The meaning of the name Barbarian: is it really derived from the word "barbarian"? The nature and fate of women named Barbara


Many, having heard this name, recall a famous saying about how Barbara suffered from curiosity in the bazaar. However, girls are increasingly called Varia, because the name is beautiful.

What does the name Barbara mean? How to interpret it?

The meaning of the name Barbara

Barbara - tough, rough. Name matters "savage", "foreigner".

Varya, as they call the girl close - grows pretty smart and affectionate. Barbara has a wide soul, many plans, perspectives.

There is another approach to the meaning of the name Barbara - foreigner.

In ancient times, all foreign nations who tried to invade their native lands were called barbarians. But Barbara’s life is completely different. She does not encroach on someone’s territory, life.

The origin and history of the name of Barbara

The name is of Latin origin. It was not too common in Europe, but in the Middle Ages gained popularity in Europe. Barbara celebrates the name day once a year - on the seventeenth of December.

The zodiac sign that patronizes Barbara is Sagittarius. He gives her insight and patience. A barbarian can understand a lot, but not pursue selfish goals and not indicate the flaws of those around him.

The planet that knows her fate is Jupiter. He often plunges Varvara into dreams, from which she emerges for quite some time. She thinks a lot on different topics, tries to be an interesting conversationalist, tries to be needed and loved.

The origin and history of the name of Barbara, determine the color that suits the girl more than others - crimson. The plant that will cure Varvara of depression - narcissus. The stone that will become the mascot for her - ruby. Ruby is best worn in gold to enhance its properties.

The nature and fate of Barbara

Barbara’s character is quite changeable. She can flutter with happiness and after some time be furious, depressed. Just be furious.

The positive character traits of Barbara include:

  • Willpower;
  • Equilibrium;
  • Soulfulness;
  • Insight;
  • Patience.

She speaks quite a bit. Loves more and knows how to listen. It is important for her to give herself completely to her business, to her loved ones. There are practically no other people's problems for Barbara. She does not perceive other people's complaints as something extraneous for herself.

She can critically evaluate the events of your life, but she will not begin to indicate to you what it would be better to do in a particular situation.

She is sociable from early childhood and has a huge number of friends. She often lacks support and clear advice from them, so Varya is often friends, especially in childhood with those older than her. Then she is calm, she can rely on a friend in many matters, she can get such necessary support.

Relations with her mother have a wonderful relationship with Barbara. They find a common language. Barbara loves her mother very much and rarely rereads to her.

Their family does not have a habit of taking offense for a long time, if the insult has occurred, then almost all family members are trying to calm the offended.

Father Barbara loves even more than his mother. He is an example to her. She tries to be with him as often as possible. If Barbara’s father leaves the family, this is an irresistible loss for Barbara. She does not perceive a single man like his father.

The negative character traits of Barbara include:

  • Contradictory thoughts;
  • Closure;
  • Restraint.

Many Barbara do not trust. They cannot understand why a girl holds emotions and feelings in herself. But everything is simple, just Barbara knows where her real friends are, and where are the people with whom it is better not to deal. She will not open the soul to everyone and will not demand this from others.

Barbara has a lot more negative emotions in her soul than positive ones. She often doubts others, often worries about trifles, does not give herself rest. None of the people around can do anything about it. Barbara has her own inner world, into which she lets few people.

Problems with the inconsistency of thoughts in Barbara arise in early childhood. Then, when she does not see and does not feel true love from her father. It seems to her that he is evil, does not value her, does not accept her for what she is.

It only seems to Barbara, she does not understand, what her imaginary stresses can turn for her. Her imaginary resentment against others makes life and communication with her simply unbearable. Few can understand when it was the silent Barbara who was offended.

Barbara is very hospitable. She loves when there are a lot of people in her house, they are all happy and happy. If Varvara has many guests, she will certainly be preparing for their next arrival. Her doors are always open.

It’s important for Barbara to understand that she is loved and appreciated. If she does not feel support and love from others, she will not be able to force herself to pretend and pretend that she is happy.

Barbara is very afraid to seem naive, therefore, often too serious. She is so serious that many men simply do not even dare to speak with her. Barbara has a subtle sense of tact, so subtle that sometimes she even tactfully puts in place her close people.

The nature and fate of Barbara determines her lack of cunning and lies. It’s easier for her to tell the truth and not think about what they really thought about her. Barbara knows and loves to be friends. Friendship in all its forms is important to her. But she is in no hurry to open even to her best friends.

Barbara studies well only when her parents stimulate her desire to study. Barbarian can be very slow, not in a hurry to learn new skills. She does not seek to attend a lot of circles; all that she has is enough for her is peace and quiet in her soul.

Barbara has almost no craving for creativity. She can attend music sections, but for a long time. If she finds friends in them, then she will be able to visit them with greater joy. If Barbara does not make friends in creative groups, she has to force herself.

Despite its isolation, Varvara can manage several projects at once. She easily distributes duties and easily fulfills them. He can become a writer and thus realize his isolation and lack of expression.

The meaning of the name Barbara, her career

Barbara loves to understand the essence of things, to help people. Therefore, it may well become a psychologist, a psychotherapist. For her, these are quite interesting professions. She often relies on intuition in important matters, since childhood she sees herself as a teacher.

Little Varya can play for hours as a teacher. She really likes helping people, likes that she can help them sort out problems and difficult situations. Barbara can become a nurse if she really understands that this profession brings her pleasure. Barbara is joyful when she succeeds as planned. She does not like to experiment in work.

Barbara clearly follows the instructions. The authorities will have no problems with it, since Varvara does not dissemble, does not try to avoid work, duties, on the contrary - she constantly strives for improvement. He is trying to find himself in work, his inner harmony and peace.

If Varvara connects her professional activities with education, she will be happy too. She is madly in love with children and does not imagine how one can not help them in learning, not help them in perceiving themselves.

Barbara can connect her professional activities with science and become a scientist, inventor. She likes to justify her point of view, to find something new and interesting all the time. Barbara treats her profession with trepidation, tries to match her position, not to disappoint others, not to be disappointed herself.

What does the name Barbara mean, personal life of a girl

Barbara’s personal life is not easy. She is amorous, but does not immediately show emotions, does not immediately show her feelings to her soulmate. She can hide her feelings, and her lover will not understand what is really happening. Why is his beloved woman moving away.

It’s difficult with Barbara. A quarrel might not have happened, but she was already offended and upset. A man cannot even understand what could have caused frustration in Barbara, which makes her sad. Often, Barbara get angry over trifles, because she herself is not good enough. This husband is very difficult to fight. He is trying to reassure his beloved, to assure her that she is wonderful and no one can be better, but Varvara is not too sure about this.

Marry Varvara may for the first who offers her this. But such a marriage does not promise her happiness and peace.

Most likely, she will be tormented by doubts, but is she right? She made her choice correctly.

Even if Barbara marries for love, doubts and torments constantly play inside her. At first, she torments herself with doubts about her husband, then torments herself with jealousy. If a wise man is next to Barbara, he will be able to survive her endless mood swings and endless claims.

If, next to Barbara, there is a man who is not mature spiritually, he will not be able to withstand such differences of hers. Barbara loves children. He means a lot to her, therefore, she can devote all her free time only to children, forgetting that she still has a husband and other family members.

Barbarian may prefer childcare to work. She can just stay at home in order to keep the family hearth. But not every man will be happy about this. Many with Barbara will simply be bored. Over time, she becomes predictable, not so cheerful. She increasingly suspects her husband of treason, trying to convict him of a lie. And if he really proves to himself that he is lying, he will never be able to communicate with him again.


Watch the video: What is BARBARIAN? What does BARBARIAN mean? BARBARIAN meaning, definition & explanation (July 2024).