About nutrition and ectomorph training


Ectomorph, who is this?

At one time, the American psychologist William Sheldon, based on his sorting and research, identified 3 main types of physique - ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph.

Endomorph - This is a man with large forms. A large, disproportionate body in the abdominal and pelvic area, with a lot of fat, the increase of which is difficult to control.
Mesomorph - is the owner of an athletic body type z. The amount of fat in his body is normal, and the structure of the body itself is proportional, with well-developed muscles.
Ectomorph characterized by deficiency of the subcutaneous layer of fat and muscle, and is a pure representation of the concept of the word "thin". His body is reluctant to gain and retain calories than the 2 types mentioned above. It will be discussed today.

How is it built?

The main reason his body is so thin is that it spends more than it asks, and earlier than necessary.

Saturated 3 times a day, his body immediately processes all the food, and after an hour he again wants food, but he gives no signals to the brain. The body is depleted. He simply does not have enough calories to collect them in the form of fat.

This is both a gift and the curse of ectomorph. For example, if a mesomorph eats 3 times a day, then 30-40 percent of these calories are laid in the form of fat, since the metabolic rate does not allow to process everything at once.

It turns out, for weight gain and aesthetic physique, an ectomorph should either slow down its metabolism, or get more calories and save them whenever possible.

What will help him?

Slowing the metabolism is a long and painful business, equivalent to a full-fledged diet, which carries only painful restrictions and coercion.

You will have to lose invigorating coffee, sleep less, not take dairy products and not use spices in your diet, and so on. But a short training in the gym and eating any favorite food in six months will positively affect both the appearance and the moral condition of a person.

For clarity, it should be understood that in addition to the amount of food, the main criterion by which it should be considered suitable is its nutritional value.

Its value is distinguished by three main components - proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Protein the body needs to build and regenerate muscles.

Carbohydrate plays the role of fuel for the body. This is a great source of energy that the body consumes during training, walking, and even inactivity of the body.

Fats They represent a potential supply of energy and a source of important vitamins for the body.

How to eat?

In view of the foregoing, it becomes clear that an ectomorph should be eaten more often in order to constantly supply its body with energy in order to prevent its exhaustion. In addition, you should take more food rich in complex carbohydrates than simple ones.

To simple carbohydrates all flour, sweet and previously processed products can be attributed.

Complex carbohydrates plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, potatoes, etc. are full. In the case of ectomorph, simple carbohydrates are also useful, but they are consumed catastrophically quickly, and therefore can not maintain a high level of energy reserve in the body.

For a simple calculation of the necessary trace elements, you should know that in one gram of protein and carbohydrates there are 4 calories, and in a gram of fat - 9.

For every kilogram of weight, it’s worth consuming 50 calories, of which 30 calories should be equally divided into proteins and fats, and the remaining half, due to the fast energy consumption, should be carbohydrates, since they are considered to be the main expendable material of the body.

For example, a novice athlete weighing 70 kilograms should consume 3,500 calories, of which 1,750 calories should be carbohydrates, and the rest half equally fats and proteins. This is 438 and 219 grams, respectively.

Eat, albeit in small portions, you need every 2.5-3 hours, so that the body has time to stock up on energy.

Breakfast should be cereals, oatmeal and other plant foods, since they are the ones that best compensate for the costs incurred during the long.

For dinner, you need to eat protein foods such as cheese, cottage cheese, kefir and so on.

Between these two meals, preferably plant food should be taken at least 4 times, replacing white bread with bread made from durum wheat.

How does he train?

Due to the fast energy consumption, you should train no more than 45 minutes a day, and no more than 3 times a week.

Since basic exercises are relatively economical, the emphasis should be placed on them. The economy of basic exercises lies in the fact that their load affects the maximum number of muscles, without spending energy on each muscle separately.

All this is provided, again, due to the rapid energy expenditure by the body.

In addition, a high repetition rate will also entail excessive calorie loss, so the number of repetitions should be minimized, but in return to increase the working weight.

For example, to press a bench press 6 times for 80 kilograms than 12 times for 40. In the first case, the body will not only receive a greater load on the muscles, but also use less calories than in the second case.

What will come of it?

You must understand that along with an increase in body weight, it will be necessary to increase its working weight. The best option would be to add 5 kilograms to large and 2.5 kilograms to small muscles.

In addition, it should be remembered that with increasing weight, the number of calories required will also increase.

Each week, the weight will increase by 800-1000 grams. Within six months, a significant increase in weight will be noticeable.

With proper nutrition and training, weight will increase by at least 10-15 kilograms. Parts of the body will be rounded, posture will become straighter, and the appearance will be not only proportional, but also spectacular.

It is after success in training that it becomes clear that ectomorph is not a sentence. No need to count calories and limit yourself to food.

Well, you need to spend hours in the gym. It is enough to eat a lot and often, and to train correctly.

Good luck with your endeavors. Motivate yourself, develop and never lose heart!


Watch the video: Ectomorph Diet. 6 Tips to Gain Mass Fast (June 2024).