Simple rites for Christmas: for love, for a strong marriage, for the birth of children


Every woman is a little witch, and Christmas time is the best time to make sure of this. Any thoughts, aspirations and intentions in the period from January 6 to 19 gain special strength. Knowing how to concentrate and direct positive energy, you can radically change your life for the better, and here the holy magic will come to the rescue.

On the essence of magic and holy rites

Many consider magic and witchcraft to be a collection of strange rites, reinforced by even stranger words. However, magic is much deeper and is the very essence of man. Waving a magic wand and preparing strange potions should be left to book wizards and Harry Potter, because in reality everything is much more complicated and interesting.

Magic is a process of interaction with the universe. Its strength is the energy of the person who seeks help or blessing, and issues of faith and religion are fading into the background.

All rituals and rituals pursue one goal - to help a person concentrate his energy on achieving what he wants. Conspiracies and spells play the role of transport or transmitter of will into space. Having understood this simple truth, everyone will be able to do magic on their own, without turning to the collections of spells and rituals of White and Black magic for help.

Christmas time by our distant ancestors was perceived as the most favorable period for magic and witchcraft. It is believed that at this time the fabric of the universe becomes especially thin, so any actions aimed at achieving the desired are simply doomed to success.

The power of Christmas time is explained differently.

  1. According to one version, during the period from January 6 to 19, the Christian egregor is the most powerful, because in all churches and churches celebratory services are held, and millions of people fill the world with their energy.
  2. Gentiles associate the power of this period with the thinning of the line between the world of the living and the dead. Each person can turn to their ancestors and will be heard, receiving in response the power or protection of the clan.
  3. But psychologists believe that during this period everyone needs a miracle, and it really happens, since in our life only what we attract into it happens.

Believing in mysticism, the spirits of ancestors or the power of one's own mind is everyone's business. We are sure: every woman is a sorceress, regardless of the presence of magical paraphernalia and great sorcerers and healers among distant ancestors.

A simple rite to fulfill wishes

To conduct this ritual, you need to purchase a beautiful notebook in advance. It is he who will become a kind of accumulator of energy, which afterwards will be spent on the fulfillment of desires. The notebook should be memorable, vivid and high-quality - so that from just looking at the binding felt trepidation and anticipation.

The ceremony is held on the night of January 6th to 7th. You need to retire in a separate room, light candles, incense or aroma lamps - in general, create a pleasant and intimate atmosphere.

Then take a notebook and write in it all that a person wants to receive. Moreover, you need to record absolutely any desires - from buying new shoes to moving to another country and getting your first million. Each desire must be described in detail, evoking the feeling that it has already been fulfilled.

When everything is recorded, the notebook should be closed and hidden in a secluded place.

In the following evenings, until January 19th, it is necessary to pick up a notebook, slowly read each desire and imagine what feelings will arise when the dream comes true. And in the evening of the 19th day (always before midnight) you need to light candles, take a notebook in your hands and say in a loud confident voice: “Letting my dreams go into space. Let them come true, but my mind is no longer disturbed!” After the notebook you need to hide in a secluded place and do not open for a whole year.

Fortune telling and rite of passage on love

This is a very simple fortune-telling, known to all women since childhood. It is necessary to prepare many small leaves, writing on each man's name. Then roll them into tubes and place in a bag or box. Be sure to leave 4-5 blank notes, in case the fiancée has a rare name that the woman does not yet know.

The ceremony is carried out on the night of January 7th. You need to put the bag under the bed and go to bed, and in the morning, immediately after waking up, take out one note with the name.

After reading the name, you need to burn the note, saying three times:

"Come, (name of man), rather, in the winter cold I warm me, save me from all the hardships, love me deeply and tenderly. Amen."

Why burn a note? Only to ensure the transfer of energy into space, because the energy of fire is one of the most powerful available to man.

Strong marriage rite

To perform the ceremony, you need some kind of embroidery skills. It is necessary to take any thing spouse, needle and red thread.

Be sure to light candles and hold the needle slightly above the flame of the candle. Then embroider the Gebo rune from the wrong side, so that when wearing clothes it comes into contact with the skin.

This rune means unity and partnership. While working on embroidery, relationships in a marriage should be visualized, imagining how they will change in 5, 10, 15 years. Repeat embroidery on your clothes.

The same method can be used to tie a man to himself and push him on the proposal of a hand and heart. The main condition is that love and support should reign in the pair. Runic magic will not work if the man’s heart belongs to another woman. It is best to conduct the ceremony on January 9th.

Rite of birth

On Christmas night, it is necessary to draw the Ingus rune over the matrimonial bed. Moreover, it should not be visible, so they draw it with ordinary water. This rune means fertility, the conception of an heir, joy and love.

During work, you need to imagine the unborn child in great detail - eye color, voice, nose shape, etc. The night must be spent with a partner, giving each other tenderness and love. At dawn, take a strand of hair, her and her husband, weave a small braid and burn it, releasing energy.

As you can see, all the rites are quite simple. The key to success is self-confidence and visualization of the desired.


Watch the video: The Red Nosed Reindeer Rudolph. Christmas Carols. Pinkfong Songs for Children (June 2024).