?

Potentially heart-friendly substances:

  • angiotensin converting-1 enzyme blockers;
  • endothelin converting enzyme;
  • dipeptidyl peptidase-4.

ACE-1 inhibitors are used to treat arterial hypertension and inflammatory heart diseases.

According to the authors, the blockade of these proteins lowers blood pressure.

Studies have also shown a positive effect on type 2 diabetes, obesity, coronary heart disease, and inflammation.

How beneficial substances act predominantly on the heart?

Scientists have discovered that peptides - mainly from hemoglobin and collagen - can block enzymes associated with heart disease. A positive effect was observed even after cooking and digesting food.

Specialists measured the presence of other peptides; many of them were chains of 2 or 3 amino acids.

The authors conclude: "the results indicate that dry bones in stews and broths have a positive effect on the health of the cardiovascular system." The main positive effect is a decrease in blood pressure and a decrease in inflammation.

As the authors note, measuring peptides in vitro is not the same as evaluating their effects on humans. Scientists will need to do a lot more work before they can finally confirm the benefits of the product for the heart.

Understanding the chemical composition of foods is just one small step in understanding their effects on health. New research results will increase the popularity of bone broth. However, this trend is likely to disappear before new and more compelling evidence emerges.


Watch the video: Why Eat Bone Marrow? Benefits of Collagen, Minerals, Fat & Stem Cells in Marrow by Thomas DeLauer (June 2024).