Stitches after childbirth: what you need to know. How much postpartum sutures heal?


The birth of a long-awaited child does not always occur perfectly and according to plan. Often there are injuries of the birth canal during the passage of the child through them. In the event that the injuries are significant, then the tissues must be sutured.

Sometimes during childbirth it is completely impossible to prevent some cases when, for certain indications, a caesarean section is necessary. But sometimes even during natural childbirth it is not possible to avoid gaps, then suturing is simply necessary.

In this article we will talk about the existing types of sutures, and how quickly they heal.

When can stitches be sewn?

Natural childbirth cannot guarantee the absence of sutures, they can be applied if tears (incisions) of the vagina, cervix or perineum have occurred.
What cases can cause damage to the cervix:
• large fruit;
• pelvic presentation of the fetus;
• a scar on the uterus from previous births;
• The cervical canal has an abnormal development.

If the midwife sees that the baby does not go through the perineum during natural birth, then the doctor will episiotomy - dissection of the muscles and skin of the perineum. In all other cases that threaten the health of the baby, it is also carried out. For example, if there is fetal hypoxia or weak attempts.
If the woman in labor has a narrow pelvis or an underdeveloped vagina, then it is possible to assume the threat of its ruptures. In this case, as well as with severe bleeding, special obstetric forceps are used to suture.
When performing a cesarean section, sutures are placed on the uterus, subcutaneous fat layer and on the skin. A cross section above the pubis after a certain time becomes an almost invisible scar.

Healing time

The timing of the healing of sutures directly depends on their type and scale.

If the suture is made on the cervix or in the vagina, then it will heal for 1.5-2 weeks, and the pain itself disappears in about 2 days.

In this case, the material for the seam will resolve itself completely in 1 month.

External seams are usually removed on the 5-6th day (staples are used surgical or non-absorbable sutures), the wound heals within one month.

Seam problem

If suddenly there was a sharp aching pain in the place where the suture was applied, any redness is visible, possibly even swelling, all this indicates that the suture has spread. It may be that the seam does not completely diverge, in which case it is not necessary to re-overlay it. Otherwise, they sew in a new way.
Most importantly, if a seam is made, then you need to properly care for it.

Failure to comply with the rules threatens inflammation and suppuration of the suture.

The temperature can also rise and disturb the pain - all these are the first signs in which you need to urgently consult a doctor.
Seam care

Usually there are no problems with the healing of internal sutures and they do not need to be treated with special tools. But the outer seams require regular processing.

It is recommended that twice a day, carefully apply a solution of brilliant green on the seam, previously moistened with hydrogen peroxide. No crusts or white deposits can be removed.

It would also be nice to follow a diet to avoid problems with bowel movements.

Suture on the perineum, care

Each time, going to the toilet, you should carefully wash yourself with water (from the pubis) and then get wet with a napkin.

It is recommended to wear comfortable underwear, which is comfortable.

It is important to choose linen from natural fabrics. Gaskets should be changed at least once every two hours.

You are allowed to sit down ten days later, but you can finally sit down normally after a month.


Watch the video: Caring for your perineum after the birth of your baby (June 2024).