The meaning of the name Denis: what it means, origin and history. The character and fate, health and other features of a man named Denis


The name Denis has a serious history, and its origin is associated with the famous Olympic god of Ancient Greece Dionysus. In those ancient times, babies named after the gods were considered the most protected from otherworldly forces and human evil. No unclean power could approach such children.

This determines the popularity of this name among different nations.

The meaning of the name Denis

Denis is a verbal derivative of Dionysus. In Russia, this name appeared with the adoption of Christianity. The meaning of the name Denis is directly related to history. It was believed that the heir, named after Dionysus, would certainly become a prominent master and successor to the clan craft. Since in Russia the skill of artisans was passed down from generation to generation and carefully kept the professional secrets of their work within the family, it was often in the working families of the craftsmen that sons with the name Denis appeared. Today, the name Denis is one of the most popular throughout the Russian Federation, and the name Dionysius is respected and in demand in many countries of the world.

What does the name Denis mean

So what does the name Denis mean? Denis is translated from Greek as "belonging to Dionysus." In ancient Greece, Dionysus was the god of wine, revelry, but at the same time personified the unquenchable life force of nature. Dionysus, aka Bacchus, was a very ambiguous ancient Greek god, with whom, however, all the inhabitants of Olympus considered. Having a kind and conflict-free character, Dionysos could easily cheer up even the darkest and most severe gods. At the same time, Dionysus could become very cruel, if he was very angry, which the Greeks and some of the gods regretted more than once. The disheartening deity found his family happiness with Ariadne, he managed to one of the few to go down to Hades (Kingdom of the dead) and return. Thanks to the cult of worship of this god, ancient Greek tragedy arose.

The origin and history of the name Denis

The origin and history of the name Denis have interesting features. So, in the dictionary of names you can find information that the name Denis is Orthodox, Catholic (in relation to religion) and Russian, Greek (in origin). Having arisen initially in the territory of Ancient Greece, this name with the advent of Christianity in Russia tightly entered the everyday life of the Russian people. Since the X century, the name Denis has gained popularity, which does not subside to this day. At first there was a purely Greek name Dionysios, which eventually transformed into a short form of Dionysios. The linguistic norms of the Russian language and its pronunciation left their imprint on the name: the people changed, as it was convenient for them, the outdated Dionysius into an even shorter form of Denis. Since then, this name has not changed its form in any way, with the possible exception of popular nicknames, and drove nicknames that were not officially assigned to the name. Denis came from the female names Denis, Dionysius and Denise - they are not particularly revered by us, but in Europe they have many admirers. Many ancient Orthodox and Catholic books mention clergymen named Denis. Catholics are especially honored by Dionysius of Paris, who patronizes France and its capital.

The character and fate of Denis

Cheerfulness and sociability are the two main positive features of men with this name. Along with them there are negative ones: resentment and temper. Denis can not always control their emotions, which resemble flashes. Such men say a lot in person, not dodging unpleasant conversations. It’s easier for Denis to express everything here and now than to harbor grudges for months on end, succumbing to self-destruction. Denis regularly tries to fight his negative character traits - selfishness, narcissism and vanity. The kindness and compassion with which his soul is filled, he was not accustomed to bring to the public, considering them a manifestation of male weakness. Aggressive behavior in Denis can cause criticism in his address - and it does not matter whether it will be in the case or for a red word. In the love field, many mistakes and failures can await him, and all because of the fact that in a relationship he completely surrenders to feelings and passions, completely forgetting to listen to the voice of reason. It is possible that many Denis will have to burn themselves more than once before meeting truly worthy partners.

His enthusiasm is contagious, but short-lived, so he starts many things briskly and with highly promising performance, but hardly even half of them will be completed. The desire to get everything at once often plays a cruel joke with Denis, but this flaw in his character overshadows the age with which both experience and wisdom come. On the other hand, the desire for quick enrichment pushes Denis into adventures, some of which can really bring him profit. So, his life does not do without luck and luck, which often help him to raise profits in disputes, lotteries and bookmakers.

Entertainment and nightlife are an important component during the pastime of men with this name. Under the influence of Dionysus, they often do not know the measures in idleness, alcohol and entertainment. Therefore, it is very important for Denis to learn to take control of his desires and whims. There are few alcoholics among Denis, although they are not fools to drink. An interesting feature of the character is also the system of small accumulative lies, when a man begins to lie over trifles, and then he can no longer distinguish truth from fiction. Behind the mask of good-naturedness of Denis can be hidden sneaky calculation and treachery, so there is a possibility that the owners of this name can trade in fraud. If we summarize all of the above, then we can safely say that Fortune herself is on the side of Denis and that he is very likely to become a successful person.

The character and fate of Denis largely depends on the time of year at which the time of his birth came.

Winter Denis. Straightforward and quick-tempered, diplomacy is clearly not his thing, he is used to solving all issues in a hurry and at once, sometimes making the situation absurd. If he is 100% sure that he is right, he will shove, like a bull, right through until he reaches his goal. She understands women, so she will choose an exclusively honest, kind and open keeper of the hearth, in whom the creation of an atmosphere of comfort and warmth will come from the heart, easily and naturally.

Spring Denis. Denis of spring is an emotional, quick-tempered and touchy nature. Behind his neglected egocentrism often hides a vulnerable and insecure soul, requiring understanding and support. He is hard given new acquaintances and especially new relationships. His real friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and among bachelors he can remain for a long time, until there is one who will take him into circulation. A woman with a strong leader’s character who will be able to take care of the family, periodically resolutely pushing her husband’s right steps in life, is ideal in his life partner.

Summer Denis. He lives in his world, filled with fantasies that he himself wove. He tries not to incur obligations, and not even because he considers them overwhelming, but because he is simply lazy. It is easily amenable to manipulation and evil influence, prone to depression, which are the result of his life's turmoil. As a companion to summer Denis, a sanguine girl, a mischievous business lady who is able to lift her energy from the sofa and breathe new life into Denis, will be perfect.

Autumn Denis. Confident, calm and reasonable man. He has a clear plan of action and the goal to which this plan should lead him. He will be taken as his wife only by one who not only shares his views and is ready to go with him towards common goals, but also sets ambitious goals for herself. His chosen one should be perfect in everything, especially with regard to external data.

Denis Health

In childhood, it often hurts, but with age, immunity is developed stable, so frequent visits to the therapist do not threaten mature Denis. You can not say about a neurologist, because his nervous system is very susceptible to stress. To avoid this, Denis needs a full sleep, otherwise he will often get tired, moping and depressed. It is worth Denisov to stay away from alcohol libations and drugs, because the peculiarity of his character can cause a quick and strong addiction.


Denis is popular with the fair sex. He likes bright, sexy and extraordinary personalities, but quiet people and shy ones have practically no chance to win his heart. After all, he puts temperament and figure above the rich spiritual world and other library set. Denis will beautifully and for a long time look after the lady he liked, but if he stumbles upon ignore, he will easily switch to another instance. He distinguishes between the terms sex and love, therefore, even when married, do not mind going to the left.

Marriage and family

Denis can have more than one marriage over his life, because he often lacks seriousness and responsibility. In family life, he wants to be a leader, but this does not always happen, so scandals and quarrels often occur in such families. Living with Denis is a test for a strong woman, because almost all household chores will fall on her shoulders, while her husband will drink beer at a local bar at that time in the company of bosom friends. Destruction of the family can addiction to alcohol, cheating spouse and his unreasonable jealousy. Only on mutual respect and trust can a strong and friendly family be built with Denis.


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