How to find happiness in terms of Tibetan Buddhism


All people seek happiness. Desperate in their attempts, many today turn to various spiritual practices and philosophies. According to the science of Tibetan Buddhism, each of us has two ways:

• some sensory experience;
• philosophical idea, concept.

Which one to choose? To get a real experience of happiness, try to meditate mindfulness for your own body. She will bring our mind back to home. Usually the human mind is torn between the past and the future.

The practice of conscious body stay

Try to sit so that your back is as straight as possible, firmly fix the feet on the floor. Put your hands on your knees or hips. Close your eyes and just try to feel your body. Be aware that you have a body. Relax completely. Relax your head, facial muscles, ears, and skin on your forehead. Relax your neck and shoulders, back, stomach, arms and legs. Relax completely.

If you cannot relax, this is not a problem. Just allow yourself the inability to relax.

If you acknowledge the fact that you cannot relax, then you are already meditating. Release the past, release the future. Just stay here and now with your body. Let everything happen to your body. Whatever it is: a pleasant or unpleasant sensation, peace, tension, abide with it.

If you are in perfect order, fine. If not in order - do not worry. Just take everything that happens to your body.

Be yourself and be free. Release it all. If you can’t let it go, it’s also wonderful.

Allow yourself to be unable to let go of everything. You do not have to pretend you are someone else.

Now take three deep breaths. Then breathe naturally for a while.

Gradually open your eyes and return to the world.

How to become happy: theory

Based on the experience of personal experience, it is easier to understand the idea, the concept of happiness.

Speaking of happiness, we need to know three things:

1. Consciousness.
2. Meditation.
3. Behavior.

Or we can say it differently: brain, heart and action. Combined together, these three things can bring a sense of happiness.

The brain is ideas. The heart is our feelings, experiences. If our actions are embodied in everyday life, combining feelings and ideas, then we can transform.


What does a person usually want in life for complete happiness? The set is quite limited and does not depend on gender or nationality: delicious food, a solid bank account, a luxury car, a big house, power and honor. Possession of any of these items brings temporary euphoria, but over time it disappears.

Scientists have investigated what gives people the highest happiness. The largest number of respondents called a solid win in the lottery. The joy of a person who broke the jackpot lasts about two years, and then the feeling of life gradually descends to the previous level, sometimes even to a lower level. In second place was the marriage. The happiness of a successful marriage overwhelms a person for no more than five years.

Let's see from the back. Man experiences the deepest grief from the loss of a loved one. The loss of a loved one unsettles for about two years. After that, we gradually return to a positive attitude. We have a certain basic sense of self, and one way or another, we roll back and come back, go down or go up to it again and again.

What is called enduring happiness eludes us. Usually our mind is always directed outward. We seek happiness in external things that demonstrate our success, including a Cadillac, a Rolex watch and a beautiful wife.


But genuine peace, love, compassion, wisdom, peace and strength are, in fact, within us. According to psychologists, if a person has 10 qualities, of which 9 are positive and one negative, then he has a tendency to concentrate on only one negative, overly exaggerating it.

We need to find a balance, some kind of internal balance. Many people think that meditation is nonsense. You say to yourself: "I don’t think about anything. I have no thoughts." What will happen after that? Thoughts will fall upon you with a mountain. All this stress, panic, anxiety, sadness will come with renewed vigor. Our mind creates a lot of problems for us. From a small fly, he is able to inflate an elephant of such a size that he will be scared.

It’s impossible to forbid our mind to think, we must try to make friends with it. It can be likened to a very active, restless monkey, which cannot spend a minute alone. What do you want to get? Freedom from negative thoughts. How to combine your desire for freedom and the needs of the mind? We must let the monkey mind do her favorite work. If you give her an occupation, she will be happy, and you will be happy, because you are now the boss. You control the process. The mind becomes your worker, and you become its employer.

How to puzzle the mind? Use the simplest meditation that even an unprepared person can do.

Breathing meditation

Sit in a relaxed position and become aware of breathing. No need to change the natural rhythm, just watch it. If other thoughts arise, this is not a problem. Observe their presence in your mind, but do not follow them, do not get carried away with the construction of mental constructions and plans. If this happened - no big deal. Just go back to watching your breath. You will miss many times and come back many times.

Your monkey mind has no habit of working for you around the clock. Give him a temporary job.

What will you get as a result of such meditation? Your mind will begin to obey you more and more. He will develop the habit of obeying you. At one point, you will tell him: “Do not worry, do not worry” and, indeed, feel calm. Approach this process gently, begin to load the monkey-mind non-aggressively. Gradually, she will become peaceful, obedient.

When your mind becomes supple, you will get freedom.


Meditation must penetrate your daily life. Thus, you can meditate anywhere: while eating, walking, driving a car, at work, etc. Anywhere and time. Moments of meditation can be very brief: one or two breaths, but recurring throughout the day. In particular, connect your mind with breathing when you are unhappy, when you are in a problem situation.

By connecting the three lines together, you transform your basic indicator of happiness into a completely different dimension.


Watch the video: Dalai Lama's guide to happiness (July 2024).