New research by scientists about the benefits of cocoa. Is it a natural antiviral and stimulant medicine?


Hot chocolate ... an excellent drink that gives strength, energy and makes the person as a whole more cheerful. It turns out that it is really good for health.

Recent research by scientists

Two groups of scientists carefully studied the content cocoa. Researchers from Halle-Wittenberg University have come to the same conclusion as specialists from the Max Rubner Institute.

Their studies have shown that all foods containing cocoa can be considered a source of vitamin D2. Their report has already been presented to the public.

They put forward a theory according to which the modification of vitamin D to vitamin D2 occurs during the period when the cocoa beans are dried in the sun. The theory was confirmed after mass spectrometric analyzes of various cocoa products.

Is vitamin D deficiency dangerous?

Scientists have found that different cocoa products contain an unequal amount of this vitamin. For example, white chocolate loses much to dark chocolate and cocoa butter in the amount of this beneficial substance. Group D vitamins are an important part of people's diet. Their deficiency increases the risk of getting a cold, osteoporosis or rickets. These studies confirm the conclusion of doctors from the American University of Loma Linda, who found that the inclusion of dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa in the diet significantly improves brain activity and strengthens the immune system.

Interesting Facts About Cocoa

Earlier, American scientists have already analyzed the effect of cocoa on the body and established which chocolate is more beneficial than milk or bitter.

Their research has shown that there is one type of this sweet that is good to eat daily.

According to the results of their research, this is black chocolate containing from 70% and above cocoa. Such a delicious dessert has a positive effect on the immune system. Due to the high percentage of cocoa, the intercellular signaling pathways improve, the cells of which are just responsible for the state of human immunity.

It is dark chocolate that improves the ability to learn and remember. The researchers determined the necessary daily portion of this sweetness. Feel free to eat 48 grams per day. There will be no harm, only good.

Scientists from the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention joined the study of the beneficial properties of cocoa. As a result of a series of experiments, they found that resveratrol, which is found in red wine, and cocoa phenolic compound have an antiviral effect. But to get resveratrol now there is no need to consume wine. This substance has been identified in real dark chocolate. And it has already been scientifically proven that it reduces the risk of stroke, as well as several other diseases.

In a series of experiments, researchers added this chemical compound to cultures of human cells infected with vaccinia virus, which is often used as a model for resembling a dangerous variola virus. The result exceeded all expectations! With a high content of resveratrol in the cells, viruses did not have a chance to reproduce even at an early stage of infection.

Resveratrol is involved in cleansing arteries, it protects the heart muscle and affects weight downward. And all these qualities have dark chocolate due to the presence of this substance. The study found that it improves cognitive function in people aged, which means that old and young can enjoy chocolate. And in the Far East, they went further, they realized the dream of a sweet tooth, adding ginseng extract to chocolate. Now the secret to longevity is that the more you eat, the healthier you feel.

We liked the news, because cocoa and the products in which it is present occupy one of the first places in demand and popularity. Chocolates, cakes and other products of the confectionery industry, various bars, sweets, desserts - both adults and children adore them. Now, giving up sweets for the sake of shape, we will once again think about whether black chocolate should be excluded from our diet.

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