Slenderness with every sip - the secrets of drinking a diet for weight loss. How to follow a drinking diet for weight loss without harm to health


It will be about one of the most unusual diets, on which not a bit is eaten, but on the other hand - they drink a lot. If other methods of losing weight have not helped, this appears to be the last hope.

The principles of the effectiveness of drinking diet for weight loss

Drinking diet is divided into several methods of losing weight, varying in duration, permitted products and the final result of weight loss, which varies from 0.5 to 18 kg in 1 day or 1 month, respectively.

The result is greatly affected by how big the excess weight was at the time the diet started - the more it is, the more impressive will be its loss.

Moreover, he leaves the fastest in the first 2 weeks, and then the body simply rebuilds for self-preservation.

The essence of the diet is the complete exclusion from the diet of solid foods, the use of only liquid.

Scientists explain the effectiveness of such a technique by several factors:

• low calorie content (due to a set of products and dilution of all with water, the energy value of one day of a drinking diet for weight loss does not exceed 1500 kcal);

• easy and complete digestibility of nutrition with the quick removal of its undigested residues, as a result of which the body is practically not clogged with anything and metabolic processes occur on a clean background, without interference;

• plus, according to the specificity of digestibility, carbohydrates from liquid foods are less likely to be converted into fat deposits than from solid ones;

• a large amount of fluid intake (from 2 liters per day), which again - helps to accelerate the metabolism and cleanse the body, and also in a way compensates for the nutritional deficiencies of the diet by preventing dehydration.

The process of drinking diet for weight loss can be divided into three parts:

• days 1 to 10 - the greatest changes occur with the excretory systems of the body, in particular, the intestines are cleaned. During this period, the appearance of halitosis and white plaque on the tongue is possible;

• days from 11 to 20 - the restructuring of the metabolism affects the kidneys and liver, there is some change in hormonal levels. Frequent drowsiness and weakness are likely;

• days from 21 to 30 - it is believed that at this time the body is cleansed already at the cellular level, which in some has a good effect on the skin - its color improves, the rash and greasy pass. Also, either vigor and lightness are felt, or your health worsens and the probability of a diet breakdown due to psychological instability and a depressive state reaches its peak.

The bright advantages of this diet include the fact that, firstly, it does not require physical activity, and secondly, provided that it lasts a month, it reduces the volume of the stomach, which in the future allows you to literally eat smaller portions, which, naturally, can be very helpful.

In addition to losing weight, the purpose of the diet is to cleanse, detoxify the body, kind of bring its processes and system settings to a “clean slate” state, which makes it possible in the future to fully enjoy all the benefits of a healthy diet and the effectiveness of sports (fitness) training.

However, this is not necessary - you can return to your usual lifestyle and nutrition.

If the diet went well at each stage - excess weight will not return for a very long time.

Pitfalls and features of drinking diet for weight loss

Experts do not recommend sitting on a long (2-4 weeks) drinking diet more often than 1 time per year, but it is not forbidden to regularly arrange fasting drinking days.

Long-term intake of only liquid food is a huge stress for the body and doctors are ready to name, in contrast to the glory of this diet, many of its shortcomings (for 2 and 4 weeks):

• in spite of fractional nutrition, usually a constant feeling of severe hunger;

• weight loss affects not only body fat, but also often muscle mass (to restore which after completing the diet you will need to lean on protein food);

• a long exit from the diet is required not only to maintain the results achieved in weight loss, but also to restore the body's ability to absorb solid foods. Which increases the duration of malnutrition at least twice;

• for the duration of the diet, it is necessary to abandon significant physical exertion, not only sports, but traveling at other times of the year (due to acclimatization);

• against the background of a lack of vitamins and minerals, it is possible to develop vitamin deficiency and worsen the condition of hair, nails and skin (to avoid this and get an improvement in the skin, as mentioned earlier, it is possible by taking special additives);

• for many people, the diet (due to its insufficient nutrition) is accompanied by side effects - dizziness, migraines, mood swings (including irritability and apathy), swelling, a drop in hemoglobin in the blood, stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea), decreased immunity, exacerbation of chronic diseases, in women - a failure of the menstrual cycle.

But, if it’s literally about 1 or 3 days of unloading on liquids, this affects the body positively and such miniature diets are recommended not only for the gradual gain of harmony, but also for increasing immunity, getting rid of chronic fatigue, normalizing the digestive tract, and strengthening the nervous system .

It is important to note that any drinking diet for weight loss is an event that combines with good health and there are cases in which it is categorically contraindicated:

• diabetes mellitus of any type;

• chronic diseases of the urinary system;

• phlebeurysm;

• tendency to edema;

• periods of rehabilitation after surgery (unless a liquid diet is prescribed by a doctor) and serious injuries, injuries (requiring, of course, good nutrition);

• heart disease;

• hypertension and hypotension;

• disorders in the hormonal system;

• recent flu;

• reduced immunity;

• liver pathology;

• bleeding disorders;

• gastrointestinal diseases (including gastritis, colitis, ulcers);

• regular medication;

• pregnancy and lactation.

The correct entrance to the drinking diet for 2-4 weeks takes 7 days (for 1, 3 days or 1 week, you can limit yourself to light days without fried and yeast baking), during which it is required:

• gradually reduce calorie intake and portion size;

• reduce salt intake and refuse sweets;

• completely abandon sausages, fried, fast food, muffin, cookies;

• introduce liquid cereals, mashed soups, jelly and freshly squeezed juices into the diet;

• drink more water.

Exit from a drinking diet for longer than 2 weeks should be equal in duration to herself, but even better - to exceed it twice.

The first on the menu are mashed potatoes from fresh or baked vegetables, fruits and liquid cereals (semolina, from oat flour), mashed cottage cheese with milk or kefir.

Then stewed vegetables, crumbly cereals, pastes and tender meat (fish, poultry) are added.

Mandatory presence on the table of small portions of butter, cream.

The first permitted sweets should be dark chocolate, honey, marshmallows and marmalade.

For several days, solid food is served only for breakfast, then also for lunch, and lastly also for dinner.

Later, you can return jam, pastries, pasta, fried and potatoes to the table.

Forbidden and permitted food in a diet for weight loss

Despite the liquid or semi-liquid state of all products, drinking pure water (plain or mineral) without gas is a must, about 1 liter per day.

Moreover, it is with a glass of water (it is possible with citrus juice) that morning should begin.

And the proportion of liquid food should be another 1.5-2 liters per day.

The list of allowed products is small, but still not entirely meager:

• tea (black, green, herbal and very useful - ginger);

• coffee (infrequently, black, possible with milk);

• infusions, decoctions of plants;

• mashed soups;

• jelly (be sure to add oatmeal);

• milk and sour-milk drinks with minimal fat content;

• fresh juices from fruits, berries and vegetables;

• compotes (from fresh fruits and dried fruits);

• coconut water.

Of the fruits for juices, the most valuable are apples, cherries, citrus fruits (except tangerines), carrots, celery, pear, red currants, pineapple, tomato, apricot.

But you should refuse to squeeze grapes and strawberries.

The first dishes (not only soup puree, but also broths) are prepared from poultry and beef, never laying bones in a pan. Low-fat fish is also suitable.

You can use any vegetables.

Dishes can be salted, it is recommended to add roots, spices and herbs for the taste.

Vegetable oil and cream (not more than 10% fat and not more than 2 tablespoons per serving) can be found in soups in a minimal amount.

In addition to solid foods, it is strictly prohibited in a drinking diet:

• alcohol;

• soda;

• packaged juices;

• sugar (sweeteners are theoretically acceptable, but undesirable);

• cocktails with ice cream;

• fatty milk and sour-milk drinks;

• ready-made sour-milk drinks from the store, with additives like fruit and berries (accompanied by sweeteners, preservatives, etc.).

Drinking Diet Weight Loss Options

Any drinking diet involves fractional nutrition - 4-7 times a day, in small portions (this will be better absorbed and, in addition, the risk of edema will decrease) and no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

1 day

It is recommended to conduct it on juice, herbal tea, one dairy (sour-milk) product, or even on water (infused with citrus juice, mint leaves, chopped cucumber). The main thing is to choose one thing. The result of a daily diet is from 500 g to 2 kg.

3 days

To get rid of 2-4 kg, it is recommended to alternate days consecutively saturated with one, for example, broth from vegetables and chicken, fruit juices and kefir.

7 days

The menu for leaving 5-7 kg can be made according to personal taste, but it is advisable not to interfere with the opposite drinks in a row, it is better to take each type of drink for a day or at least 6 hours.

14 days

This method of losing weight, which allows you to get rid of 10-13 kg, actually duplicates the diet for a week, with the only difference being that in order to avoid a dangerous weakening of the body, it should at least occasionally contain mashed soups.

30 days

For a loss of 15-18 kg, it is necessary to alternate the allowed foods as varied as possible, not forgetting the mashed soups at least 2 times a week.

An approximate menu of one day of such a diet may look like this:

Breakfast - smoothie from yogurt, raspberries and lingonberries;

Lunch - coffee with milk;

Lunch - mashed broccoli soup with chicken (or fish broth).

Snack - apple and orange juice.

Dinner - oatmeal jelly.

Late dinner - kefir.

Plus, throughout the day - green tea, a rosehip drink and water.

There are separate varieties of drinking diet for weight loss, special rules for the use of certain products, lasting 2-4 days (for which should go from 1.5 to 5 kg), of which you can distinguish diets:

• tea - on green tea, warm or hot, with a small amount of honey (it is better not to stir in the tea, but eat with it);

• chocolate - on unsweetened cocoa and hot chocolate on skim (low-fat) milk.


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