Overton's window: a technique for manipulation? An example of the work of this principle in relation to marital fidelity


A social and psychological phenomenon that defines an almost perfect concept of translating the most unexpected plans into reality. Overton's Window was developed over 20 years ago and has become an effective and intimidating way to solve any problems.

Overton Opportunity Window Overview

The second name, “the window of discourse,” is a phased plan to expand the scope of society’s perception of certain ideas. Due to the progressive movement towards the goal, the process goes unnoticed, which serves as the basis for obtaining excellent results.

The author of the concept is Joseph Overton. Initially, he explained his ideas as a tool for analyzing past events, but almost immediately the experts appreciated the practical merits of the tool for implementing new projects.

Due to the correct development of the program in accordance with the “Windows” norms, it is possible to legalize and carry out any idea in any conditions. In fact, this is a variation of the programming of society, the main role in which is the smooth transition between stages - progressiveness allows us to show that the process occurs naturally, although it is actually competently managed by certain individuals or organizations.

Analysts are paying close attention to the behavior of the frames or boundaries between stages - it is in these parts of the “window” that decisive events occur.

Today, the technique is actively used for forecasting and analytics, especially in the political sphere. Experts used the Overton method to analyze Trump’s victory in the presidential company and evaluate the results of the Brexit referendum. The advantage of the concept is that the analysis is multifaceted and allows you to get excellent and comprehensive results.

Existing critical opinions about Overton's Window are based on a certain share of conspiracy theology in social science, as well as excessive simplification and primitivism of social phenomena. Most analysts are inclined to consider the concept quite working and effective.

Model stages

The foundation lies in the stages through which work passes. According to the theory, a certain proportion of freedom always exists in society. In order to implement the conceived decisions and projects that go beyond the existing framework, it is necessary to progressively implement steps that appear on the border or just outside it.

The “Overton window” is called the “window”, because through it you can make the transition to the next stage of social structure, where more freedom is noted.

Joseph Overton outlined the following steps:

Less freedom

  1. The unthinkability of an idea
  2. The radical perception of theory
  3. Eligibility with certain restrictions
  4. The rationality of the implementation of the proposed ideas
  5. Standard Proposed Behavior
  6. Existing norm
  7. Mandatory requirement

Great freedom

Scientists and researchers sometimes change the number of stages, but this is not so critical for understanding and using the theory.

Fields of application

Overton's window in one form or another is used in all spheres of life - from social communication to building a political system of any volume and scale. In fact, if it is necessary to translate any idea into reality, it is enough to gradually introduce it “into the ears” of society and you can achieve the task.

The principles underlying the concept are universally applied. Today, many advertising companies use the technique to enter and consolidate in the market. In the foreign and domestic policy of the state, these ideas are an almost universal method of working with public opinion.

Principle work example

There are many examples of how the principle works in the network - the most popular and striking example is the legalization of cannibalism. We will show you the “Overton Window” as an example of a simpler and more vital one.

Marital fidelity.

Now we are no longer at the first stage of this issue - public opinion is already drawn into the Window. As you read, try to determine at what stage we are now.

Stage 1 It is unthinkable.

The partner should not discuss the issue of betrayal and sexual fidelity - change badly and the question is closed on this. But suddenly, in the media, in films and books, this topic begins to be raised, simply repeating that it is bad and unacceptable. This is the first step of the system - topics are raised and placed in people's heads. Removed the taboo from the discussion of the issue.

2 stage. Radically.

Groups of people begin to gather in talk shows, newspapers and little-known web portals, who begin to analyze the issue of treason "from a scientific point of view" - swim in issues of personal freedom, natural polygamous life, and psychological moments are necessarily connected. At this stage, the “radicals" eliminate all difficulties and moral principles, doing so in the form of progress and risk. But the stage is completed - in a limited community, the idea of ​​the admissibility of treason is quite acceptable.

3 stage. Acceptable.

This stage passes very quickly and almost imperceptibly. The idea of ​​a free sex life has long been heard by everyone, it has ceased to shock, even the realization that there are people who welcome such a lifestyle does not cause insult. It's time to take a decisive step.

4 stage. Reasonable.

The key point is happening here. A lot of entertainment programs are held, a huge number of films are created, where such a lifestyle is shown normal and natural. Scientific concepts explaining the nature of the phenomenon emerge from the radical sphere and become full participants in social life. Authoritative persons confirm their involvement in such ideas (and they are precisely the “icons” and heroes today).

A growing number of people are starting to discuss that sexual freedom is justified and reasonable. The moral side of the issue is forgotten - the society is completely ripe for the transition to a new stage.

5 stage. Standardly.

Cheating on a spouse is no longer treason - it is a manifestation of freedom. No one is surprised, everyone practices and shares their positive aspects and impressions. A person rejecting such behavior is declared a hypocrite, an old-fashioned character, atavism on the body of society.

6th stage. Mandatory requirement.

A set of laws is being developed legislatively, according to which every citizen is obliged to lead a free sexual life, otherwise he will be recognized as a criminal who destroys and does not respect the standards of public life.

Moral trampled. What seemed inconceivable recently is becoming a mandatory norm of behavior. A curtain.

Sometimes the “Overton Window” is called destruction technology. Perhaps this is true.
