How to protect your mental health during the holiday season?


The festive season in the “perfect world” is filled with love, warmth and happiness. However, most often it is full of stress, exhaustion and panic. With proper preparation and a competent approach, you can return peace of mind on holidays.

Cash cost planning

Gifts, food, drinks, walks and guests are the main expense items. About 43% of people, according to opinion polls, spend more money on New Year's Eve than they plan. 12% of Russians take loans for the New Year and Christmas to buy gifts.

It is recommended that a reasonable budget be established during the holiday season.

Wherever possible, spend only cash or use a debit card. An expense diary will help you control your expenses.

Reasonable dose of alcohol

Almost every 7 Russians drink more alcohol on holidays than expected. Young people between 18 and 24 years old drink the most liquor.

Every 4 respondents from this age group stated that the holidays were drunk.

Almost every 10 (9%) admitted that excessive alcohol consumption ruined his Christmas or New Year.

There is no useful dose of alcohol. Even a small amount increases the risk of damage to liver cells. One thing is certain: the higher the consumption, the more harm. Therefore, it is recommended to completely abandon alcoholic beverages. Who can not cope with the desire to drink, it is recommended not to consume more than 100 g of ethyl alcohol per week.

The Federal Education Center recommends that healthy women drink no more than 12 grams of pure alcohol per day.

This corresponds to approximately 0.1 liters of a glass of wine.

Recommendations for healthy men: no more than 24 g of pure alcohol per day (or about half a liter of beer).

Desire for healthy food

You should not make too much effort to take only healthy food during the holidays. At the same time, it is recommended not to overdo it with junk food.

The basic rule: for every 1 harmful food product to eat 2 healthy.

Guilt from overeating can ruin self-confidence and a festive mood. Trying to minimize this guilt will help improve mental well-being both on holidays and the following days and weeks.

Excessive pedantry and high expectations will bring more suffering and less benefit.

Exercise, or why you should not sit at the TV

Prolonged physical inactivity (lack of movement) increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Slow metabolism, excessive food intake and prolonged sitting at the TV or computer are factors that reduce mood.

Simple exercise is a great way to sharpen the mind and uplift a person’s mood. In the winter season, people most in need of physical activity. Even light exercises, such as walking, may be enough to prevent "holiday sadness."

Adequate expectations

A harmonious, well-dressed, joyful family with a huge Christmas tree and open fire are not quite realistic expectations of many people. Unfortunately, they do not always correspond to reality.

Before the celebration, it is recommended to be realistic.

Mental well-being can be seriously affected if reality does not conform to preconceived ideas. However, if the expectations are realistic, there is a higher probability of being satisfied after the holidays.

Temperance in everything

Moderation is a key factor that should be guided in the New Year holidays. Other people should not influence the decision to consume food or alcohol.

Excessive alcohol consumption can cost you health. The soft phrase "I will no longer" is the best way to refuse loved ones. If staying at home is stressful or relatives do not understand the refusal, it is recommended to leave the room.

It is important to understand that during the New Year holidays, 18 thousand people die every year due to an overdose of alcohol in Russia.

All of the above is simple in theory, but can be difficult in practice. If you decide on some rules in advance, they can be beneficial.


Watch the video: 8 Ways to Protect Your Mental Health During The Holidays (July 2024).